Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1259: Founding notice

"Master Li Meng!"

Before closing her eyes, Li Meng saw Wang Yanmei. She seemed a little nervous, with a group of people behind her.

"how is he?"

Gently holding Li Meng in her arms, Wang Yanmei nervously said to the doctor who was examining Li Meng's injury.

"There is a huge wound on the waist, and there is too much blood loss. The chief consul should be transported to the hospital as soon as possible to stop the bleeding, otherwise this adult is in danger."

"Then what are you waiting for, stretcher, hurry, and immediately send Master Li Meng to the hospital."

In the voice of Wang Yanmei, two firefighters in yellow uniforms quickly carried Li Meng onto a stretcher, and the group hurriedly walked out of the ruins.

Wherever the stretcher passed, both the guards and search and rescue firefighters looked at the drowsy figure on the stretcher with awe.

It was him, young, who fought hard against the demons, fought desperately against the demons without fear of death, and finally won the victory. This is the hero, the real hero, and worthy of everyone's respect.

Outside the ruins, in a certain floor.

A pair of eyes were staring at the ruins at this time, staring at the figure carried by the stretcher.

The long barrel protruded from the window, and behind the sight was a sneer face.

"Hero? Tsk tsk, I didn't expect your strength to be so terrifying. If I met you before, I was afraid that I would die a lifetime, but now, God bless you."

In the battle just now, Aaron could see in his eyes, and at the same time he was shocked that the target was powerful, he was also fortunate.

Fortunately, he didn't do it yesterday, otherwise, he would be dead.

But now, even if he is stronger, now is undoubtedly the most vulnerable time, he will not let this opportunity pass.

His strength is so strong, even surpassing the chief consul of Kyoto, maybe he is the strongest among mankind.

It is not an honor for Aaron to kill the strongest person.

Thinking of this, the corners of Aaron's mouth turned slightly, and his face was excited.

"Don't worry, let him get closer, and closer, there is only one chance, and you can't make a mistake."

Aaron knew very well that he had only one chance to shoot, and the second shot would reveal his position.

Once his position is exposed, he who killed the strongest person will undoubtedly arouse public anger, and he will be in danger at that time.

However, the excited Aaron did not speak, and a gap was opened in the dark room where the door was originally closed.

Behind him, a figure appeared at some point, but he didn't even notice it.


With a sound of broken bones, everything was calm again.

The muzzle sticking out the window disappeared sometime.

Kyoto, the second ring city, in the mansion of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce.

"Do a good job, keep working hard, find out all the **** guys, don't live up to it, and solve them cleanly."

Putting down the phone in her hand, Chen Yan returned to the sofa.

At this time, Chen Qi and Chen Yan were still watching TV.

The battle was over, but the owner was seriously injured, but they could not do anything as family members.

After sitting down, Chen Yan said to her father Chen Qi: "The guy who is staring at the master has already been resolved. Unsurprisingly, they are from the Hessian Guild. Those guys are really unwilling to give up and are always entangled."

"Father, the master is seriously injured now, what can we do?"

Chen Yan wouldn't care about those guys from the Hessian Guild, the only thing she cares about now is the master.

The owner was seriously injured, which worried her.

This time, Chen Qi did not stop her daughter, saying: "The master is the ambassador of the First Legion. This identity is no secret. The relationship between the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce and the First Legion is also a well-known thing. You don’t need to worry about it. , Go to the hospital to take care of the owner."

"Well, I'll go now, and the people from the Hessian Guild will be handed over to my father."

After speaking, Chen Yan got up and left in a hurry.

Only Chen Qi was left sitting on the sofa thinking.

The occurrence of a great war changed Kyoto and the world.

Just today, the incident of Kyoto being attacked by the devil spread throughout the country and even the world.

The power of the demon, the extraordinary power, and the fact that it came from an alien undoubtedly caused a great sensation.

People are also shocked at the same time as they are incredible.

Although I know that there is an endless universe outside the earth, the devil from the starry sky is still unimaginable, and a sense of crisis has also arisen in my heart.

It is too strong. From the streaming video, everyone who saw its face and fighting posture was silent.

Perhaps it is God, because only God can have such a powerful force.

Due to the invasion of the devil, the First Army also made headlines around the world.

It wasn't that the First Army did something big, but because of one person.

This person is the "Li Meng" who defeated the devil. As the ambassador of the First Legion, as the man who defeated the gods, the First Legion will naturally be recognized by all mankind.

For a time, Li Meng's limelight can be described as sweeping the entire human world.

When people were in awe of Li Meng's power, they also admired his desperate fighting style.

What kind of belief made him so fearless in the way of fighting with the devil.

People don’t know. Some people say that Li Meng believes in chivalry, and dedication is a kind of chivalry code. Stone knights are the greatest proof. Others say that Li Meng may be a "god" and protect the existence of human beings. The means is the best proof.

Li Meng soon became a household name among human beings.

When people talked about "Li Meng", an event in Kyoto once again caused a sensation in the world.

Half a month after the evil invasion, the chief consul of Kyoto issued a statement to the whole country.

This statement caused a sensation in the whole of Kyoto and made the situation in Kyoto even more unpredictable.

"I am Wang Yanmei, the chief consul of Kyoto, and the highest authority in the land of Kyoto. Someone said to me that once, there was a great nation on this land, but in my hands, this nation was divided. I thought for a long time and made a decision. It is also time for Kyoto to make some changes. I, Wang Yanmei, announced to the country as the highest ruler of the land of Kyoto that the era of republic has come, whether it is the cities of David or resistance. The army, lay down their weapons, and take advantage of the trend are all national heroes. The general trend cannot be violated. Anyone who hinders the progress of the nation is our enemy, the enemy of the nation, and I will exercise my rights and fight for the future of the nation."

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole area of ​​Kyoto was in chaos.

The people in the acropolis were panic, rumors were everywhere, and there were rumors everywhere that the Kyoto Civil War was about to break out.

After this statement, Kyoto has also changed.

The Heroes’ Association was forcibly disbanded by the Archon, and international affairs were officially handed over to the embassies of various countries.

The guards also transformed into police officers, and various branches became police stations.

The original guard was also divided into two, leaving one part serving as a police officer, while the other part formed an army.

At the same time, Kyoto launched a series of military expansion activities in full swing.

All actions are proof that the announcement issued by Wang Yanmei, the chief consul, is not empty talk.

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