Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1261: Technical assistance

Curiously glanced at Wang Yanmei's whole body, Li Meng was very surprised and said: "Why is this dress up today? This is not in line with your status as a chief consul."

Today, Wang Yanmei is not wearing that beautiful black gauze, but a military uniform, women's black military uniform.

Although she is a few hundred years old, Wang Yanmei in military uniform is still brave and has a unique charm.

Such a dress is undoubtedly curious.

Wang Yanmei knew that Li Meng had just regained consciousness, so she naturally didn't know what happened in Kyoto.

She sighed slightly, and said softly: "What you said in the last battle woke me up. Indeed, once, this nation was great. Even in the dark ages, there have been many ordinary heroes. They are the country. And to die, to fight for the nation, I was wrong. Fortunately, it’s not too late. I plan to unite China, reappear the country that was once, and continue to fight for the ideals of republic. Now I am no longer the capital of Kyoto. The consul, but the highest armed commander of China."

It turned out to be like this...

Unexpectedly, a word of him would actually change the future of Kyoto, which made Li Meng a little hesitated.

Sometimes, at a certain moment in history, a small thing will usher in a huge change.

This should be a good thing, right?

Li Meng could not confirm that for this nation, it might be the most correct thing.

At this time, Wang Yanmei said again: "In the last battle, I got a lot of information from the devil. One thing is clear. The devil is not a creature on earth, but from a distant alien. The red world disappeared, and the disturbing magnetic field calmed down. All the changes gave me a calm before the storm. Whether it is for the country or for all mankind, this sense of crisis deserves some preparations in advance."

Li Meng can understand what Wang Yanmei is worried about.

Although human beings on Earth lack some understanding of the universe, they also have some basic knowledge.

Life does not only exist on the earth, it is inevitable.

Looking at Wang Yanmei, Li Meng said calmly: "What do you want me to do?"

Speaking of the topic, Wang Yanmei must have something to ask for him, and Li Meng can still confirm this.

Sure enough, Wang Yanmei's slowing expression became solemn again, saying: "You are the "ambassador" of the First Army. I know that your First Army has all kinds of advanced technologies, and even surpasses the American Federation in technology. If you want to develop, you must keep up with the trend of the times. I hope to receive technical assistance from the First Army to establish an industrial system in a new era."


The population and land resources of Kyoto are enough to make China a superpower.

It seems that she is indeed awake.

Thinking of this, Li Meng did not refuse, saying: "There is no problem with aid, and there is no problem with delivery technology. However, these matters are not within the scope of my duties. I can notify the First Army and send a professional team to discuss this matter. Let them talk."

With Li Meng's words, Wang Yanmei was relieved.

She knew that Li Meng, as an ambassador, could only do this.

"Then I won't bother you to rest, I will come to visit you next time, right..."

Suddenly thinking of something, Wang Yanmei hesitated and said: "Your body..."


After a little thought, Li Meng understood the meaning of Wang Yan's beautiful words.

It is impossible for Wang Yanmei to know his physical condition after being in the hospital for so long.

The wind was blowing, Li Meng faintly looked at the green garden outside the window, and said, "It doesn't matter."

Does it matter...

Without saying much, Wang Yanmei left in silence, her face not calm.

After sending Wang Yanmei away, Chen Yan closed the door and returned to the bed to sit down.

Looking at the owner on the bed, she said in a puzzled way: "Master, do you really promise that woman to provide technical assistance?"

Knowing what Chen Yan wanted to say, Li Meng said clearly: "Of course what he said is true."


Chen Yan was a little confused. The strength of Kyoto was not a good thing for the First Army.

Knowing what Chen Yan was worried about, and looking at the big tree swinging in the garden outside the window, Li Meng said calmly: "Human technology needs a certain degree of progress. Only in this way can we face the invasion of a powerful enemy. There is not much time left. Development is no longer suitable for the current situation."

It is not only Wang Yanmei who has a sense of crisis, Li Meng always feels that something bad will happen soon.

By then, it is not a certain region that will be affected, but the human beings of the world.


Chen Yan: "Huh?"

"I'm sleepy."

The wound on his waist was deep. Although it was a month old, it would take at least half a year to fully recover.

Chen Yan quickly got up and lay down with Li Meng carefully.

Looking at the owner who had closed her eyes in the bed, Chen Yan let out a sigh of relief. She walked gently to the window, leaned on the window sill, and looked at the garden outside without a god.

The wind was blowing, making the branches sway and the curtains swaying slightly.

Under the sunlight, even though she was a dead person, Chen Yan did not hate such a sunny scene.

Although he closed his eyes, Li Meng's consciousness left his body at this moment.

The mental power has become stronger, and some things that could not be done before can also be done.

One month has passed, and this trip to Kyoto is a boon, but Li Meng has not forgotten what he has to do.

Although he is still lying in the hospital bed and unable to move, for Li Meng now, this is not a problem.

The extension of consciousness, the entire Kyoto was printed in Li Meng's brain, and various information was filtered. At this time Li Meng was observing the whole world from the perspective of God.

This is very interesting. It's like entering a world of data. Any object carries its own information.

Kyoto, Wushu Academy.

In the event of the last demon invasion, the Martial Artist Academy was undoubtedly lucky. It was very close to the battlefield, but a few kilometers, but it was the distance of these few kilometers that allowed the Martial Artist Academy to avoid being destroyed.

After the last demon invasion, many changes have taken place in Kyoto. The Heroes’ Association has been disbanded, and many unnecessary international organizations have been driven out one by one. The only thing that has not changed is probably the Martial Artist Academy.

After all, the martial artist is the root of Kyoto.

The martial artist is also the first step in the evolution of the human world.

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