Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1262: Damn it

The Declaration of Unification and the Declaration of the Founding of the Nation made Kyoto no longer peaceful, but in the Martial Artist Academy, it was as peaceful as usual, and the students who were studying seemed not to be affected in any way.

It's really messy recently...

Walking on the flat playground, Zhang Desheng's expression was a little surprised, his chubby face attracted a lot of attention.

There were students passing by, and the students upstairs saw him also giving pointers, and there was always some discussion.

Zhang Desheng has become accustomed to this kind of gaze. Who would call him a fat man, and martial artists basically have nothing to do with "fat", which makes him very special.

As a tutor, he would not have the same knowledge as these children.

"The students have gone a lot recently. Are those guys in the Acropolis really planning to oppose the unification of the Archon?"

Zhang Desheng could not confirm this.

The students leave, this doesn't explain much.

Zhang Desheng fully supports the unified declaration of the Grand Archon.

In the past, the country of Kyoto was not like a country, it was completely divided, and it was time to change, otherwise there would be no future for Kyoto.


These two words are really missed. Many people should be very excited.

Of course, it will be gratifying for the once kingdom to come to this land again.

"Teacher Zhang, you are back, go to your office, someone is waiting for you."

A student ran over and urged him.

Someone waiting for him?

Zhang Desheng was a little puzzled. He didn't have anyone particularly familiar with him in Kyoto. Could it be a certain student?

Thinking like this, Zhang Desheng quickly asked the departing student: "Do you know his name?"

first name?

The student showed a very puzzled expression and asked incomprehensibly: "What's the name? Teacher Zhang, what's the matter?"

For a moment, Zhang Desheng said in an angry voice, "Didn't you just say that someone was waiting for me?"

"Have it?"

Looking at Zhang Desheng strangely, the young student was a little confused.

He cautiously said: "Jiaoxi Zhang, I never laughed at you. I just walked past you. You won't let your anger on me."

Did this guy forget the previous words?

It doesn't look like a fake, which makes Zhang Desheng very weird.

what happened?

Really hell.

Zhang Desheng had to wave his hand and said, "You go."

These words made the student's expression relaxed, and quickly speeded up his pace and left in a hurry.

Although Zhang Desheng has grown a little fatter, his strength is beyond doubt. Many students have personally felt this. If he catches any braids, this semester will be over.

Looking at the back of the student leaving, Zhang Desheng shook his head dumbly.

It's really strange today, it's not a ghost.

"I'm so hungry, let's eat something first."

After touching his stomach, Zhang Desheng thought in his heart.

Stepping forward, Zhang Desheng continued to walk towards the cafeteria.

"Teacher Zhang, someone is waiting for you, go back to the office."

A female student who passed by Zhang Desheng suddenly raised her head and said.

She didn't stop, glanced at Zhang Desheng and continued walking.

The sudden words startled Zhang Desheng.

After recovering, Zhang Desheng stopped her: "This classmate, please wait, who is waiting for me?"


The cry behind her stopped her, and when she looked back and saw Zhang Desheng, the female student stepped back in fear.

Nervously said: "Jiao there anything?"

Frowning slightly, Zhang Desheng said solemnly: "It's fun, isn't it? You just said, who is waiting for me."

"No, no, no..."

Zhang Desheng's expression frightened her, tears flowed down her eyes, and she looked at Zhang Desheng aggrievedly.

This made Zhang Desheng stunned for a while, very surprised.

The female students' tears also caused the students passing by to stop, looked at the two in surprise, and talked a lot.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong."

Zhang Desheng had to flee in a hurry, leaving behind a surprised and puzzled female student.

Did you really meet a ghost today?

This strange experience completely lost Zhang Desheng's interest in dining, and he had to go back to the office to take a break.

On the road, Zhang Desheng was very uneasy.

I wondered whether those little ghosts were teasing him.

"It's impossible..."

As he walked, Zhang Desheng muttered.

The female student's expression was not fake, she was crying, she couldn't pretend to cry.

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out.

He shook his head helplessly. For Zhang Desheng, today is really an inexplicable day.

When he returned to the office door, Zhang Desheng suddenly stopped.

Looking at the closed door, Zhang Desheng's face changed.

No one really is waiting for him.

Zhang Desheng who thought so took out the key.

Fortunately, the door was locked, which gave Zhang Desheng a sigh of relief.

"Haha, how could it be possible, those little ghosts can pretend to be..."

The sound stopped abruptly. Looking at the figure sitting on the chair in the room, Zhang Desheng showed the appearance of seeing a ghost.

Then he reacted and said solemnly: "Who are you?"

Since he was sitting with his back facing him, Zhang Desheng could only see his back.

He is dressed in black, and he seems to have seen such a dress before, and he is a little familiar...

In Zhang Desheng's solemn gaze, Li Meng turned around.

Looking at the surprised Zhang Desheng at the door, he said calmly: "Why, it's only a year, you forgot about me?"

"It's you..."

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar face, Zhang Desheng was taken aback for a while, surprised.

In a moment, he entered the room with a wry smile, and said helplessly: "Should I ask you to rescue Lord Li Meng in Kyoto, or Mr. Li Meng in the dirty valley?"

With a slight smile, Li Meng said without mind: "It's all the same, both are me."

Sitting on the seat behind the desk, Zhang Desheng smiled bitterly: "You hide so deeply. In Dirty Valley I knew you were not an ordinary person, but when you showed your true face, I found out. I still underestimate you, that power, it's not an exaggeration to call it a "god", I'm really curious, how can you have such incredible power at a young age, I can't figure it out, can't figure it out."

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. There are some things that you don't know the better."

"That's true."

Zhang Desheng felt the same about this.

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