Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1266: aircraft carrier

The main consideration for such a combination is the independence of each unit. Even if they are separated from a large unit in the forest, they also have the ability to survive independently. Staffing, and the balance of firepower are all considered.

It may not be reasonable, but it is very practical.

Of course, if necessary, the senior non-commissioned officer team can also summon all the armored units under its command to temporarily form an armored force, and the allocation of units can be used flexibly, not uniformly.

There is only one choice for the heavy armored unit, which is the Guardian tank of the Allies, the light armor is the multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle, the long-range artillery is of course not the quieter self-propelled artillery, and the troop carrier is the first model developed. The three countries are universal, and the armed off-road vehicle, the "Bison" armed assault vehicle is undoubtedly very suitable, referred to as the "bull" type assault vehicle.

"Night, using 100,000 soldiers as the standard, calculate the number of armored units needed."

But for a second, in the picture, Ye jumped out from the edge of the screen, the image was exactly the same as Saki Ye.

"There are a total of 1,000 first-class non-commissioned officers with 100,000 soldiers, a total of 2,000 Guardian tanks, 5,000 multi-purpose infantry fighting vehicles, 2,000 pacifier self-propelled artillery, 3,000 personnel carriers, and 5,000 light armed vehicles."

In other words, do you need more than 10,000 armored units for just 100,000 people?


This number is a bit big.

Of course, this is just a standard. The ideal standard is beyond the limit that the First Army can bear. Sakiya will naturally not force it.

If the armored units are equipped with standard quantities, the logistics alone can make the First Army collapse.

Without much consideration, Sakiya determined the final number of armored units.

With only half a million soldiers, this batch of armored units is enough. Although they cannot be allocated to the various first-class non-commissioned officers, they are enough for a large force with a main attack direction.

Next is the Air Force. For this unit, Sakiya gave up on Army Aviation.

This is an overseas operation, but there is no time to build an air base.

Only one unit is the most practical, and that is the latest UAV aircraft carrier of the Allies.

Although it belongs to the UAV series of arms, from the perspective of the military, Sakiya has to admit that the UAV aircraft carrier of the allies is a very effective air and land control large arms.

Although the cost is expensive, the price ratio is high.

The carrier-based UAV "Sky Knight" is a ground attack aircraft, but because it is equipped with a machine gun, it can also perform some air-to-air missions. Its large number of ships can also maintain superior firepower. Both bombing missions and air-to-air missions can be executed effectively.

The most important thing is that compared with traditional aircraft carriers, UAV aircraft carriers themselves have extremely strong defenses, which is undoubtedly a great guarantee in dangerous seas.

In terms of scale, Sakiya identified three ships.

Three UAV aircraft carriers are enough in the war against the mainland of Austria.

The next step is the recruitment of warships. The first thing we need is logistics ships.

Although the First Army has three fleets, the number of warships is not large. The total of the three armies is only more than 40 ships. It used to be enough, but for the current First Army, it is undoubtedly not enough. of.

Warships can be ignored for the first time, Sakiya does not think that the mainland of Austria will have too strong sea power.

Because the navy is not a small country that can afford it, let alone a country in war.

However, the future enemy of the First Army is not only humans, but also demons on the other side of the Austrian continent.

The holy city "Sri Erlin" fell, and the threat of the devil was very close at hand.

The recruitment of warships must also be considered.

For air combat, missile-type warships can also be considered.

With the existing finances of the First Army, there is no problem with a small amount of equipment.

Before leaving, the owner said that another amount of funds would be credited in the near future, which made Sakiya deliberately ignore the financial issues and only consider the necessity.

In the past, and now, among the warships installed in the fleet, they were all naval warships of the Al World Transition. At that time, it was the era of the great guns of the big ships, and precision guidance had just begun.

In the new generation of warships, the cannon is outdated, and various anti-air and anti-ship missiles have been installed.

Considering the cost-effectiveness and the particularity of the world, Sakiya is still very optimistic about the sealed warships. First, it is cheap and has little logistical pressure. Second, the firepower is strong enough. If a lot of equipment is available, it is enough in this world. of.

We must carefully consider how many ships we recruit, not too many, and not too few.

After thinking about it, Sakiya confirmed the number.

"6 guided missile destroyers (modern class), 12 artillery destroyers, 6 heavy cruisers, 3 giant artillery battleships, 12 40,000-ton freighters, 12 40,000-ton troop carriers, and 6 large-scale integrated supply ships. Night, confirm the quantity."

"Confirmed that it has been entered, General. In the strategic policy of the First Army, when attacking cities guarded by tall walls, air assault operations are required. It is recommended to recruit air delivery units."

Listening to what Ye said, Sakuya also realized this.

In the war against Bentley, the obstacle from the high wall was clearly felt by the First Army.

After the war in Bentley, the First Army discussed how to deal with the high walls of the human city.

In order to cope with the forest in the sea of ​​forests, human cities are often guarded by walls comparable to dams. Faced with such a tall city wall, it is difficult to break through a frontal hard attack.

There is only one way, and that is to assault from the air. Only in this way can we ignore the high walls surrounding the city.

Sakiya: "Analyze the data on the allocation of air force units and calculate a reasonable number."

Ye: "Understood, we are analyzing and calculating, and there are results. The data shows that the "Century" transport aircraft is competent. It is recommended to recruit 120 "Century" transport aircraft, 200 "Vulture" transport aircraft, and 300 "Falcon" armed helicopters. "

After listening to Ye's data analysis, Sakuya shook his head. Such data is obviously unrealistic.

Obviously, the night is based on the number of troops to calculate the reasonable amount of equipment.

Although these air force units have the ability to take off and land vertically, the front-line airport does not need to be too good, and any piece of flat ground can be competent, but with the current capabilities of the First Army, the logistics cannot keep up.

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