Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1267: Prepare for war

Moreover, the most important thing is funding. The First Army’s finances are now only more than 30 billion yuan. If so many air force units are installed, the funding will undoubtedly be insufficient, far from enough.

A small amount of equipment can not form a certain scale, ineffective and effective for air assault missions.

"By the way, how about the jetpack experiment?"

Sakuya suddenly thought of a piece of equipment currently being tested by the First Army.

Jetpack, as the name suggests, is a small jet engine attached to it, which can be equipped on soldiers' combat power suits to obtain short-distance flight capabilities.

In the picture, Ye replied: "Very successful, there is a system to assist the posture control, and can be used proficiently after a small amount of training."

Has it succeeded?

In her heart, Sakiya paid attention.

Speaking slightly, Sakuya said: "The air force unit does not think about it. It can recruit a small number of "Falcon" armed helicopters to support the army operations. The number does not need to be too much, 60. It is enough to recruit three amphibious assault ships, and, Fully line up jetpacks to enhance the soldiers’ individual capabilities."

To be precise, jetpacks are not used for flying, but for jumping. They are used to overcome some insurmountable obstacles and increase the agility of the soldiers. Of course, if necessary, you can also fly. However, if you fly, you will It consumes fuel extremely quickly, cannot fly for too long, and the speed is not too fast.

"Understood, the data has been imported."

There is no need for Sakuya to choose some other things himself. Various materials, various transportation units, and "Night" in the data terminal will automatically list a list of materials.

The only thing left is to wait. There are a lot of 500,000 troops, and all kinds of equipment and materials need to be prepared. This takes time, a lot of time.

Ending the exchange with "Ye", Sakuya looked thoughtful.

The sudden order made Sakiya think of the master's urgency. Why is the master so anxious? Sakiya didn't understand and couldn't analyze it based on some known data.

The mainland of Austria is no better than Bentley. It cannot be unified by "soft" means. It must attack hard and conquer by force. Although the army of the First Army has an absolute advantage in combat effectiveness, this advantage cannot be given. The First Army is invincible, and if you are not careful, you will also fail.

After thinking about it for a while, Sakiya stopped her thoughts.

Since you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Since it is an order, the only subordinates who can only obey.

Mind left Nanlin Island, and Li Meng instantly crossed thousands of miles to the mainland of Austria.

Tan Ya has a mark left by Li Meng. The mark is like a coordinate. No matter how far away, Li Meng can accurately find its location.

In the flagship of a small fleet, Li Meng found Tan Ya.

The command room was a little quieter. Beside the various monitoring equipment, the soldiers were staring at the screen intently, silently, while in the captain's seat, Tan Ya was staying quietly, looking straight ahead.

It's been over a month, when will the task be completed?

Looking at the endless sea outside the window, Tan Ya muttered in her heart.

It has been more than a month since arriving in the Kingdom of Austria. The advance team has already landed and is stationed in an outpost fortress about 20 kilometers inland.

One day a month ago, for some reason, the radar suddenly worked normally and the signal interference disappeared. This is of course a good thing for Tan Ya. Using the flagship communication tower as the base station, the advance team can move inward. Lu explored further, without considering communication issues.

The radar is good and the communication is good, but Tan Ya's mission still has no clue.

The demons outside the city seemed to have really disappeared. Although some traces of the demons were found, they still didn't know the whereabouts of the demons.

Some of the fallen people mentioned by Guniya were found. Many decaying bodies were found in those farm towns. They were dismembered, skinned, and hung on the wall with the victims.

The scene is almost impossible to look directly at, and there are even some small lives on the corrupt corpse, white flowers and flowers, it seems to make the scalp numb.

Demons will not do this, at least low-level demons will not do it. They will not do these troublesome things. This shows that the fallen do not have comrades in arms. Companions follow the rule of the weak and the strong, and the weak will only be used by the strong. Please.

All kinds of traces indicate that demons do exist. They were looting in the forest outside the city not long ago, but for some reason, they suddenly disappeared. Where did they go?

"Tan Ya!"

In the ear, a familiar voice suddenly appeared, echoing in the command room.

This surprised Tan Ya, and the soldiers in the command room turned their heads.

Beside Tan Ya, they saw Li Meng, the commander who did not know when to arrive.

Tan Ya also stared at the person beside her in a daze, with some disbelief in her eyes.

the host?


The soldiers stood up together and saluted Li Meng.

Waving slightly, Li Meng said to the soldiers: "Sit down and continue to do your own thing."

The soldiers sat down, curious and weird in their helmets.

I really don't know how the commander arrived, as if he appeared out of thin air.

Is it a three-dimensional projection?

No, the projection device in the command room is not working, and the projected image will not be so real.

Looking back at Tan Ya in the stunned mind, Li Meng smiled and said, "Why, forgot me so soon?"

At this moment, Tan Ya finally reacted and quickly said, " could it be, but the master came too suddenly, which caught me a bit by surprise."

After speaking, Tan Ya quickly got up from the seat and looked at Li Meng with joy.

Although I don't know how the host came, she was very happy to see the host.

Without being polite, Li Meng took the position that Tan Ya gave up.

Looking around, Li Meng said in Tan Ya's joyful gaze: "I'm here this time just for one thing."

"Master, please speak."

Looking back at Tan Ya, Li Meng said calmly: "Prepare for war."


Tan Ya asked in a puzzled way: "Master, do you have a new goal?"

Li Meng shook his head lightly, looked through the window on the right to Darwin City not far away, and said: "In the next few months, half a million troops will arrive in Austria one after another. Be prepared to accept it, I have only one task for you, and that is to unify the continent of Austria."

Unify mainland Austria?

This is too sudden...

The joy on her face disappeared, and Tan Ya asked suspiciously: "Master, what about the Kingdom of Austria?"

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