Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1268: Can't do

Li Meng had already thought about this question, and said calmly: "Even if Austria is captured by us, it still needs a local regime to govern. You should tell Gu Niya about this matter. Don't conceal anything. Just discuss the matter. Tell her that due to certain events, Austria must be reunified as soon as possible. She did not have an election and must make a choice. If this country really cannot see the situation clearly, then the First Army will end the country's history. "

"Understood, I know what to do."

The owner has already said very clearly, what to do, Tan Ya already knows.

Five hundred thousand troops, it seems that the master has acted for real this time.

At the same time, Tan Ya felt some pressure in her heart.

With an army of more than 500,000, such a large scale, what tests her command ability.

Despite the pressure, Tan Ya also has self-confidence. The master handed over the important task of unifying the Austrian continent to her. It was the trust in her, how could she let her master down.

"Master, what about the current task? Now the situation in Darwin City is very unstable. It seems calm, but undercurrents are surging. The demons that disappear outside the city are the biggest threat. Although they will not be able to cross it for a while, what happens? Unexpectedly, they may not be able to hold on to the time when we will unify the mainland of Austria."

This is a problem...

Tan Ya said that Li Meng realized this.

The royal family of the Kingdom of Austria is the orthodox of the mainland of Austria. After the war, Li Meng also hoped that the royal family of Austria would take charge of this continent. This is of great benefit to the stability of the mainland of Austria. .

The reason why Li Meng values ​​the Austrian continent is because of the abundant mineral resources on this continent.

The exploitation of resources is inseparable from manpower and a stable environment.

In the future industrial system, mineral resources are very important. It can be said that they are the most important part of all basic resources and are indispensable.

No matter how cruel the war is, no matter what means, Li Meng must completely control Austria in the hands of the First Army.

"This task is handed over to your subordinates, and this army will stay here for the time being, just in case, you go back to Austria to preside over the overall situation. Well, let me see..."

With a move of his heart, Li Meng's thoughts swept across the entire continent of Austria.

Good guy...

At this look, even Li Meng's face was shocked.

Chaos, it's too chaotic, there are wars everywhere, gunpowder wars everywhere.

The war between mankind and mankind, the war between mankind and demons, is taking place all over the continent of Austria.

Nearly two-thirds of the entire continent is shrouded in smoke and fire, and there are few peaceful cities.

The sky over the entire continent was enveloped by an extremely strong subspace atmosphere, indicating that the Austrian continent was about to become a paradise for demons.


With a slightly startled expression, Li Meng discovered a very unusual city in the thought of sweeping the mainland of Austria.

A dead city...

It is not far from Darwin, very close, about sixty kilometers.

"Such a strong subspace atmosphere... let me see, oh, it's incredible, there is still a head."

This is an altar, located on the platform of the airport. On the altar, there is a very perverse **** throne. On the royal family sits a huge figure. It is four meters high and is red in color. It is covered with crustacean armor. It has four huge bone knives, its skull has sharp horns, and it has a pair of green pupils. The most hideous thing is its hands, which can no longer be called hands. Although they have arms, they only have a part. The next part is It was a scarlet blade, which blended with the arm, and it looked cold and shimmering and extremely sharp.

There were also some people standing on both sides of it, all of them wearing black robes, as if subordinates accompanied it around.

These people are all fallen people. Although hidden under the black robe, how can they escape the scanning of Li Meng's mind. In Li Meng's mind, they are like naked bodies, and everything is in full view.

They can no longer be called normal human beings. Although they have human bodies, their skin is covered with red scales and red spots are almost all over their bodies. They have fallen and become followers of the evil god.

In the city, there is no living life, replaced by a crimson demon.

They walked on two legs, their bodies were covered by a scarlet carapace, and their hands were like the demon on the **** throne. They had two sharp blades, with an average height of about 1.5 meters. There were also larger ones, but they were all the same in appearance.

There are not only on the ground, but also in the air. The appearance is the same as that of the demons on the ground. The only difference is that they have a pair of red wings. They are very fast, like bees, and have a "buzzing" sound when flying.

A sacrificial call should have just been completed in the city, and the number of demons is a bit astonishing, with a total of 150,000.

At this scale, everyone in this city may have been "sacrificed".


Withdrawing his mind, Li Meng looked a little solemn.

Those guys are all subspace evil things, and it's not easy to deal with.

The scale of around 150,000 is not something this army can handle right now.

You can't attack, if you just defend Darwin City, you can still defend.

That city is not far from Darwin, maybe it was the demons who attacked Darwin before.

Darwin's population of nearly 10 million is a temptation for the devil.

It is not ruled out that their disappearance is just to accumulate greater strength, nor the possibility that their next target is Darwin City.

Thinking of this, Li Meng turned his head to Tan Ya and said: "There is a city about 60 kilometers southwest of Darwin. This city has become a dead city. There are a lot of demons in the city. If you can’t defeat them, you should be defensive, not aggressive."

Although I don't know how the owner knows, Tan Ya is 100% convinced of the owner. Since the owner said so, the information is absolutely true, and Tan Ya will not have any doubts.

"Yes, I will order my subordinates to defend Darwin City."

Speaking of the matter, Li Meng's purpose can be considered complete.

Although he was a little worried about the demon on the **** throne, Li Meng now was just a thought, and he couldn't do anything, so he could only be handled by the army.

"Well, I should go back too."

With that said, Li Meng turned his head to look at Tan Ya, and said with a chuckle: "I want to hug you, but unfortunately I can't.

Li Meng's words made Tan Ya a little twitchy. If she were alone, she would naturally not care about anything, but here, her subordinates were watching and listening.

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