Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1269: Three women in a play


Although there was some twitching in his heart, Tan Ya was very concerned about the last words of the host.

The master is here, why can't you hug her, why can't you do it?

Li Meng didn't explain more than anything, just reached out to Tan Ya's little hand, trying to hold Tan Ya's hand.

Without feeling, Li Meng's hand passed directly through Tan Ya's hand.

This made Tan Ya stared blankly at her hand.

Looking at Tan Ya in a daze, Li Meng smiled slightly, his body instantly turned into nothingness.

The command room became quiet again, as if nothing happened.

With the arrival of the host just now, everything seemed to be false.

When Tan Ya recovered, Li Meng had already left, and the master was no longer in the captain's seat.

He returned to the captain's seat calmly, and Tan Ya continued to remain silent.

After a long time, she said: "Notify the advance team and ask them to withdraw immediately, and also, connect me to Princess Gunia, no, I will go there myself."

Some things are better to be said in person. If it is exactly what the owner said, then Darwin City will have a difficult time in the future. Before leaving, she needs to warn some people.

Compared to a few months ago, Darwin's life is undoubtedly much better now.

The demon disappeared, and the rebels in the city calmed down.

Hidden threats exist, and harmony on the surface is just an illusion. Darwin City is like a volcano. Once it erupts, it will destroy everything.

Princess Gunia returned and brought back a mercenary. This is a good thing for some people. It can make the situation in the city more stable, but the existence of mercenaries has also caused some criticism among civilians.

Fortunately, the royal family is still the master of this city. Although the criticism is there, it is harmless.

Although it has been more than a month since he came to the Kingdom of Austria, today is Tanya's first entry into Darwin City.

There was no fanfare, and even the accompanying guards did not bring one. After notifying Gu Niya, Tan Ya went to the palace in a vehicle arranged by the royal family.

Darwin is not a prosperous city. Starting from the port and on the way to the palace, Tan Ya has a deep understanding.

A prosperous city is very complete in terms of basic measures, at least on the surface very tidy.

However, Darwin City is very rotten. The roads are filled with potholes and cracks. The roads are also covered with thick sand. When vehicles pass by, it is dusty. The buildings and shops on both sides are also dilapidated, some even The buildings are already empty, and the streets are very empty, with very few vehicles coming and going.

Looking into the distance, although there are high-rise buildings, they are very rare. Most of the buildings in the city are mainly five-story bungalows.

In the fairly magnificent palace, Tan Ya met Gu Niya.

This is a conference room with a fairly formal layout, a long conference table, a throne aloft, and a royal atmosphere.

In the conference room, Tanya and Gu Niya were not the only two, but also Princess Oriana.

She sat on the throne and formally received Tan Ya.

Three women in a play, the scenes are indispensable, of course, with Tan Ya's personality, you don't care about these unnecessary etiquette rules, but as a guest, you have to accommodate the host occasionally.

Even if you don't like it, it won't show on your face.

Is she the female general?

Oriana on the throne looked at Tan Ya from time to time.

A black bloodline armor, the hood that was taken off, the cloak behind, and the long golden hair, as well as the white and flawless face, all of which attracted Oriana's eyes.

Such attire is rare, and some are back to ancient times, just like a female knight in the Cold Weapon era, with a wide hood with a hint of religion, and the black color also gives people a darker feeling, especially that. This beautiful face surprised Oriana even more.

Surprised by her beauty and her heroic temperament.

In the meeting room, Tan Ya's voice rang.

"I'm here this time for two things, one is about the "devil", and the other is that the First Army will launch a series of new operations. I think you need to know."

"But there is news of the "devil"?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Niya quickly asked.

The devil outside the city has always been the existence that the royal family has worried about, and it is also the thing that Gunia has always cared about most.

For more than a month, Gu Niya has been paying attention to the actions of the First Legion, in order to know the movement of the "devil" and to understand the greatest threat to the kingdom.

Under Gunia’s gaze, Tanya replied: "There is a city about sixty kilometers away to the southwest. According to the map provided by Princess Gunia, it is named "Daran". The city has become a dead city. The city has been occupied by demons, and a city of sacrifices has been obtained. The power of demons has grown rapidly, and the scale has exceeded 150,000. Their next attack target is likely to be Darwin City. The huge scale of demons has exceeded the limit that the First Army can handle. Therefore, the original policy of offensive and annihilation has been changed to "defense". Now the main focus is "defense". Once the demons attack, the First Army will assist in "defending the city." ."

Daran City?

Tanya's words made Gu Niya and Olianna a moment of sorrow, with a sad expression on their faces and a trace of sadness in their eyes.

Of course, Daran City and the others knew that the civilians who used to be in this city were also citizens of the Kingdom of Austria.

Although the city was out of the kingdom's jurisdiction due to the rebellion, how could they remain indifferent to such a miserable end.

More than 700,000 people in the city disappeared silently.

Being captured by the devil, the end can be imagined, and thinking of that end in my heart makes people shudder.

No wonder the devil disappeared for no reason, it turned out to have gone to Daran City.

Is it to accumulate greater strength?

Perhaps, perhaps, as General Tanya said, the next target of the devil is "Darwin City".

Tan Ya understood their feelings about the silence of the two women.

Sixty kilometers is not far away. It can be said that it is right at the door of the kingdom of Austria. It was once a family.

Tan Ya continued: "The second thing is about the future of the Austrian continent. The First Army is gathering troops. In the next few months, an army of 500,000 will arrive in Austria. I have been ordered to carry out the unification mission of Austria, and I will return to Austria to preside over the overall situation. Here I will hand it over to subordinates.

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