Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1274: Long Xueer

Although the master has a high interest in that matter, he has never crossed the line for human women.

Only a few generals and a few women in the guard have had close contact with the owner.

Although I don't know the reason, Chen Yan probably thought of some reasons.

They are the only ones who can accompany the master, and human life is too short.

"By the way, how did those guys in the Hessian Guild deal with it?"

Li Meng thought about the situation that Chen Yan had reported to her before, about the Hessian Guild.

Snuggling on Li Meng’s shoulder, Chen Yan said lazily: “Those guys can’t stand the mental torture. They pulled out all those guys. Assassinating the owner was their temporary intention. Their main goal was "Long Xueer" woman. I have investigated this woman. She is from Snow Country. She is a well-known female artist. She has a very nice voice. In recent years, she has traveled to many countries and held concerts everywhere. In many countries They are all very popular. From a human point of view, they are probably the "Proud Son of Heaven"."

Long Xueer?

This name reminded Li Meng of Long Qiao'er, the little maid who had stayed with him not long ago.

They are also from the Snow Country and have the same "Dragon" surname. Is there any connection between the two?

The thoughts in my heart flashed by, how could there be such a coincidence in the world.

Li Meng asked quite curiously: "How can a female artist cause the Hessian Guild to murder and hire someone to kill?"

"I don't know, those guys only know that it is the order from above, as for the reason, they don't know."

That being said, the woman was really lucky. If the group of guys hadn't caught his attention, she might have been able to complete the most important task.

Li Meng didn't think much about this matter.

Although the Hessian Guild was an assassin in the dark, it was only an insignificant obstacle to the First Army. The only thing they could do was to cause some humble troubles to the First Army.

For this dark guild, the First Legion will be uprooted sooner or later.

"Master!" Chen Yan whispered.


Leaning on the shoulders of her master, Chen Yan said softly: "After that, I will be responsible for the technical assistance team, so I can't serve the master from time to time. I notified Long Qiao'er that she will take my place."

Long Qiao'er?

Li Meng remembered the slender figure in his heart. He was not unfamiliar to her, and of course, he was not familiar.

"Although my body hasn't healed now, I can move around freely, and there is no need for someone to wait."

Chen Yan was quite opposed to Li Meng's words.

She immediately retorted: "This is not okay, the host always needs someone to accompany him in the hospital now. If he is bored, he can also relieve the boredom for the host. If the host doesn't like her, I will come by someone else."

"That's not necessary, just her."

Li Meng was indifferent to this matter. Since Chen Yan had such intentions, Li Meng would naturally not refuse.

Li Meng is very clear about his physical condition.

Due to the extremely poor system, the wounds heal very slowly. In addition to the limited medical conditions in Kyoto, it takes a lot of time to heal.

If it weren't for things to do in Kyoto, Li Meng had the idea of ​​returning to Nanlin Island for treatment.

With the medical conditions of the First Army, injuries like these can be healed in at most one month

The end of the words silenced the two people on the bench.

With jealous and envious eyes all around, the two quietly snuggled.

Li Meng really enjoyed the quiet atmosphere of the garden.

Selman came quickly, much faster than Li Meng had imagined.

On the next day, Selman came to the door.

You can think of how anxious Selman is.

"I have seen the heroic appearance of Ambassador Li Meng, but he has such extraordinary "power" at a young age. It is incredible. The First Army is really lucky."

In the ward, Selman, dressed in a priest's robe, sat on a wooden chair and looked at Li Meng sitting on the window sill with a smile on his face and praise.

In the battle against the devil in Kyoto, Li Meng can be said to have been known to many people.

With the streaming of the video, more and more people know about Li Meng.

That kind of power, that kind of fighting method, has long surpassed the limits of martial artists and all capable people. Among human beings, some people even regard "Li Meng" as a god. For a long time, Li Meng has become the talked about Object.

Li Meng seemed very indifferent to the praise of Selman, and said calmly: "Ambassador Selman is here this time, he will not just come to visit me."

"of course!"

Selman cannot deny this point.

Looking at Limon, Selman said solemnly: "Due to the changes in Kyoto, the Heroes’ Association was disbanded and the Exorcism Conference was gone. Although the cult empire has embassies in many countries, you should contact them. News It will take a lot of time to pass on. Although most countries have expressed their willingness to assume certain obligations for the threat of the devil in the Aegean Sea, they are unwilling to send troops to assist, and only willingly support some supplies for free."

Speaking of this, Selman was a little sad, and said helplessly: "It is not enough to support only material. If we want to regain Sri Erlin, and even the entire southern continent, we need the power of the entire East Asian countries, at least not less in strength. Millions, only this kind of power can defeat the devil."

The heart is really big...

Regain the entire southern continent?

I don't know where the confidence of the Order Empire comes from. Even if it is the First Legion, even if it expands to a million, Li Meng can't say that he has absolute confidence to invade the southern continent.

The Yunan Continent has been occupied by demons for more than a hundred years. In such a long period of time, will the demons stand still?

No, it will only get stronger and stronger. If one day, the demons in the Southern Continent are swarmed out, maybe the entire human kingdom will face annihilation.

In Li Meng's view, the goal of the Order Empire is still too idealistic, and what is uglier is unrealistic.

Looking at Selman in doubt, Li Meng said in a puzzled manner: "The Order Empire is at the northernmost point, while the Southern Continent is at the southern end. The distance between the two places is more than ten thousand miles. Let’s not say whether the Order Empire can regain the domain. The Southern Continent, in terms of interest, is it worth it? The expedition of tens of thousands of miles, so laborious, the cost is unimaginable, what is the purpose, just for an enclave?"

Leaving aside Sirierlin, the Southern Continent has nothing to do with the Ecclesiastical Empire. Even if the Ecclesiastical Empire regained the Southern Continent, it would not be able to control the sovereignty of the Southern Continent, because the nations of mankind would not allow it.

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