Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1275: There is only one condition

For a long time, Li Meng was very puzzled by the expeditions of the cult.

Regardless of the Southern Continent, Sri Erlin is just a city, and the place where it is located is an island. What value is there to make the Order Empire care so much?

Sighing slightly, Selman shook his head and said: "Actually, the cult Empire has no hope for the recovery of the Southern Continent. The main target is still Sri Erlin. After the recovery of Sri Erlin, there are plans to send an advance team to explore. Exploring the reality of the Southern Continent, after all, the Southern Continent has been separated from the human world for more than a hundred years. The Cult Empire wants to know the current status of the Southern Continent at this time."

Still refuse to tell the truth.

Today's Sri Erlin has become an empty city, it can be said that it has no value.

What use is there even if the Order Empire regains this place?

Attack the advance base of the southern continent?

This is impossible, Sri Erlin is not a good place as a forward base.

Even if hundreds of thousands of troops are crowded on this island, it is difficult to defend.


Because Sri Erlin is too remote, the transportation of materials is all by sea.

Once the devil seals off the waters around the "Alcatraz Island," Sri Erlin will be completely isolated.

Once isolated, it will be sooner or later that Sri Erlin will fall again.

In Li Meng's view, it would be foolish to regain "Sri Erlin" without the strength to unify the southern continent.

Looking back, Li Meng looked at the garden outside the window and the woods with its branches and leaves, and said calmly: "The First Army is very close to the Aegean Sea. If Ambassador Selman really wants the help of the First Army, or say Cooperation, it’s best to tell the truth. Don’t even think about it. Let’s talk about the reason for regaining Sri Erlin. This is an empty city. It’s not an easy task to defend its location, tens of thousands. The expedition here only sent the army to the "Alcatraz Island", which is also full of difficulties. I don't believe that you spent such a high price just for an empty city."


Selman hesitated and hesitated.

The reason why the cult empire cares so much about Sri Erlin is of course a reason, but this is a secret within the cult empire and cannot be disclosed to outsiders at will.

After thinking about it, Selman was very cautious and said: "I can tell Ambassador Li Meng of the secrets, but Ambassador Li Meng promised me that he would not tell a third person about the news."


Looking back at Selman unexpectedly, Li Meng was a little surprised.

There is really a secret, in fact, Li Meng is not so sure, he is just curious why the Order Empire is so demanding of Sirilin.

This made Li Meng interested. Li Meng was most interested in secrets.

"Talk about it, don't worry, I am not a talkative."

With Li Meng's assurance, Selman seemed relieved a lot.

He looked slightly upright, and said solemnly: "Ambassador Li Meng knows why "Sirierlin" is called "Holy City"?"

"I don't know."

Li Meng said truthfully.

Li Meng really didn't know this. The only thing he could guess was probably some religious belief or something.

Looking at Li Meng, Selman continued: "The reason why Siriellin is called the "Holy City" is because there is a "sacred altar" in the city, and Sirierlin was built around this altar. Last century ago, when the southern continent was plundered by demons, the expeditionary army discovered this island and also discovered the "sacred altar" on the island. One night when the expeditionary army landed on the island, the altar happened According to the Pope’s record, a **** like an "angel" appeared in that miracle. Since then, the ecclesiastical empire has regarded Sirilin as the "Holy Land" in its heart, and the "Holy City" From this."


Li Meng glanced at Selman in surprise, what time is this, and...

No, Li Meng's expression changed slightly.

Nothing is impossible.

In the past, the so-called demons were only things in mythology, but in this era, demons have existed and become a kind of creature in human cognition.

Now that all demons exist, it is not impossible to have angels.

Is there really an angel?

To be honest, Li Meng is very skeptical about this, but the universe is so big that there may be intelligent life similar to "angels". Maybe they have very high technology. At some point, they came to the earth inadvertently. It was seen by humans again before it was worshipped as a "god".

Think about the past human history, especially in some religious classics, there are always descriptions of angels and demons.

Where did the angels and demons in these records come from, just people imagined it out of thin air?

True or false, if you don’t get in touch with it, and you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s hard to get a true answer.

Selman was used to Li Meng's reaction.

For the so-called gods, these believers are naturally convinced, but to some unbelievers, these are of course absurd.

"I know that these things are indeed a bit magical, but this is the biggest reason why the Order Empire must regain the "Holy City". Please also Ambassador Li Meng not to doubt what I said.

"No, I believe."

To Selman's surprise, Ambassador Li Meng believed it.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said casually: "These gods always have a reason for their existence. Our First Legion also has its own beliefs and believes in certain types of "gods." The regiment empire and the first regiment still have a common language."

Selman knew about the existence of a certain type of religion in the First Army, but he didn't quite understand it.

"Okay, let's talk about cooperation, how do you want to cooperate?"

Li Meng did not continue to pull, but went straight to the subject.

Selman's purpose is very clear, nothing more than to get help from the First Army.

How to help, how to cooperate, there is a big talk among them.

Seeing that Li Meng was very interested in this matter, Selman was still very happy.

The First Legion is now operating out of Austria, very close to the Aegean Sea. If the First Legion can help, it will undoubtedly be a benefit for the Order Empire.

Thinking of this, Selman asked cautiously: "I wonder what kind of help the First Army can give? Where is the bottom line?"

Bottom line?

Without any hesitation in his mind, Li Meng said casually: "If only to regain Sri Erlin, the First Army can open the door to convenience, ensure that the expeditionary force's fleet is unimpeded during the South China Sea, and can also provide port calls along the way , It can even open up a forward base for the expeditionary fleet on the mainland of Austria. In this matter, the First Army has no bottom line. There is only one condition, and that is "interest."

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