Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1277: Two conditions

After an unexpected look at Selman, Li Meng looked thoughtfully at the garden outside the window.

It seems that there are also disputes in the cult empire regarding the expedition to Sri Erlin.

Otherwise, foreign troops will not be allowed to intervene in this matter, because this is not necessary.

Because of the controversy, Selman seemed so urgent when it was known that the First Army might agree to send troops to regain Sri Erlin.

If mercenary foreign troops regain Sri Erlin, it will definitely be more cost-effective than sending an expeditionary army from thousands of miles away.

Such an expedition that is laborious and costly, of course, can be avoided.

Think about it, too, the distance between the two is too far, even if the cost of an expedition is "Kyoto", it may not be able to bear it. Is it worth it to pay such a large price just for a shrine?

Li Meng didn't know whether it was worth it, but this "Alcatraz Island" was undoubtedly stared at by two forces.

One is the demon, the other is the cult empire.

Li Meng was hesitating whether he should join in.

"Master, you can go and see what the "sacred altar" is. I suspect that I have been asleep for more than tens of thousands of years. The original galaxy and even all the known universes did not have gods, let alone the main biological world." "Demons", all theocratic civilizations were defeated by the science and technology of ancient humans. At that time, the universe was an era of science and technology. Although there were psychics, they were within the scope of the explanation of science and technology. There may be existences that cannot be explained by science, the spherical demons discovered on Nanlin Island, and the demons that have fallen from the sky not long ago. Their body structures have already violated the laws of life, things that should not exist, these weird things. Life also reminds me of some things."

In my mind, the voice of the main brain suddenly rang and said a lot.

"What do you remember?"

In his heart, Li Meng asked curiously.

What kind of existence the main brain is, Li Meng is still not very clear.

But one thing is certain, that is, the main brain should have existed for a long time, and it is a very old existence.

In my mind, the voice of the main brain sounded again.

"Although ancient humans have dominated the known universe with technology, they are still fragile. They can only use mechanical bodies to extend their lifespan and become semi-mechanical and half-human beings. In order to extend the life of races, in the last era of ancient humans, I began to conduct in-depth research on genetics. As a result, the data has been lost. In the database, there is only a blank data named "God Creation Project". According to my guess, in the last era, ancient humans in genetic engineering had Great progress, but because the destruction came too suddenly, all research results turned to ashes. Genetics is a very mysterious knowledge. In a certain era of ancient humans, it was also called the forbidden zone of life. It was forbidden to study. Existence, for any living organism, genetic engineering is the best shortcut to explore the origin of life. Under genetic engineering, everything is possible."

God-making plan?

Genetic Engineering?

To be honest, Li Meng heard a little vaguely.

But there is one thing Li Meng can still hear, that is, genetic engineering should be a very powerful existence.

However, these things cannot bring any help to the current situation.

In his mind, the voice of the main brain fell silent, and Li Meng also put away his mind.

Time has not passed too long, but only a few minutes.

In Selman's eyes, Li Meng was just thinking.

This should be, should think about it, fighting the devil is not an easy task.

Recovering lost ground from the hands of the devil is not an easy task.

Li Meng was thinking about the conditions and whether it was feasible.

Selman's purpose is very clear, nothing more than to hire the First Army to regain "Sri Erlin", so as to avoid launching an expedition that hurts the people and money.

In silence, Selman waited patiently.

After a long time, Li Meng withdrew his gaze from the window and looked back at Selman.

He said: "This is feasible. The First Legion can regain "Srierlin" for the cult Empire, and it can also guarantee the safety of "Srierlin" for a certain period of time, but the First Legion has two requirements. ."

Seeing Li Meng's agreement, Selman breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, "Please speak."

Li Meng said: "One, "Alcatraz Island" is destined to become a battlefield between humans and demons. The manpower, material and financial resources required to fight with large corps are unlimited. This time the remuneration will be at least 200 billion crystal coins. Once recovered" Sri Erlin", the First Legion will guarantee that this island will not fall into the hands of demons within three years."

200 billion coins?

Selman didn't feel much about this number. Compared to the number required to launch an expedition, this number was undoubtedly more than several times less. In Selman's view, the 200 billion remuneration was not too high.

Of course, for any medium-sized country, 200 billion crystal coins are definitely not available.

But the ecclesiastical empire is different. The ecclesiastical empire is a big country, an empire composed of many countries, and the religious groups that control the empire have the most money.

The words paused, and Li Meng said again: "Second, cancel the wanted for the Pendragon royal family of the former British kingdom and assist in its restoration. If the Pendragon royal family can successfully restore the country, as long as the First Army is still in Austria One day on the continent of Leah, Sri Erlin will always be under the shelter of the First Legion."

Royal Pendragon?

Selman was a little puzzled about the final conditions, and he was puzzled.

The Kingdom of England is naturally known to Selman, a kingdom that was incorporated into the Order Empire many years ago.

Selman also knows a little about the Pendragon royal family, which is the former royal family of the British Empire to the Order Empire.

During a civil strife, this royal family was annihilated. After the Pendragon royal family was destroyed, the new royal family joined the Order Empire with the Kingdom of England.

For the Pendragon royal family annihilation incident, Selman also knew some secrets, among them, there was also the figure of the cult empire.

Selman wondered, how could the First Army have anything to do with the Pendragon royal family?

The Kingdom of England is not close to the South China Sea. It can be said that it is separated from the entire Eurasian continent. One is at the northwest end of Eurasia and the other is at the southeast end. Even the straight line distance is tens of thousands of miles away.

Although some members of the destroyed Pendragon royal family are indeed fleeing, Selman does not think that the South China Sea, which can escape thousands of miles away, has an intersection with the First Army.

Thinking of this, Selman smiled bitterly and said in embarrassment: "Ambassador Li Meng, can this second condition be considered? Now that the Kingdom of England is a subject of the Order Empire, the royal family of Svindare is loyal to religion Of the regiment empire, the empire can never..."

Li Meng did not regress, and said calmly: "This is your problem, not mine. I am very determined in this matter. You only need to report to the country. When facing national interests, when should I abandon something? I believe that the Order Empire has its own measures."

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