Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1278: Melorca

Looking at Li Meng who did not regress, Selman knew that there might be no room for discussion on this matter.

He had no choice but to say: "Well, I will report the truth to China."

After speaking, Selman got up from his seat.

After bidding farewell to Li Meng, Selman left.

Nowadays, the interference of communication has weakened. Although the empire of the Order is far from Kyoto, it will not take too long for the transmission of information after several countries' transit.

Selman left, Li Meng was not alone in the room.

On the side, Long Qiaoer had been standing quietly.

Today she is wearing a black tulle short skirt, which looks very beautiful.

Sitting on the windowsill, Li Meng was lost in thought.

Regarding Alcatraz Island, Li Meng did not pay much attention to the request of the First Army of the Order Empire to hire the First Legion to regain Sri Erlin. The war with the devil is inevitable. Since the First Legion has the unity of Austria Intended, the devil is an unavoidable opponent.

Although fighting the devil on an isolated island does not have the advantage of geography, it is not absolute.

If it's just defense, there are many ways.

200 billion crystal coins is not a small number, it is worth paying some price.

Moreover, with the bridgehead of Sri Erlin, the mainland of Ogeria as the rear will be much more stable.

Money, don’t make money, don’t make money.

However, Li Meng values ​​the Morgan sisters more than money.

Those two girls left Kyoto. As for where they went, Li Meng knew well.

In the past, the girl from Allis said that she had an ideal, a Gensokyo that was difficult to realize.

Although she was young, from her body, Li Meng also saw what belongs to the king.

She is destined to become a king, this is inevitable, but for her, this road is not easy to do.

Although the time he used to get along was not long, Li Meng always remembered those two girls.

For their growth, Li Meng does not intend to be just a bystander, and occasionally participates in it.

There is no reason, and there is no need for too many reasons.

Compared to Li Meng's relatively leisurely days in "Kyoto", on Nanlin Island, the First Army is intensively acting in preparation for the upcoming war.

Since the recruitment order was issued, the port of Nanlin Island has become lively.

In just one month, three transport fleets left the port and set off for the destination Danlan Kingdom.

Although the South China Sea is large, the round-trip between warships and transport ships also makes this vast sea no longer peaceful.

In terms of military mobilization capabilities, the First Army is undoubtedly very strong. After all, the backing of the First Army is a world.

More than a month’s time is still too short. With the existing projecting capabilities of the First Army, it is impossible to transport a large army of 500,000 to the Danlan Kingdom at one time. This takes time, and El also needs some. Time preparation, half a million soldiers, countless weapons and equipment, these did not appear out of thin air, for any country, it is a lot of pressure.

Time passed bit by bit in the intense operation of the First Army.

The changes in the South China Sea and the large-scale military mobilization of the First Army, as time passed, the news eventually spread.

When the East Asian countries accurately received the news of the military mobilization of the First Army, it was already three months later.

Outback of Austria, Danlan Kingdom, capital Melorka.

In the early morning, when everything was recovering, Melorca City also ushered in a new day.

Surrounded by mist in the forest outside the city, standing on a high wall and looking out, the misty and misty scenery is like a fairyland.

In the port, amidst the noise, the fishermen who left their homes early are preparing to go out to sea. From time to time, the "rumbling" engine roar sounded from the mist-shrouded sea. It was a fishing boat leaving the port.

Today, Melorca is still a peaceful day, but this calm will not last long.

After nearly half a year of preparations, the Danlan Kingdom is ready, and the unification battle outside Austria is about to begin.

And outside the city, more than ten miles away from the east of Melorka City, a huge camp opened temporarily, also slightly attracted the attention of the Danlan Kingdom.

The military port is under construction. More than half a year has passed. Some buildings have begun to take shape, but it will take a lot of days to complete.

The temporary camp was built on the side of the military port. Looking to the left of the military port under construction, the forest behind the beach was opened and a huge camp was located in it.

The camp is large, and the longest straight-line distance is probably no less than ten miles, deep into the interior.

Around the camp, a five-meter-high wooden wall encloses the camp, which effectively prevents the harassment from polluting beasts in the forest.

In the camp, there were silver-gray tents erected one after another, and they were densely lined up and countless.

In the north of the camp, behind the gate facing the sea, countless materials piled up into a mountain, and a huge number of war machines were neatly arranged, quietly nesting on the loess.

Thousands of vehicles of various types, when they are neatly placed together, the impact brought by the steel body is very powerful, and it is extremely shocking.

In nearly four months, the First Army finally transported half a million troops to this temporary base.

When the line of sight is retracted from the camp on the land, when looking at the sea several miles away.

A more shocking picture came into my eyes.

On the surface of the sea, a dense line of ship shadows stood, and 82 warships of various types, when they came together, the surface of the sea more than ten nautical miles around was all their mighty steel figures.

A new war is about to start.

Melorka City, Kingdom, in the King's Hall.

A court meeting is in progress.

In the hall, fierce debate sounded.

One is the courtier faction headed by Grand Duke Harandi, and the other is the military faction headed by Diels.

In the last riot, Diels proved his loyalty to the royal family, successfully ascended the position of legion commander, became the fifth commander of the Danlan kingdom, and used his own in the subsequent military reforms. Prestige, and loyalty to the royal family, became the head of the army commander and the highest representative of the military.

"Your Majesty, I still reserve my opinion. The combat effectiveness of the army cannot be improved overnight. Although the Danlan Kingdom has 300,000 troops and advanced equipment provided by the First Corps, these 300,000 soldiers, of which large Some of them are recruits. They have no combat experience, and the weapons in the opponents are not familiar enough. Take the guard pilots. I visited the military camp a few days ago. When the guard pilots drive the guards, they even have a basic running posture. Unable to control smoothly, with this level of proficiency, sending them to the battlefield is an act of death. Your Majesty, we want a complete victory, not a victory with heavy casualties."

In the main hall, Harandi's expression was very determined, holding opposite opinions from the military.

"Yes, your Majesty, we can't rush in the battle of unity, we must be fully prepared."

"The combat effectiveness of the army cannot be guaranteed, and we cannot let them die."

Behind Harandi, the ministers agreed one by one.

This makes the hall noisy again.

Looking at the ministers in the hall who were arguing, Catherine on the throne was very calm. Her small eyes looked at Harandy, and then at Diels, who remained silent, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Your Majesty, watch it first, and let them argue, and when the results are reached, your Majesty is deciding."

Karina on the side whispered, and her voice reached Catherine's ears.


Although they were communicating, the two of them kept their eyes on the hall, looking very concerned.

At this time, Diels spoke during the dispute between you and me.

"Prince Harandy, the problem you mentioned does exist in the army, but it is not a common phenomenon. In the high-end equipment provided by the First Army, the guards are not difficult to drive. An ordinary soldier can train for a month. Very good operation. As the equipment provided by the First Army arrived in batches, what Prime Minister Harlans saw should be the new pilots in training. I knew better than Prime Minister Harandi to my soldiers. A combat-capable army is not trained, but created. After the baptism of war, it can become a strong army."

Speaking of this, Diels spoke slightly, glanced at the minister on the other side, and said: "If the ministers don't believe it, you can choose soldiers from each legion to conduct a simulation training to prove the combat effectiveness of the army. "

"and also……"

Diels looked at Harandi and reminded: "The First Army has been urging us and has been relaxing the time limit. Half a year has passed. If we continue to delay, Prime Minister Harandi may have thought about it. How to explain to the First Corps? Now the Danlan Kingdom is strong and strong, and the Assi Kingdom and the Dengsha Kingdom are still waiting and watching. Before the two countries have united against our country, we should attack quickly to win the country and prevent the two countries. Joint preparation time."

Diels' words made the hall quiet.

Both the ministers and the commanders behind Diels were thoughtful and lost in thought.

Indeed, although the Danlan Kingdom has the help of the First Army, it has greatly improved its weapons and equipment, and the size of the army once surpassed the two countries.

If the defenders of the cities are added, the total strength of the Danlan Kingdom has exceeded 500,000.

Such strength can be said to have greatly surpassed any of the two countries.

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