Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1279: Unified opinion

But it does not mean that victory will completely belong to the Danlan Kingdom.

Since the territories of the three countries all overlap, if the two countries attack the Danlan Kingdom together, it will be difficult to cope with the Danlan Kingdom's current strength. It is more than defending, but if it is offensive, it will not be an easy task.

Under such circumstances, the Danlan Kingdom wants to unify the outlying areas of Austria, and that is a protracted battle, which is undoubtedly a very unfavorable thing for the Danlan Kingdom.

Diels looked at Catherine and said: "Your Majesty, our country is now strong and strong. There are five legions capable of fighting outside, with a strength of more than 300,000. The southwest line is the main defense against the invasion of the Kingdom of Assi. The southeast line is attacking. The Dengsha Kingdom launched a surprise attack. I am confident that I will take the Dengsha Kingdom within half a year. As long as the Dengsha Kingdom’s war is over, the remaining Yasi Kingdom will not be a concern. At that time, the Danlan Kingdom will unify the outland of Austria. ."

"This one……"

Facing Diels's gaze, Catherine hesitated and looked at Harandi.

With a slight face and a serious face, Catherine asked, "Prince Harandy, do you have any comments on what the Captain Diels said?"

Taking a step forward, Harandi stood out from the queue of courtiers.

He glanced at Diels with a solemn look, and said to Catherine: "Your Majesty, if the Diels Army insists, I have no objection. However, once the war starts, not only the brave and capable army, but also the logistics, In terms of the reserve of munitions, there are still shortcomings that are not enough to support this battle. Now the weapons used by the army are provided by the First Army. The reserve of munitions needs to be discussed with the First Army. This will take time. Please, please. Give Weichen one more month."

A month?

Not long...

Of course Catherine had no objection. As far as she was concerned, whether it was military or political affairs, she knew very little, and now she could only rely on the commander of Diels and Prime Minister Harandy.

Catherine turned to Diels and asked: "Dils Legion Commander, I have some opinions."

Nodded lightly, Diels went out and said solemnly: "I know the shortage of military supplies. Since Prime Minister Harlandi needs one month, then this deadline shall prevail. In this month China and China will step up time to train the army and collect intelligence on the Dengsha Kingdom."

Seeing the consensus, Catherine breathed a sigh of relief.

Nodding lightly, Catherine's slightly immature words resounded in the hall.

"Let's do this, just one month..."

Under the unity of opinions, the North Korean meeting ended in this way.

Regarding the "War of Unification", the Danlan Kingdom has done a good job of preparing for the upcoming war in the Danlan Kingdom.

Although the expansion of the army was a big fanfare, it was impossible to hide it, but the Dengsha Kingdom and the Kingdom of West Asia did not know the purpose of the Danlan Kingdom.

The Danlan Kingdom has surrendered to the First Army. Compared with the Danlan Kingdom, the two countries are more concerned about the movements of the First Army.

In the eyes of the two countries, the First Army is the biggest threat, and the Danlan Kingdom is just a cowardly puppet.

With this self-righteous perception, the two countries did not realize that the crisis is coming little by little.

Leaving the king's hall, Diels walked side by side with Harandy.

Although the two positions are different, the direction of leaving is the same, and there is a way to go together.

In the corridor, the sound of "treading" footsteps sounded, and the smooth mirror floor reflected the two figures.

"The war is coming. If you can really unify the outer regions of Austria, it will be a blessing for our country, Commander Diels, what do you think of this war?"

In his ears, Harandy's words echoed, which made Diels glance at Harandi unexpectedly.

He pondered for a moment and said solemnly: "I am a soldier, and I will only go all out to achieve the purpose of this battle, and will not consider too many things."

With a slight sigh, Harandi said solemnly: "If this battle is won at the cost of sacrificing one-tenth of the population of the entire Danlan Kingdom, is it worth it?"

"worth it!"

On this point, Diels did not hesitate.

He calmly said, "The unification of the outer regions of Austria is related to the future of mankind on the entire continent. Only a unified country can achieve great achievements. On the road to prosperity and strength, the kingdom will always require some sacrifices. This is inevitable and unavoidable, and Cheng Halandi should understand this accordingly."

With a faint smile, Harandi said with satisfaction: "It seems that I have been thinking too much. The determination of Captain Diels is the luck of the kingdom and the key to victory."

Is it temptation?

Although he didn't know what Harandi was doing, Diels didn't think much about it.

In political experience, he and Harandy cannot be compared.

Although he is now the commander of the army and holds the power of the army, the power of the kingdom is still in the hands of Harandi.

Even after experiencing that incident, the royal family still believed in Prime Minister Harandi.

This is a compromise of the royal family and a symbol of Harandi's status as prime minister.

"The prime minister has been worrying too much. I support this war and will naturally go all out."

Harandi felt the same about Diels's words.

He did think too much, but he had to think too much and had to think.

For the kingdom, the unification war outside Austria is too important to tolerate any mistakes.

As the prime minister, Harandi must also think more, think more thoroughly than anyone.

Only in this way can it be foolproof.

From Diels, Harandi got a satisfactory answer, and felt relieved.

"By the way, has the First Army taken any action recently? Prime Minister Harlandi knows why?"

As if thinking of something, Diels asked Harandi curiously.

The first legion?

Harandi said uncertainly: "You mean the recent change of the First Army?"

Diels nodded lightly and said, "Yes, next to the military port under construction, the First Corps has built a very large temporary camp. In the past few months, a large number of troops have been continuously sent there. According to the workers, the number of troops in the camp is less than 200,000, and there are countless armored machines. Judging from the scale, the First Army should be fighting a war, but the war Who is the target of this game? This makes me very curious. The Kingdom of Dengsha? Or the Kingdom of Yasi? Probably not. Since the First Legion handed over the unification battle to the Danlan kingdom, it should not. Intervene in this war."


What Diels said made Harandi thoughtful.

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