Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1280: Pre-war meeting


What Diels said made Harandi thoughtful.

As the prime minister, of course he knew what Diels knew.

However, like Diels, he did not know the purpose of the First Army.

Although he often had contact with the First Army, the First Army did not tell him about it, nor did he specifically ask about it.

The Danlan Kingdom now is a subject of the First Army, so naturally there is no need to inform them of what the First Army wants to do.

However, some things are still easy to guess.

After thinking about it, Harandi said uncertainly: “I’m not sure about this either. Perhaps the purpose of the First Army is the mainland of Austria. In Austria, only the main continent is qualified to be the first. The Legion is so laborious to move the crowd."

Although it is a guess, but this is the only possibility.

Thinking of this, Harandi felt a bit.

If we said that before, the Danlan Kingdom did not have much knowledge about the First Army, but now, this knowledge has penetrated into the bones.

Hundreds of thousands of troops and nearly a hundred warships appeared silently in the Danlan Kingdom within a few months.

This kind of strength, in addition to marveling, there is only horror, and luck.

If the First Army is willing, let alone the Danlan Kingdom, the entire outlying area of ​​Austria can be easily swept.

Now Harandi knows that the main purpose of the First Army is the mainland of Austria, and the outlying area of ​​Austria is just a bridgehead, a forward base for invading the mainland of Austria.

Austrian mainland?

Diels thoughtfully said: "With the current chaotic situation in the Austrian continent, once the First Army launches an offensive, it should be unstoppable."

In other words, soon, in a little while, the mainland of Austria will become the first Army's bag?

On this point, Harandi couldn’t deny it and said indifferently: “For the Austrian people, although the First Army is a foreign enemy, Austrian Asia Pacific is too weak and has no ability to resist the First Army. The first legion has a plan against the Austrian continent. The kingdoms of the main continent, large and small, have no ability to resist. One year, two years, and one day, Austria will get it again in the hands of the first legion. Reunification, this is the luck of the nation, or unfortunately, it is difficult for me to draw a conclusion.

Reunification is the opportunity for development, the best way to become a powerful country, and the driving force for the re-emergence of this nation. Both understand that.

Then there was silence. At a fork in the road, the two parted ways and set foot on their own paths.

War mobilization is not a simple matter. Cross-sea operations are even more difficult. Even the First Corps encountered many difficulties in the process of transporting troops.

Despite the difficulties, in the end, a series of war preparations were completed within the stipulated time.

War is about to happen.

Outside Austria, Danlan Kingdom, in a temporary camp outside Melorka.

In a large tent, a pre-war meeting is being held.

The tent is large, and the space inside is large enough. At this time, in the tent, around a medium-sized command desk, more than a dozen metal figures are standing, quietly listening to Tan Ya's speech.

A green light flashed, and a three-dimensional image of a map was projected on the command desk.

The map is the all-terrain appearance of the mainland of Austria. Every city and every town is marked and divided into two camps. The map is blue, while the sea is red. When the mainland attacked, as the First Army occupied the footsteps, the red color would spread little by little throughout the Austrian continent.

The three-dimensional influence is changing, and three fleets of phantoms are formed in the red sea, located in the three directions of the mainland of Austria, north, west, and southwest.

"The fleet is divided into three, numbered as the third, fourth, and fifth fleet. Davis, Wilson, and Warren are the commanders of the third, fourth, and fifth fleets."

In terms of fleet numbers, the first army has been officially divided. Sakiya’s fleet is the first fleet, Natasha is the second fleet, and the third, fourth, and fifth fleets are used by Tanya. Up.

Looking at the three-dimensional image on the podium, Tanya said again: "Davis led the third fleet to land from the northern waters of the Culver Kingdom and attacked towards Delhi. Wilson and Warren led the fourth and fifth fleets. Landing from the Arafir Strait and advancing to the cities of Bruges and Roses respectively, the combat targets act according to the mission instructions of the data terminal, and the intelligent AI "ya" will assist you.


Wilson, Warren, and Davis held the military salute in unison.

Looking at the people, Tan Ya said again: "This war will be accompanied by nuns, and their safety must be guaranteed."


Everyone responded in unison.

With a wave of his hand, Tan Ya said: "Okay, let's get down to prepare. Tomorrow at five o'clock in the morning, we will go to the war zones on time."

Raising their heads, raising their chests, and saluting, the sergeants turned and left the tent together.

After the pre-war meeting, there was a commotion in the huge camp.

Under the orders of the sergeants at all levels, the soldiers began to gather in an orderly manner. All kinds of armored units took the lead and drove out of the camp amidst the roar of engines, and lined up on the beach.

On the sea, several transport ships are coming towards the port amidst the whistling.

Although the military port is still under construction, the dock has been completed and can be used effectively.

When the transport ship was docked at the dock and the rear hatch was connected to the dock, soldiers and armored units began to board the ship amid the roar of engines and the intensive footsteps.

The huge transport ship is like a monster that eats people, swallowing a large number of soldiers and armored units.

Compared with the past, the current soldiers of the First Army have some changes. The power combat uniform has not changed. What has changed is the appearance. On the soldiers’ backs, there is a small metal backpack. It is not big. His backs were pressed closely together, and the soldiers looked more bloated than before.

That is a jetpack. In terms of weight, the weight of the jetpack is about ten kilograms. Although it increases the weight of the overall equipment, it brings more flexibility to the soldiers.

In terms of energy, the jet backpack uses solid fuel, which can greatly increase the use time of the jet backpack. The non-flammable fixed fuel can also prevent the risk of the backpack from exploding due to external forces.

The most important thing is the powerful "thrust." Although the two jets under the backpack are only five centimeters in diameter, the thrust they generate can easily make 300 kilograms of weight fly into the sky, and the instant boost can also Exceed the limit that the human body can bear.

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