Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1288: Step by step

Outside the palace, Tanya and Davis boarded a military off-road vehicle. Under the **** of several multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles, the convoy left the palace and drove northwest.

On the outskirts of the northwest, the First Corps will build a temporary camp as a frontline site.

The goal of the First Army is not just the small kingdom of Culver. In future battles, as the power of the First Army slowly spreads to the entire Austrian continent, there will be many temporary camps like this, which will spread all over Austria. As a multi-purpose transportation station throughout the continent of Leah.

In a large-scale war, logistics is extremely important. Where the army goes, the ammunition supplies for the logistics must follow. Only when the logistics is guaranteed can the combat effectiveness of an army be fully utilized.

The scene outside the window kept moving backwards, and the convoy was moving very fast on the empty street.

"The Kingdom of Culver descended without a fight and the king fled. This news should soon reach the ears of the surrounding nations. By then, the First Army will no longer have a sudden advantage. There are still six countries on board. We do not rule out the possibility that they will unite together to resist the First Army. General, we must fight quickly and take as many cities as possible before they react."

In the car, Davis is discussing the future war with Tan Ya.

In terms of armaments, although the First Army has a cross-age advantage, this advantage does not allow the First Army to have an "invincible" posture. In terms of equipment, the Army of the First Army is undoubtedly stronger than the military of the six countries, but Powerful and advanced equipment can only ensure that the First Army has more advantages in the face of the enemy, but cannot guarantee absolute victory.

Although ants are weak and small, many ants can kill elephants.

Among the weapons equipped by the six nations' armies, many weapons can also cause devastating damage to the soldiers of the First Army.

Although powered combat uniforms can defend against weapons of small caliber bullets, they are also unstoppable in the face of artillery weapons. In particular, the "guard" is a weapon of war that has great lethality for infantry.

In a large-scale battle, even if the First Corps can defeat an enemy several times its own strength, there is still a limit. When facing an enemy who has a belief in desperate fighting several times, even ten times, the first It is also difficult for the Legion to guarantee absolute "victory".

Relatively speaking, the development of weapons in this world is not lagging behind. Even Bentley, which is divided and ruled by warlords, has the ability to produce artillery with a caliber below 200 mm, and is more capable of integrating artillery with cars to form a simple measuring and aiming capability. And mechanically powered truck guns.

Bentley has such industrial capabilities, not to mention all the countries on the Austrian continent.

After all, the former Austrian continent is a unified country, and even if the industrial base left over by the seven countries is divided up, the previous weapons manufacturing technology will never be lost.

Do not underestimate the potential of human beings in desperate situations. For human beings, weapons are the only means of defending against enemies, and one of the only necessary conditions for humans to survive in the dangerous forest sea. At any time, humans cannot lose their manufacturing. In terms of tool technology, in the manufacturing of "weapons" and other technologies, even if the conditions are poor, humans can create practical weapons.

Tanya did not adopt Davis's suggestion.

In the hood, Tan Ya’s cold voice sounded: “You just need to act according to the combat plan. You don’t need to be too radical. For the First Army, if the nations on the Austrian continent can organize a large-scale frontal encounter. , It’s not necessarily a bad thing for us."

The war on the Austrian mainland will last for a long time, and it will not end in a moment. Compared to siege and fight against the city, Tanya hopes to eliminate the vital forces of all countries.

Only by destroying the enemy on the frontal battlefield time and again can the opponent cause indelible "despair".

Based on the current situation on the mainland of Austria, the possibility of the six nations uniting is extremely low.

Even if they were united, they couldn't organize an army that could threaten the First Army in a short time.


Because of the terrain, the Austrian continent is only a small and medium-sized continent, the shape of the continent is irregularly round, while the six countries are scattered all over the Austrian continent, and there is no concept of borders. For the six countries, the so-called territories are the large and small towns under their control.

In the past few years, the Austrian continent has not been peaceful, not to mention the chaos caused by the fallen. Countries are also fighting to gain control of more cities. Many cities are constantly changing hands, and the relationship is tense. In addition, its power distribution is too broad, even if the six countries can unite against foreign enemies, it will be difficult for them to effectively carry out military reunification.

Tan Ya continued after speaking, "Go step by step. Our goal is to unify the continent of Austria. During the reunification, we must also eradicate all the sources of instability on the continent of Austria. The Kingdom of Culver is remote. The city is fairly peaceful, but this is not the case in other kingdoms. They are extremely aggressive, and the country is also very chaotic. The enemy we have to face is not only humans, but also the fallen ones hidden in humans. "

Davis: "Yes!"

The so-called "suddenness" for the First Army only had a certain effect in the early stage. Before the target country reacted, the First Army could capture more cities.

This is just a tactical suggestion, Davis does not force it.

As General Tanya said, the goal of the First Army is the entire Austrian continent. The gains and losses of several cities are not so important. You only need to proceed step by step and eat up the whole Austrian bit by bit. Leah continent can be.

Too radical, many things can not be taken into account, which is not conducive to the stability of the rear.

The convoy was moving forward, all the way north.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the light was leaving quickly.

Over the city of Delhi, the "Sky Rider" drone has disappeared. Only a few "Falcon" helicopter gunships occasionally fly over the building at low altitude, deterring all the restless factors in Delhi.

In the outskirts of the northwest, a temporary camp has been formed.

Since it is in the city, there is no need to think too much about safety.

It is said to be a camp, but in fact it is just a fairly large grassland. The troops entering the city occupied it. Tents were erected on the grassland and necessary cordon lines were established around the camp to prevent civilians from entering. .

After inspecting the camp, Davis stayed in the camp while Tanya returned to the fleet.

Due to lack of time, the command post in the camp has not had time to be established. Only on the warship can Tan Ya do something that should be done as the highest "commander".

The city of Delhi has been fully controlled by the First Army, and the journey back to the fleet is smooth without any setbacks.

When Tan Ya returned to the flagship, the sky was completely dark.

The river is not dark, the light transmitted from the warship expelled the surrounding darkness.

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