Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1289: Divide the theater

Upon entering the command room, a holographic projection of "Ya" appeared on the metal disk next to the building's seat.

"There is news from Sergeant "Yaman" of the Kingdom of Ogeria. The demon in Daran City has disappeared and its whereabouts are unknown. According to relevant information, it is very likely that the demon has entered the territory of the Kingdom of Bliss. Sergeant Sergeant Aman asks for instructions , Do you follow the demons and monitor their movements?"

Yaman was a five-level sergeant, who was left by Tanya in the Kingdom of Ogeria. He was responsible for matters related to the Kingdom of Austria. He was also the highest commander of the small fleet of the First Army in the Kingdom of Austria.

Tan Ya sat down in the captain's seat.

The devil is no longer in Daran City?

In the hood, Tan Ya fell into thinking because of the news from "Ya".

In the prediction of the First Legion, the next target of the demons in Darwin City is likely to be "Darwin City."

To this end, the First Army made some preparations to protect the safety of the Kingdom of Austria.

Now the demons in Daran City have disappeared, and their whereabouts are unknown.

In the data terminal of the First Army, there was a record of the demons from the subspace.

Any demon that enters the main material realm will not return to the subspace under normal circumstances. Only after being killed and the physical body destroyed will the demon consciousness return to the subspace to reunite with the body.

In other words, the demons in Daran City did not disappear, but left Daran City and went to another place.

According to the information provided by "Ya", the neighboring country of the Kingdom of Austria, the Kingdom of Bliss, is likely to be targeted by the devil.

In this way, the demon that appeared on the mainland of Austria is probably not small.

Knowing to shift the battlefield, and also knowing to choose weak enemies as opponents, this has something to do with "wisdom".

Ordinary demons have no wisdom to speak of. They act completely with the instinct of killing. They will not think about what to do next. They will only instinctively kill all the lives they see until they are eliminated, otherwise they will not stop killing. pace of.

The demons in Daran City have all kinds of behaviors. They not only take down a city, but also know that they can avoid powerful enemies that are difficult to gnaw, move the battlefield, and choose weak enemies as their next target.

Obviously, demons are "developing", using humans as the medium to grow the power of the demons.

The scale of the demons in Daran City is not small. Once they are allowed to act recklessly on the mainland of Austria and gain a firm foothold, it will be a disaster for the entire population of Austria.

Due to the particularity of the subspace demons, it can be said that the more slaughtered, the stronger the power, and the larger the scale will be through the sacrificial summoning. Once the demons have an absolute advantage on the continent of Austria, Presenting a snowball situation, the devil will only grow stronger.

In the end, the Austrian continent might become the second southern continent.

Thinking of this, Tan Ya had a headache.

The devil is the most dangerous enemy, and the enemy that the First Legion doesn't want to deal with.

The battle with the devil will only be the purest battle, and there will be no benefit at all.

If you really want to allow the demons to plunder on the continent of Austria, and let the demons capture a few cities, it is not easy to destroy the demons at that time. Even the first legion will pay a lot. cost.

"It seems we must plan ahead."

In her mind, Tan Ya thought so.

how should I do it?

This is a difficult problem. Now the main force of the First Army is at the northwestern end of the mainland of Ogeria, while the Kingdom of Bliss is located in the southeast of the continent, separated by two kingdoms. In a short time, the main force of the First Army is It is difficult to encounter the demons in the Kingdom of Bliss.

In the hood, Tan Ya opened his mouth slightly and said, "Ya, open the map of the mainland of Austria."

In Tanya's words, the blue light flickered, and above the metal disk, a three-dimensional map of the continent of Austria appeared.

The information on the map is very accurate, the undulating terrain, mountains, and every town can be seen clearly.

Looking at the three-dimensional map in front of him intently, Tan Ya's mind became active.

The current combat plan of the First Army is to "advance", step by step, starting from the Kingdom of Culver, advancing to the entire continent of Ogeria with an arc-shaped front, steadily eating the six nations bit by bit.

Although there are certain risks in this way of fighting, the benefits are obvious. Although the forces are dispersed, the distance between each unit will not be very far. Once the enemy on a certain front gathers a large number of troops, The First Corps can guarantee the assembly of an army sufficient to break the defense within an effective time.

Even if a battle line is repelled, the army can be adjusted in time.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is to ensure that the offensive has an absolute advantage, otherwise it would be the most stupid way to disperse the forces, which would easily be divided and wiped out by the enemy, and the long line would collapse.

This way of fighting can fully demonstrate the confidence of the First Army and its contempt for the enemy.

How to do it?

Tan Ya is thinking.

Abandoning the original battle plan, this is what Tan Ya didn't want to see.

Tanya didn't want to mess up the deployment of the First Legion because of the devil, nor did he want the unification of Austria to be delayed indefinitely because of the devil.

In this way, we must think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

One is that it does not affect the progress of the war, and the other is that the devil can be eliminated as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Tan Ya said: "Ya, if the devil is the main combat target, can there be a good way without affecting the progress of the war? I need a piece of data, and it can be calculated based on existing intelligence. a bit."

"Yes, it is being calculated, please wait a moment."

The blue data stream was flowing, disappearing without a trace in just two breaths, and Ya got the answer.

"According to the available data, to target the demons in the Kingdom of Bliss, the top priority plan is to "divide the theater of war." A dividing line is drawn from northwest to southeast. The mainland of Austria is divided into two theaters of northeast and southwest. The main force attacked the Northeast Theater where the Kingdom of Bliss was located, and a small number of troops attacked the Southwest Theater."

Divide the theater?

This is a good way.

If the main force attacks the Northeast Theater, they can effectively contain the demons and eliminate them before they grow stronger. Although there are few troops attacking the Southwest Theater, the troops attacking the Southwest are only an auxiliary and a cover. The main purpose is to attract the Southwest Theater. Pay attention to some kingdoms in the Middle East and avoid some kingdoms in the Southwest Theater from joining the Northeast Theater.

This plan is feasible...

Thinking of this, Tan Ya made a decision in her heart, and immediately said: "Change the combat plan, change the deployment of the three armies, order the fourth and fifth fleet commanders Warren and Wilson, and let them lead the existing army to attack the Southwest Theater, the follow-up troops All belong to the Third Fleet, led by me personally, responsible for the war in the Northeast Theater."

"Yes, the battle plan has been changed and the mission has been updated."

Although the main force was responsible for attacking the Northeast Theater and destroying the demons, Tan Ya was still a little worried.

In order to ensure that there is nothing wrong, Tan Ya said again: "Warren and Wilson, all air force units are immediately transferred to the Third Fleet, under the control of the Third Fleet."

"Yes, the order has been issued."

In terms of the Air Force arms, the First Corps is still a bit weak, and only when concentrated use can it give full play to the Air Force’s greatest advantage.

The efficiency of dispersed use is extremely low. Although it can provide timely fire support to ground troops in combat, the first legion’s ground long-range firepower is sufficient in terms of support firepower, and the air force is just icing on the cake.

In the Southwest Theater, Warren and Wilson have a total of about 150,000 troops. There is no problem in performing the tasks in the Southwest Theater. Even without the assistance of the Air Force, they can complete the tasks well.

But it is different in the Northeast Theater. The commander of the Northeast Theater is Tan Ya, and the enemies to be dealt with are not only humans, but also demons. Humans are the second, and demons are the most important target.

Although in the Northeast Theater, Tan Ya can command a total of 350,000 troops, but this scale is not enough to make Tan Ya completely relieved. The devil is not an ordinary enemy, and it must be invested as much as possible. With more combat power, only in this way can losses be minimized.

In the war against the devil, if there are a large number of air force units to assist, the pressure on the ground forces will undoubtedly be much less.

The words paused, and Tan Ya said again: "Order Yaman to keep him aware of the movements of the "devil" and find them. We must know their whereabouts."


Before you know it, the night is already late.

At some point, the river outside Delhi was calm again. The bright lights were gone and the river surface was dark again.

Today, many things have happened in the kingdom of Culver, and these things will also make the whole continent of Austria boil.

Although this world is full of wars, conflicts between people, and survival battles between people and polluting beasts, large-scale wars between humans rarely occur, let alone collisions between nations.

Although there are seven countries in the Austrian continent, except for the orthodox Kingdom of Austria, other kingdoms can be called warlords to be precise, and the war between countries on the Austrian continent can only be called It is a melee of warlords.

An internal war of a nation can be fought no matter what. Outsiders cannot intervene and are not qualified to intervene.

When foreign enemies invade and foreigners invade the territory originally belonged to the native inhabitants, this is not a contradiction between people, but a war between countries.

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