Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1290: Advocating order

The First Legion invaded the Kingdom of Culver, the Kingdom of Culver came down without a fight, and the king fled. This news is unavoidable. But in three days, the news of the fall of the Kingdom of Culver was like a storm that ravaged the continent The whole territory.

In the face of this storm, the six countries on the mainland of Austria, which had been in a melee, had tacitly put away their troops and became extra careful.

The First Army, this non-state armed force, is a household name in the human world.

Although the Austrian mainland is on the sidelines, it knows a little bit about the First Army.

Anyone who can become the overlord of one party will not be a stupid person. The First Legion chooses to invade the mainland of Austria at this time.

With the fall of the Kingdom of Culver, the situation on the continent of Austria has become increasingly tense.

In this tense atmosphere, on the fifth day of the fall of the Kingdom of Culver, the First Corps launched another operation. A large army of 500,000 and tens of thousands of armored units were divided into dozens of large and small non-commissioned officers. , With an irregular arc, starting from the three cities of the Kingdom of Culver, radiating to the entire continent of Austria.

For a time, troops of the First Army marched everywhere in the forest at the northwestern tip of the Austrian mainland.

In terms of transportation, mainland Austria is extremely backward.

In the era when the Kingdom of Austria was dominating, although there were road connections between the cities, after the Kingdom of Austria lost power, for hundreds of years, the road in the forest has fallen into disrepair and the road conditions are extremely poor. Under the erosion of the forest, many road sections have disappeared without a trace, and only a little trace can be seen deep in the forest.

Fortunately, the terrain of the mainland of Austria is low and flat, and the forest ground is flat, which facilitates the march of the army.

In the First Army, whether it is a heavy guardian tank or a light armed off-road vehicle, they can freely shuttle through the forest.

The only trouble is probably the logistics and transportation.

Of course, this is not a problem.

When the army is advancing forward, the engineering team behind will clear a simple dirt road all the way for logistics transportation units to pass.

With the attack of the army, the long front line of the First Army is advancing bit by bit, and new battles are coming.

A few days later, the battle started.

In the Northeast Theater and the Southwest Theater, the First Army took the lead in fighting with the kingdoms of Sayitl and Fonaka.

On the long front, at the same time, four cities and more than ten farm towns have become new battlefields.

For a time, gunpowder and war re-shrouded the Austrian continent.

Just as the First Army was aggressively fighting on the mainland of Austria, in Kyoto, Li Meng's leisure time came to an end.

The news that the First Army has launched a new war on the Austrian continent cannot be concealed.

When the First Army captured the Culver Kingdom within a few days, the news crossed the sea and spread into the human world.

For a time, with Kyoto as the center point, human society in the East Asian circle became lively again.

I don’t know who disclosed the news that Li Meng was in the 101 hospital. In the past few days, Li Meng had no chance with Qingjing. The 101 hospital seemed to have become a busy market. A large number of journalists and envoys from various countries poured in, with only one purpose. That is to find Li Meng, the ambassador of the First Army.

For reporters, Li Meng is not only the ambassador of the First Army, but also the hero who saves Kyoto. Regardless of the behavior of the First Army on the mainland of Austria, Li Meng alone is already a big one. Let’s watch, if you can interview this hero, it’s not a bad thing for any reporter.

"I am an "ambassador", and I only represent the First Legion. No action of the First Legion can be controlled by me. What is justice? What is mercy? What the First Legion does is extremely clear. The purpose of Kyoto is a good place. The people here can live a good life, but the world outside the high walls is not all beautiful. Whether it is Bentley or Austria, they are all Poor and backward, there is no order and no human rights. There is only oppression and humiliation. Although the First Army has waged war, it has also brought order. Under the leadership of the First Army, they will be treated fairly."

On the hospital bed, Li Meng sat with a smile on his face, and met with a reporter representative who had a strong desire.

He stood by the hospital bed and looked at Li Meng on the bed with reverence.

It was this young man in his eyes who saved Kyoto from the devil. Although he was young, he had more power than anyone else.

Regardless of his status, there is one thing that is undeniable that he saved Kyoto. This alone is worthy of respect.

Compared to the quietness of the room, the door is noisy, and the commotion in the corridor outside can be heard even inside the house.

Facing the rush of reporters, I couldn't stop it. I stopped it for a while, but Li Meng's life will not be easier in the future. Once he leaves the hospital, Li Meng's every move in Kyoto will probably be stared at.

Therefore, as an ambassador, these public affairs are already in their obligations, and Li Meng has no intention to escape.

"Mr. Li Meng, can I think that in this matter, Mr. Li Meng agrees with the actions of the First Army?"

To the reporter, Li Meng smiled faintly, and said nonchalantly: "Of course, I am the ambassador of the First Army. I have the same belief as the First Army. The First Army advocates order. Anything that is not in order. Will be watched by the First Army."

"In other words, in the eyes of the First Army, the war was launched for order, to change the chaotic pattern of a certain area, and to bring a happy life to the local people?"

As a reporter, his experience is still very sophisticated, knowing that at this time, he doesn't have much time and can only grasp the most important issues as much as possible.

Li Meng did not answer this question directly.

Very humorously smiled: "Do you believe it?"

This kind of answer made the reporter speechless and smiled embarrassingly.

Of course I don’t believe it. No matter how beautiful the purpose of the First Army is, even if it is really for "order" and for the people who are living in despair, this is by no means a reason to start a war, and people cannot understand the First Army. way of doing.

The reporter is not alone, and beside him is an assistant carrying a camera on his shoulder.

The interview with Li Meng is being broadcast live in Kyoto at this time.

Many people in front of TV laughed at Li Meng's humorous answer.

Although starting a war is not a good thing, Mr. Li Meng is really honest.

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