Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1291: Unacceptable responsibility

In the hearts of the people of Kyoto, although Mr. Li Meng is the ambassador of the First Army, they are more concerned about the identity of the hero who saves Kyoto. Although the practices of the First Army are unacceptable, what does this have to do with Mr. Li Meng? As for the relationship, Mr. Li Meng is only the "ambassador" of the First Army, nothing more.

Looking at the embarrassing reporter, Li Meng smiled faintly and said: "War may not be a good thing, but sometimes war is necessary. The First Army’s approach is right or wrong. Now I can’t give you the answer, but I I believe that in the future, as the citizens of the First Army, they will not be disappointed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Meng gestured to Long Qiao'er, who was standing quietly.

Long Qiaoer took a clear step forward and said to the reporter: "This is the end of the interview, adults need to rest."

Long Qiao'er moved, and some police officers in blue and gray uniforms standing in the room also moved. Long Qiao'er used a voice to remind the reporter that it was time to leave, while the police used actions to signal the reporter to leave immediately.

In the face of the aggressive guards, although there is still a lot to say, the reporter had to end the interview and left the room with his assistant.

As soon as the door was opened, the noisy sound suddenly entered the room.

Seeing the door opened, the reporters who were waiting in the corridor rushed up. Fortunately, guards guarded the door and quickly blocked the crazy reporters with a human wall.


The noisy sound did not last long. The reporter left, and the guards in the room also left. When the door was closed, the noisy sound suddenly weakened a lot.

Only Li Meng and Long Qiaoer were left in the room.

Walking lightly to the side of the bed, Long Qiaoer, dressed in a black tulle dress, said lightly: "Master! Let's sleep for a while."

In the past few days, the host did not have a good rest. Those reporters were second. The guards stopped him. It might not be the owner's meaning, but the ambassadors of various countries, the guards at the door would not be able to stop them.

In the past few days, the host has met many ambassadors.

Some have good attitudes, some have bad attitudes, and some have fierce speeches, and everyone has them.

Dealing with those "ambassadors" is not an easy task, laborious and laborious.

Glancing at the door, Li Meng said helplessly, "Am I still asleep in this situation?"

After speaking, Li Meng moved slightly, left the hospital bed, and walked slowly to the window.

The weather today is not very good, the sky is gloomy, no sunlight is visible, and the thick clouds are moving quickly to the southwest, showing signs of storms.

Looking at the garden outside, Li Meng said calmly: "These things are also expected. Human beings are like this. Facing a piece of fat, they don’t want others to eat what they can’t eat. Even if they can’t stop it, they will try their best to make it. Those who eat are not so happy to eat."

Walking lightly behind the master, looking at the master in front of the window, Long Qiaoer whispered: "If the master finds it bothersome, you don't need to pay attention to them. What the First Legion does is beyond their ability to interfere."

Saying that, Li Meng could do the same, but Li Meng would not.

Standing in front of the window, Li Meng's expression was very calm, and he said indifferently: "The First Army can do its own thing, but it can't lose communication with the outside world. Since it assumes the role of "ambassador", it must bear the obligations it should undertake."

Speaking of this, Li Meng paused slightly, looked back at Long Qiao'er, and said softly: "When things calm down, please leave the hospital."

After staying in the hospital for so long, the injuries on his body are almost healed. In Kyoto, Li Meng has spent a lot of time, and counting his days, it has been nearly five months.

Five months, nearly half a year, it can be said that Li Meng's trip to Kyoto was completely disrupted.

In his heart, a slender figure flashed past, reminding Li Meng of a person.

Li Meng suddenly thought of Tyra, and did not know where she had gone.

Since the last separation, Li Meng has not seen her again, counting the time, it has been more than five months.

For nearly half a year, she had already exceeded her mission deadline.

It's really irresponsible, even if the mission deadline is exceeded, you should tell him before leaving.

Did something happen?

Li Meng still has some understanding of Tyra's temperament, although the time to get along is not very long.

Compared to young people, Tyra is undoubtedly mature. Mature women are often more careful, and it is impossible to leave without saying goodbye.

This makes Li Meng a little concerned...

After thinking for a while, Li Meng stopped thinking about it.

Tyra is a martial artist, and coming to Kyoto with him also has her own things to do, too much care is unnecessary.

After all, the relationship between him and Tyra is not very familiar. Although the two are somewhat "ambiguous" to some extent, this is probably only Li Meng's wishful thinking.

At age, Li Meng is in adolescence, no matter how sensible, the instinct of the body will make Li Meng have no resistance to mature and beautiful women.

Men are like this, maybe there is only one person they love, but there will never be only one woman.

Speaking of maturity, Li Meng thought of Wang Yanmei.

A few hundred years old, with perfect beauty and figure, she is probably the most mature and perfect woman.

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled and put away the wild thoughts in his heart.

He didn't come to Kyoto for fun. He had other things to do while fulfilling his duties as an "ambassador."

In the past few months, some things have been completed, and some things have been put down for some reasons.

After being discharged from the hospital, Li Meng already had some plans in his mind for his itinerary, and those things that were temporarily set aside should also be dealt with.

Time passed bit by bit, and the noisy corridor outside the door gradually became quiet.

The hospital is a quiet place, and the reporters cannot be willful for too long.

Even if the police outside the door ignored them, the nurses in the hospital would let them leave.

For Li Meng, there is no difference between today and usual. The only difference is probably the weather. The weather today is not good, giving people a feeling of before the storm.

When night was approaching, the door of Li Meng's ward was knocked again.

Those who can come here at this time will not be the "ambassadors" of a certain country, nor will they be reporters, nor will they be strangers who do not know, but only people who know each other well.

The person who came was not someone else, but Yalan.

Since Li Meng was admitted to the 101 Hospital, Arran has not come here too often, and will come to see Li Meng from time to time.

In Kyoto, Arran is also a familiar person to Li Meng.

Leaving aside the First Army, although the two are not friends, they still have some friendship.

Although the friendship is slightly superficial, Li Meng still recognizes "Arlan".

Beauty is one of them. After all, who doesn't like beautiful women. Although Li Meng doesn't think anything about Arran, he doesn't care about maintaining a relatively close relationship with Arran.

Second, it was the "strongness" of Yalan.

When the Association of Heroes was still in existence, "Arran" as a hero did not look like other heroes, with a heavy burden on him. Although Li Meng didn't know much about it, he had been in Kyoto for so long. The identity of "Arran" is more or less known.

As a woman, there are some things that shouldn't be taken by "Alan", but she has assumed the responsibilities that should belong to men.

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