Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1292: Favor

Today's Yalan wears a black dovetail skirt, and her slim figure is still so attractive.

She sat by the bed, looked at Li Meng who came to the window, and whispered softly: "This time I came to say goodbye to Mr. Li Meng. The Heroes' Association no longer exists, and I have no meaning to stay in Kyoto. It’s been many years since I left my hometown, and it’s time to go back and have a look."

Turning around, Li Meng leaned against the window sill and looked at Yalan who was sitting on the bed.

"What are you going to do? You should know that although you are a martial artist, you are single and weak. There are some things you can't do. Sophia's current situation is very chaotic. Even if you go back, you can't change much."

Facing Li Meng's gaze, Yalan shook her head lightly, and said with a firm expression: "I have already decided."

Has it been decided...

This is Yalan's own business, and Li Meng can only make some suggestions on the sidelines.

With both hands stretched out, he leaned back on the window sill, with a slight force, Li Meng sat down on his whole body.

Sitting lightly against the window sill, Li Meng looked at Yalan and said softly: "This is your decision, so I won't persuade you. Sophia is your hometown. What kind of mood do you have now? I don’t know, but as a friend, I want to do something within my power. You won’t refuse, will you?”


These two words made Yalan stunned slightly, feeling quite flattered in her heart.

Arran is no stranger to the young man in front of him. Aside from the identity of the "ambassador" of the First Army, his own prestige is beyond her reach.

Since the last time the "devil incident in Kyoto" subsided, the young man in front of him has been a household name in the human world. In that thin body, there is a scary "power", this power, It also made him believed by many theocrats as the incarnation of God.

Although it is only a reverie of a religious figure, it also illustrates the unique identity of this young man today.

How could she be his friend?

Although there are some surprises in my heart, it is more warm.

With a faint smile, Yalan said softly: "Mr. Li Meng's kindness is appreciated by my heart, this matter is not..."

"Don't refuse yet."

Before Yalan finished speaking, Li Meng interrupted her.

Looking at Yalan, Li Meng said seriously: "I said to help you. This is not an empty word. I am the "ambassador" of the First Army. Even if I help you from the perspective of a friend, this identity also has something for you. A great benefit, the time that you and I have known each other is not short. You have to owe me this "favor"."


Yalan was very puzzled, what was her favor?

Is it worth Mr. Li Meng's care?

I don't understand, I don't understand at all.

With a slight sigh, Arran said helplessly: "Mr. Li Meng's mind Arran really can't guess it. Please also ask Mr. Li Meng to express it."

Arran’s doubts are taken for granted. Although Arran is not young in her age, she has never experienced some things, and her relationship between men and women is blank.

Jumping off the window sill, Li Meng walked and said calmly: "Well, this man has three preferences, one is power, and the other is money. When it comes to power, I am now one person below ten thousand people, and right Yes, of course there will be no shortage of money, three things..."

Li Meng stopped in front of Long Qiao'er.

He stretched out his right hand, raised Long Qiao'er's slender and white chin, lowered his head and kissed the rosy lips.

Long Qiaoer did not respond to the sudden attack of the master, looking at the master lightly, very obedient.

With words intersecting, Li Meng pried Long Qiao'er's mouth open as if no one else, and explored deeper.

This scene made Yalan blush, and at the same time a little at a loss. She didn't even know the meaning of Mr. Li Meng's doing this.

After a deep kiss, Li Meng let go of Long Qiao'er.

With a slight smile, Li Meng looked back at the shy Yalan, and said softly: "These three, of course they are women. As the saying goes, gentle ladies and gentlemen are so begging. Miss Yalan is so beautiful. I moved a little bit. It's a matter of course."

Is it a confession?

Li Meng's words shocked Yalan, but at the same time, it was also a little unbelievable, but even more dumbfounding.

What's the matter with this, I still know her own beauty, Yalan.

Among the women around Mr. Li Meng, which woman is not more beautiful than her, why would Mr. Li Meng be interested in her?

Yalan didn't believe that Li Meng would feel about her at all, her expression was slight, and Yalan said helplessly, "Mr. Li Meng, don't tease me."

Li Meng just smiled to Yalan's reaction like this, and didn't say much.

Leaving in front of Long Qiaoer, Li Meng returned to the window sill again.

The thin body was leaning against the windowsill, looking at Yalan, Li Meng said softly: "Well, anyway, I am willing to contribute to this matter. Now it depends on whether you are willing to owe this "favor". Up."

Looking at Li Meng in a daze, Yalan felt a little complicated.

She did not suspect that Mr. Li Meng had any bad purpose for doing this, because to the First Army, to Mr. Li Meng, neither she nor Sophia was worth mentioning, and would not bring What effective benefits.

To be honest, Arran wanted to owe this "favor".

As Mr. Li Meng said, in order to realize the wish in her heart, Mr. Li Meng's help is the quickest shortcut. This moved her heart, and something called "hope" appeared in her heart.

Looking up, Yalan looked at Li Meng with a complicated expression, opened her mouth slightly, and whispered: "Thank you."

The two-word whisper, this is Arran's choice, a clear and wise choice.

Li Meng was quite satisfied with Arran's choice.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said casually: "Let's talk, how do you want me to help you? Yu Gong, I am the "ambassador" of the First Army, Yu Shi, you and I are not strangers, two friends. The word is also worthy. I can help you as an "ambassador" of the First Army, or as a friend. Different identities have different things."

The words were paused, and Li Meng continued in Arran’s eyes: “If I am a friend, I can support you financially, and I can also use some relationships to allow Sophia to have a good political environment internationally. The identity of the ambassador of the First Army, there are many things that can be done. The First Army can provide financial resources, material resources, and even manpower. Of course, the identity of the "ambassador" represents the First Army, and there will be some "Benefits" factor, although I am the "ambassador" of the First Army, there are some things I have said that are not counted, and I am also powerless."

This is natural, Arran can understand.

Although I know that Mr. Li Meng’s identity in the First Army is more than just an ambassador, in this matter, Arran does not think that Mr. Li Meng can "talk in one word". This is a major event between countries. Let personal love confuse it.

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