Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1293: Republic of Sofia

Without thinking about it, Yalan said with certainty: "If possible, I hope Mr. Li Meng will help me as an "ambassador". What I want to do is simple and complicated. It requires the power of a country. As for Benefits... Sophia has nothing good. If the First Army is willing, the Republic of Sofia is willing to merge into the First Army."

Arran knew enough about the First Army.

In terms of military capabilities, the First Army is unquestionable. Among known countries, the American Federation may be able to compete with the First Army. Even in Kyoto, it is difficult to compete with the First Army. The first legion is on par.

In terms of military capabilities, although the First Corps is very strong, it does not seem to be interested in politics.

The enemy was bowed by war, but after the war, the power was still in the hands of the local residents.

It can be seen from the Bentley country, Danlan Kingdom, these two countries.

Although these two countries are attached to the First Army, the regime is independent. The First Army completely threw out the power and only served as an inspector.

What the first legion wants and what is its ultimate goal is a mystery.

But one thing is true. For some third world countries, being under the banner of the First Army is not necessarily a bad thing.

Yalan's purpose is simple, she is not thinking about the present, but Sophia after the end of the civil strife.

In this era, there are no rules in the relationship between nations. Regardless of the current world of mankind, many nations have signed some treaties to maintain peaceful coexistence. However, once necessary, no country will go. Care about treaties that are not binding.

What is emphasized between countries is "interests", not a piece of waste paper on the fictitious name.

Incorporated into the First Army?

Yalan's words made Li Meng very surprised.

To be honest, I don’t have any interest in Limon of the Republic of Sofia. One is too far away. An "enclave" thousands of miles away is of no use to the current First Army. The other is the geographical location. The Republic of Sofia is located in Kyoto. Between the Republic of Sharjah and the Kingdom of Barron, East Asia and Western Europe are connected, and the southwest direction even touches the Middle East. Its special geographical location allows the Republic of Sofia to occupy an extremely important transportation artery, but it is precisely because of this. , The situation in Sofia has been in chaos.

Living inland, neighbors on all sides are powerful nations. Different races and nationalities live together, and ideological contradictions will be revealed. Once there are ideological contradictions, it will naturally lead to fights. Once a fight occurs, Civil war is inevitable.

However, although he is not interested, if the Republic of Sofia can take the initiative to attach to the First Army, Li Meng is still happy to see it.

Because the Republic of Sofia has undoubtedly set an example for this behavior, Li Meng's ultimate goal is to establish a federal regime headed by the First Army. In the future, it will actively absorb the participation of countries.

For now, the First Army still uses war to achieve its goals, but in the future, when the world knows the strength of the First Army and the benefits of joining the First Army camp, war will not be necessary.

The Republic of Sofia is just the beginning, and Li Meng has this hunch.

Thinking of this and looking at Arran, Li Meng said, "Sophia is a communist system. Of course, I know that this is just an illusion. Otherwise, Sophia will not be divided for a long time. Who do you think is authoritarian? The government, or various rebel groups, said yes, do you plan to overthrow everything and start again?"

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly and said: "As the "ambassador" of the First Army, I hope you will become your own faction and gain the power of Sofia. Any country that joins the First Army camp must have a stable domestic situation. Having a unified political power is one of the necessary conditions. A stable and peaceful environment is the necessary foundation for a country's development and prosperity."

Self-contained faction?

Arran thoughtfully, this is not an easy task.

Regarding the self-contained faction, Arran had not thought about it before, because although Sophia was chaotic, there was a dictatorial government and various rebels in the country, the government was hopeless, and Arran would not think that it was only by his own ability. It can change the government's current situation, but among the various rebels, Arran still has a fancy goal.

The main purpose of the rebels is to overthrow the government and replace it. Regardless of whether there is a “rights” struggle, one thing is undeniable, that is, the rebels have a very solid foundation.

This foundation is what Arran needs, because it allows Arran to change the domestic situation faster.

However, there is a problem.

If you support a certain route of rebels, even if you finally win and join the banner of the First Legion, this cannot be guaranteed.

Joining the banner of the First Legion is just Arran's personal meaning, and there is no guarantee that others will have this idea.

Yalan was silent, lost in thought.

Regarding Arran’s thinking like this, Li Meng understood very well: “How to do it requires a good plan. In addition to sending troops directly, the First Army can provide you with what you want. Although you are abroad, you have With a powerful backing, you are a martial artist, a former hero, and a direct descendant of the famous "Yelqin Family" in the Republic of Sofia. This identity gives you great prestige, and some things are not difficult to do. "

Li Meng said that Yalan nodded lightly.

Of course Yalan knew her identity, otherwise she would not be a hero, as a representative of the Republic of Sofia.

The Yerqin family is one of the famous clans in the Republic of Sofia. It has made great achievements in business and politics. Of course, this is just the glory of the past.

The dictatorship of the government and the chaos caused by the rebels have made Sophia's situation very complicated.

In this situation, as early as many years ago, in order to protect their lives, the Yerqin family escaped from business and politics, fled their hometown, and settled in the Republic of Sharjah.

Although he fled abroad, he did not really abandon the Yelqin family of the Republic of Sofia, his motherland. In terms of business, he still has a close relationship with the country.

This matter can't be urgent, you have to think about it, and set a general direction.

Thinking like this, Yalan looked up at Li Meng and said softly: "I will consider Mr. Li Meng's suggestion. It's getting late, so I won't bother Mr. Li Meng to rest."

At this time, the night had completely fallen, and Yalan knew that it had been disturbing for a long time, so she started to stand up and was about to leave.

Nodding lightly, looking at Yalan who was about to leave, Li Meng said, "You can go to Chen Qi for funding. You should be familiar with him, and he will be responsible for contacting you in the future."

"Okay, I know."

Yalan is naturally no stranger to Chen Qi and knows where to find him.

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