Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1299: Ambitious goals

Although the night is late, Yipintang is still very lively.

Leaving from the noisy first-floor lobby, the three stopped in a relatively quiet street.

After bidding farewell, Li Meng and Chen Yan boarded the waiting vehicles on the side of the road.

With the roar of the engine rumbling, the vehicle was moving away.

By the side of the street, Li Yanran stood still, staring straight at the passing cars.

It wasn't until the vehicle disappeared at the end of the street that she calmly turned and returned to Yipintang.

Yipintang is a meeting place, and it is also where Li Yanran stays in Kyoto.

On the way back, the road conditions are undoubtedly much better.

On the unobstructed street, the vehicle was driving at a steady speed.

In the car, leaning against the owner, Chen Yan whispered: "Master, it might be inappropriate to go to "Xiandu" at this time. Even if the one who believes in the owner, some gossip is inevitable."

Now the First Army is very sensitive to any country. The current situation in Kyoto, if Li Meng is very willful to meet some people, it may be considered that the First Army has interfered in Kyoto's internal affairs.

Li Meng didn't respond to Chen Yan's whisper in his ear, and his eyes calmly watched the scene moving backwards from the window.

For a long time, Li Meng said indifferently: "It's okay, the first legion is the least afraid of gossip. What the first legion will do does not require other people to make irresponsible remarks. One day they will understand that all they think in their hearts is only what the first legion wants. The tip of the iceberg in what you do."

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled indifferently, and said: "This world needs a change, a change related to the future of mankind. Everything I have done, everything the First Legion has done, is just brewing an imminent raid. It's just a global storm."

Chen Yan didn't feel much about Li Meng's words.

She didn't understand these things, and didn't want to know them.

However, she knew more or less about the purpose of the First Army. She knew that the master had a very ambitious goal. She also knew that the ultimate goal of the First Army was not just to occupy a certain place.

Holding her master's arm, Chen Yan said lazily: "Master, why bother to do so much? In this world, it is enough to have a place for us. Isn't the master still satisfied with us with you?"

This is a bit lazy, but Li Meng did not scold Chen Yan for it.

He just looked back at Chen Yan beside him, and said calmly: "The future of mankind is our future. In this world, we may be able to exist carefree, but in the universe, in the endless starry sky. Threats are everywhere. Maybe one day humans will become prey, and so are we. To avoid this day, humans must enter the starry sky and search for the future in the vast universe. What the First Legion has to do is to become humans. Leading the way, leading mankind on a new journey."


Chen Yan seemed to understand what the master said, but she probably knew what the master wanted.

The universe, the starry sky or something, is still too far away for human beings now.

But one thing is clear, this world will surely become the bag of the First Legion, because only in this way can the First Legion become the leader of mankind.

After that, the car became quiet.

When I returned to the 101 hospital, the night was already late.

At the entrance of the hospital, Chen Yan left, while Li Meng returned to the ward alone.

It was late at night, and the hospital became quiet.

Walking in the long corridor, there is no sound in the ear, and the occasional sound is also fleeting. The quiet atmosphere makes the long corridor appear extremely deep, giving people a very peculiar pressure.

The ground is a little smoother, even if the footsteps are lighter, there will be a "stomping" footstep.

When he returned to his own room, Li Meng saw one person without surprise.

It was Long Qiao'er. She stood at the window and didn't know what she was looking at. She seemed very focused.

The sound of the door opened alarmed her, and she turned and cast her eyes to the door.

At this look, he saw Li Meng entering the room.

She was startled slightly, then greeted Li Meng.

"Master, just received a message from Austria, do you want to see it?"


Stretching lazily, Li Meng felt a little tired.

Li Meng didn't care much about the situation in Austria.

The war has started, and then he just needs to wait for the good news.

The only thing that made Li Meng a little concerned about was probably the Chaos Demon that was entrenched in the continent of Austria.

However, although the Chaos Demon is terrible, it is not immortal. As long as it can be killed, it is nothing terrible for the First Legion. Although the Chaos Demon is strong, Li Meng also believes in his subordinates.

Has the situation changed?

What will change?

As long as the First Legion is careful to deal with the Chaos Demon, the ultimate victory belongs to the First Legion.

As for the large and small kingdoms on the Austrian continent, Li Meng has never cared about it, nor did he think that the strength of those kingdoms alone can resist the frontiers of the First Army, even if they are united? This will only bring the fastest breakdown.

The gap is the gap. Once the gap is too big, it cannot be filled with fearless courage.

No matter how stubborn resistance, under absolute strength will be destroyed by the rotten.

1+1 is equal to 2. The kingdoms on the Austrian continent may unite to get a value of "8" or "10", but the value of the First Legion is "100". In terms of value only, the gap in between It is an insurmountable mountain.

Sitting lazily on the bed, although a little tired, Li Meng still raised his mind.

Looking at Long Qiao'er not far in front of him, Li Meng said, "Let's talk about it."

Lifting his footsteps slightly, Long Qiaoer came to Li Meng with a light step, and his slender body squatted down, naturally taking off his boots for Li Meng.

As she took it off, she said: "The war is going well. One-third of the territory of the Austrian mainland has fallen into the hands of the First Army. However, with the overall advancement of the army, the First Army is also facing some new changes. Master, according to General Tan Ya, the greatest threat of the First Legion comes from the Chaos Demon. Although the army has not yet come into contact with the Chaos Demon, this is something that will be unavoidable sooner or later."

This is natural, and Li Meng is not surprised by this news.

Li Meng told Tan Ya where the Chaos Demon was located. When he discovered that Chaos Demon, Li Meng already knew that in the future, that Chaos Demon would be the biggest obstacle for the First Army to unify the mainland of Austria.

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