Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1300: Creek city

Li Meng: "What? Those evil things have already begun to act?"

"Yes, according to General Tanya, that Chaos Demon is looting in the Kingdom of Bliss. In order to prevent the Chaos Demon from having time to grow, General Tanya is leading the army to invade the Kingdom of Bliss at full speed."

It seems a bit tricky...

Li Meng is not afraid of Chaos Demon, at least one Chaos Legion that is not very large will not be afraid of Li Meng, but the Chaos Legion is extremely harmful. As long as they are given enough time to kill, their power will be like The general infinite enhancement of the snowball. If the entire population of Austria becomes the sacrifice of the Chaos Demon, then the human world will usher in a "natural disaster", a "demon natural disaster" comparable to the world of Edras .

At that time, the entire human race, the entire life on the earth will be destroyed, whether it is a human or a beast, it will become the prey of the devil.

Thinking of this, Li Meng was a little worried about the situation on the mainland of Austria.

He had to worry, and he had to care, for humans, the Chaos Demon was too terrifying.

Having taken off his shoes, standing up from the ground, Long Qiaoer said lightly: "Master, don't worry too much. The message is only a report on the situation on the mainland of Austria. It must be that General Tanya has the confidence to deal with the threat of the devil. "

This is also...

As long as the Chaos Demon is not given a chance to grow stronger, the current strength of the First Legion is still capable of destroying the Chaos Demon.

With a sigh of relief, Li Meng temporarily let go of the matter on the Austrian mainland.

He is far in Kyoto and can't do anything. Although he can use the power of faith to tear the space and reach Austria instantly if he wants to, it is not necessary.

In terms of the current situation, the situation on the Austrian mainland has not exceeded the limit that the First Army can handle.

Of course, if necessary, Li Meng will also join the battlefield on the Austrian continent in the shortest time.

In the face of the threat of the devil, his power is necessary and can play the role of absolute victory.

Li Meng has never underestimated his own power. He does not talk about "spiritual body", it is just the power of "thought". On the earth, if he explodes with all his strength, that kind of power is no doubt with "God" in the eyes of ordinary people.

Human beings not only need to stop fearing death, but also need a belief, an unquestionable belief.

Stretching lazily, Li Meng lay down on the bed lazily, eyes wide open, looking at the white ceiling dumbly, without knowing what he was thinking.


This world is not peaceful. Despair exists in everyone's heart. When death comes, it may be a relief.

For the humans on the Austrian continent, despair has appeared, and the breath of death enveloped the sky.

The mainland of Austria, the kingdom of Sa'iteer, the capital "Creek".

In the vast forest, it is located beside a gentle hill.

The tall city wall makes it look like a big mountain rising from the ground, standing majestic and majestic in a green.

However, for the humans in the city, the tall walls can no longer guarantee their safety.

One month has passed, and news of the First Army’s invasion of the Austrian continent has spread throughout the continent.

During this month, desperate news appeared every day.

Not long ago, the "Fonnaka Kingdom", a neighboring country in the West, fell. Not long after that, the Kingdom of Sayitre was invaded by the First Legion, and several cities in the West fell without warning.

The offensive of the First Legion was so fierce, that the kingdom of Sayitel had no power to fight back.

Just after noon, the dazzling sun in the sky exudes the hottest sunlight of the day. The sun represents hope, but there is an atmosphere of despair in the city of Creek.

The kingdom’s cities have fallen one after another, and the city of Creek is about to be ruined.

The forest sea is boundless, and the dark forest is a quiet world.

However, this silence was quickly broken.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the forest.

In the gloomy forest, the rumbling roar came from afar.

In less than a moment, huge steel behemoths suddenly appeared in the gloomy forest, accompanied by dense footsteps and countless steel bodies.

They are galloping in the forest, spreading over the area of ​​dozens of miles.

Once, the forest was the world of polluting beasts, but now, in the face of this huge army, even the ferocious polluting beasts have put away their ferocity, shivering in a dark corner.

Ahead, the tall walls of Creek City are close at hand.

How could the defenders on the city wall not notice the abnormal movement from the forest? This made the defenders on the west wall nervous, staring at the edge of the forest outside the city.

They knew that a powerful force was approaching Creek City, and they must be prepared for battle.

Outside the city, there is a wasteland between the edge of the forest and the city wall. The wasteland is not small, about two miles wide.

Its existence is to better guard against the approach of polluting beasts and serve as a buffer zone.

When the enemy is no longer a polluting beast, but a human being, the existence of the buffer zone has advantages for both parties.

For the defenders, the buffer zone allows them to see the enemy ahead of time, while for the offensive side, the buffer zone is a place where they can open their positions and their sight will not be blocked by the forest.

As time passed, the commotion in the forest got closer, and the movement became bigger and bigger.

There was a nervous breath in the air.

Suddenly, the commotion stopped abruptly, and the forest suddenly became quiet.

The roar was gone, and calm was restored in the forest.

This abnormality made the defenders on the wall quite puzzled, watching the edge of the forest nervously.

Under the gaze of the guards on the high wall, at the edge of the forest, a figure walked out of the gloomy forest.

She was dressed in black armor, wearing a cloak, and her wide hood covered all her information, only the blood-colored giant sword in her hand was telling her identity.

It's the enemy...

Stepping on the dark ground and the sunlight shining directly from the sky, that kind of warmth didn't feel very good for the dead "Tan Ya".

The dead belong to the darkness, and the sun is the sun, representing the light.

Although light and darkness grow and interact, they also restrain each other.

Amid the sound of metal "clank" footsteps, behind her, a row of dark iron warriors walked out of the forest and stood side by side behind her, guarding her like an ancient knight.

Facing a new enemy and a new city, Tan Ya raised the big sword in his hand and uttered two words.


The purpose is clear, only offense.

With an order, the forest rioted again, and this time the movement became more intense.

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