Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1301: Short battle

The powerful engine was roaring, and in the roar, at the edge of the forest, one Guardian tank after another rushed out of the forest, and the muzzle of the black hole aimed at the wall.

And behind the Guardian tank, there are soldiers swarming out of the forest.

The dense metal figures seemed to rush into the wasteland and rushed towards the distant city wall.

The front line stretched for several kilometers, and for a time, troops of the First Corps appeared on the outside of the entire West City.

"Bang! Bang!"

The rumble of artillery fire followed, and in the jet of flames, the Guardian tank attacked the wall.

In the sky, shells roared, and in the next instant, a violent "explosion" occurred on the wall.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, ready to fight."

The appearance of the enemy, the rapid attack made a mess on the wall, and the fierce artillery fire made people fearful.

Facing the dense armored army outside the city wall, a timid expression was revealed on the faces of the defenders.

They were ready to fight, and when the war really came, they found that they were so weak.

As the flames took off, many battlements were smashed by the explosion, and the splattered gravel seemed to knock down countless soldiers like sharp blades. Amidst the rumble of artillery fire, a scream suddenly sounded on the wall.

As the most loyal soldiers of the kingdom, they did not shrink back, and the fear in their hearts did not overwhelm them.

"Shoot, everyone immediately enters the combat position."

Under the officer's scolding, the guards on the city wall restored a trace of order, and began a counterattack amidst the rumble of artillery fire.

Suddenly, there was dense gunfire on the wall.

At this moment, the battle for Creek began.

The sound of guns filled the sky above Creek City.

The sound of gunfire and the roar of artillery fire awakened the people of the whole city like a thunder.

Whether it is a high-ranking official or ordinary ordinary people, at this moment, everyone's eyes are looking towards the West.

The bombing rain overwhelmed the sky, like raindrops, falling to the ground, hindering the soldiers from the city from charging.

On the armor of the sturdy power combat uniform, there was a spark from time to time, accompanied by the sound of metal crashing.

Some soldiers fell and fell under the flood of bullets, and some soldiers approached the city wall.

"Turn on the booster engine, let's go!"

Although the gunshots on the wall were intensive, the bullet rain fell down the city like raindrops, but this could not prevent the soldiers of the First Legion from approaching.

When approaching the city wall, the soldiers under the city suddenly turned on the jet engine behind them.

Amid the harsher roar, the guard on the wall found that the enemy under the wall had actually flew up and was fast approaching the wall against the wall.

For a time, facing the tall city wall, a large number of soldiers turned on the jet engines and prepared to forcibly occupy the top of the wall.

Outside the city wall, the soldiers in flight are like flying ants, densely packed, not spectacular.

This time, the First Army did not make any pre-war preparations, did not use long-range artillery for firepower strikes, and did not use air units. The reason for all this came from its contempt for the enemy.

This is not the arrogance of the First Army, but in the last few battles, the First Army suddenly discovered that the armed forces of the Austrian countries are really weak, and the heavy weapons are very scarce. There are not even a generation of guards.

In the battle against the Kingdom of Fengnaka, the First Army was very cautious. Every step forward was cautious. Even an attack on a small town would be carefully planned. This led to the slow progress, and it took more than one. It took only four months to conquer the Kingdom of Foncana with only four cities.

After capturing the Kingdom of Fengkana, the First Army changed its combat strategy.

The army is not only more dispersed, but also more radical.

Although there are many troops outside the city, a steady stream of soldiers and giant armored beasts rushed out of the forest. In fact, the size of the troops who attacked Creek City this time was not large, the total number was only 30,000.

However, the enemy army in Creek City has reached a scale of one hundred thousand.

30,000 vs. 100,000, although the difference in scale is obvious, the combat effectiveness is completely reversed.

No mercy, no mercy on the battlefield. As the soldiers of the First Legion rushed to the wall, the battlefield quickly moved to the wall.

Although there were many defenders on the city wall, they quickly retreated under the offensive of the First Army.

As more and more soldiers stepped onto the city wall, within two hours, the tall western city wall finally fell.

The enemy army is not a mob. Facing the enemy who invaded their homeland, many soldiers regard death as home, and it is very tragic.

But this courage, they used the wrong place.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a dark shadow rose from below the city and fell on the wall lightly.

The city wall at this time has been controlled by the First Army, and the original master defenders have become one after another corpses and prisoners.

On the wall, the gunfire gradually subsided.

At this time, the battlefield had broken away from the city wall and entered the city.

Standing on the wall, Tan Ya quietly looked at the city in front of her.

In the city, there are no buildings that are too tall, mainly six or seven-story bungalows.

This city may be a big city, but it is by no means a city. Although it covers a large area and has a large population in the city, it is a certain fact that it is “backward”.

The most conspicuous thing in the city is a castle standing in the city. It is very large and magnificent. From a distance, it gives people an indestructible feeling.


This is just an illusion. Before dark, the city will fall into the hands of the First Legion, and the First Legion can completely control the city for up to five days.

Lowering her head, Tan Ya looked at the hand wearing the metal glove. There was a smear of blood on her finger.

There is a blood stain on the wall stack touched by the hand, the blood has not yet solidified, and the red color is so dazzling.

This is death, the breath of death...

In his hands, a pale flame suddenly appeared, burning out the blood and the dazzling color.

The battle never stopped. At this moment, the soldiers who captured the city wall opened the heavy city gate.

The road was clear, heavy units outside the city began to enter the city, and a new battle began.

The battle was short-lived. When the army of the First Legion entered the city, the battle was actually over.

Although some brief contact battles took place in the city, most of them were collapsed at once.

Before dark, the army entering the city captured the palace.

At this point, the kingdom of Sa'aitel declared its fall and entered the footsteps of the Kingdom of Fengnaka.

Although the palace was broken, the battle did not stop.

The city of Creek is very large, and there are still sporadic battles throughout the city. That is the defeated kingdom army is still doing its final struggle.

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