Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1302: Hard bones

"General, the palace has been fully controlled, and everyone in the palace has been taken to the king's hall, waiting for the general's disposal."

In the corridor of the kingdom, Tan Ya led a group of sergeants to the direction of the kingdom hall.

Compared with the defense of the city wall, the defense capability of the palace is much worse.

Although there are also three thousand royal guards guarded by the generals, the armored units of the First Army are still not qualified. In just one charge, a wall less than ten meters high was blasted through a gap.

After that, things were much simpler. After solving the royal guards, the palace was completely controlled by the first legion.

"Their king is here?" Tan Ya asked.

As the leader of a country, if you control the king of the Kingdom of Salter, then the battle will be much simpler.

Although this "capital city" was captured by the First Army, there are still three cities in the east that belong to the Kingdom of Salter.

Behind Tan Ya, a sergeant replied: "He is still stiff and did not run away. We found him in the king's hall. He was sitting on the throne. He was calm when he saw us."

"Probably the ignorant is fearless. He is very young and his bones are still hard." said another sergeant.

At this time, another voice rang again: "For a "romantic" country like this, once the power is changed, the royal family's fate is often miserable. He should be afraid, and we should make him afraid."

"This is not a great period of revolution. We are not that group of revolutionaries. Our purpose is simpler. There is no need to cause unnecessary massacres."

"Worry too much. Generals will not like killing for no reason, and commanders will not allow it. For the First Army, the royal family who is demoted to civilians is not a threat."

One sentence for you, one sentence for me, the sergeants discussed an issue that did not need to be discussed abnormally.

"Okay, don't discuss things that don't need to be discussed, do the things right now."

Tan Ya rebuked the discussion of the sergeants, and the cold words passed into the ears of every sergeant.

This silenced the sergeants and fell silent.

Tan Ya’s soldiers are all from the ASEAN of Ayer World, and ASEAN is a regime that advocates “science and technology”. In terms of concepts and beliefs, it attaches great importance to “human rights”, and is relatively rational. There are also different understandings.

In silence, the king's hall arrived.

This is a space of great price comparison, with a smooth floor and huge pillars.

When he stepped over the low threshold of the gate, a group of figures came into Tan Ya's eyes in the hall.

The palace has been controlled by the First Legion. In the main hall, except for the soldiers of the First Legion, there are only members of the controlled royal family.

The number of them is not large, about a hundred people, colorful, surrounded by soldiers in the hall.

The arrival of Tan Ya and his party undoubtedly attracted their attention, and their uneasy eyes moved as Tan Ya approached.

And on the high throne, there is another person. He is very young, wearing a gorgeous purple and gold robe, and looks very noble. He is the king of the Kingdom of Salter.

Even if the palace has been controlled by the enemy, he has not lost his dignity as the lord of a country.

Undoubtedly, he was very courageous, so the soldiers of the First Legion retained his dignity and let him sit on the throne, waiting for the final end.

In the main hall, before ascending the steps of the throne, Tan Ya stopped.

With a slight movement of her head, Tan Ya glanced at the Chief Sergeant beside her.

The sergeant nodded clearly and motioned to the soldier beside him.

In the signal of the chief sergeant, the two soldiers responded, ascended the stairs, approached the throne, and "invited" the young king from the throne.

It's just that the action is slightly "violent".

"Let go of me, I am the king, how dare you be so rude?"

His body was suppressed and he was forcibly taken from the throne by soldiers of the First Legion, which made him very angry and yelled at him.

But facing a strong soldier, his struggle seemed so weak.

Holding the "noble" king, the soldiers took him to Tan Ya's body.

In the hood, Tan Ya coldly looked at the struggling young "king" before him.

His face was flushed with anger, whether it was shame or pure anger.

Looking at him, Tan Ya's cold voice rang in his hood.

"King? Do you know what happened to the king of Culver Kingdom? He fled, but he did not save his life. He was buried in the mouth of the polluted beast with his loyal guards. The bones are gone, and you know that it is sealed. The fate of the king of the Naka Kingdom? He is not as young as you, and he is not as strong as you, so he is still alive, what about you? Do you want to live, or do you want to be the first "king" to die in the hands of the first legion?"

The cold and ruthless words made everyone in the hall horrified, and looked at Tan Ya, who was covered in hood and armor with horrified eyes.

The black armor, blood-colored lines, and dark and evil aura made no one doubt what she said.

She will do this, and if necessary, she will take the lives of everyone here without mercy.

Although he has courage, he is still too young. In front of Tan Ya, he can't hold his head up.

Just a word made him pale and dare not make any trouble.

He was terrified...

Stepping forward, passing by the "king", Tan Ya stepped up the stairs to the throne.

In front of the throne, Tan Ya stopped and turned to face the hall.

She stood high, and everything in the hall was in full view.

In the hood, a cold voice sounded again.

"Your lives are not worth money, and there is not much need that the First Army will not presumptuously commit killings. If you cooperate, your lives will be guaranteed. There is only one dead end for resistance."

Turning his gaze slightly, Tan Ya looked at the "king" held by the soldiers under the stairs, and said: "When the sun rises tomorrow, you still have the last task, to gather all the ministers, and manage the country as always. The remaining cities ordered an unconditional surrender. From then on, there will be no "king" in this country."

Speaking of this, Tan Ya looked at the people in the hall and said coldly: "If you can do it, you can all live, if you can't, you won't see the sun rising tomorrow."

Yes, this is the threat.

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