Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1303: debate

Yes, this is the threat.

In war, harsh methods are necessary.

The ultimate goal of the First Army is to unify the mainland of Austria, but it will not focus on the small Salter Kingdom. In order to ensure the stability of the rear, it must use iron and blood.

Only by making them afraid and knowing the consequences of resisting the First Army can they manage the country for the First Army so that the country will not lose the most basic order due to war.

With a slightly raised hand, Tan Ya said, "Take them down and watch them well."

The soldiers responded and began to drive away the royal family members in the hall, the young "king" was among them.


There is no problem with language communication. Although the soldiers can't speak the language of mainland Austria, the auxiliary AI in the helmet can translate two different languages, and then use the speaker to send it out.

Driven by the soldiers, the Bailai people shoved and left the king's hall.

When the last figure disappeared in the hall, the noisy scene finally disappeared, and the hall became quiet.

At this time, only the sergeant chief who followed Tan Ya and a few guarded soldiers were left in the hall.

Looking at Tan Ya in front of the throne, a sergeant said: "General! The first phase of the combat plan for the Northeast Theater is complete. Not far to the east is the Kingdom of Bliss. Now the Kingdom of Bliss is in a complicated situation and the devil’s whereabouts. It is erratic. Before carrying out the second phase of operations, we must first ascertain the situation of the Bliss Kingdom, find the main force of the devil, and strive to face the enemy head-on, and concentrate the superior forces to destroy it."

As soon as his words fell, another sergeant said: "This is not an easy task. Now the airspace of the Kingdom of Bliss has become a forbidden zone. There is no drone detection. The main force to find the devil can only be sent. On the ground, in the face of demons, small-scale troops are very difficult to survive. Once they encounter demons, they will most likely be wiped out. We should avoid unnecessary losses."

At this time, Davis, who had been silent for a long time, spoke and said: "In this case, we will only have to wait for the devil to take the initiative to attack. As long as a certain city in Bliss is attacked, the news will definitely come out. By then, we will naturally know the devil. Where is the main force of the Kingdom, we can also take the initiative to contact the Kingdom of Bliss. They are not feeling well now. Although we are also enemies, we must choose between the devil and us. I believe they will not choose the devil."

This is inevitable, the purpose of the First Legion is only to conquer, and the demons are pure killing.

How to choose is very clear.

The situation was not very good. When the First Army launched an offensive on the mainland of Austria, the aerial reconnaissance of the Kingdom of Bliss did not stop, and the aerial reconnaissance was stopped until half a month ago.

There is a reason why the aerial reconnaissance of the Kingdom of Bliss was stopped.

The biggest reason is because of the devil, because the airspace of the Bliss Kingdom has been controlled by the demons. After the loss of two Hive drones, the First Army had to stop the aerial reconnaissance of the Bliss Kingdom to avoid unnecessary losses. .

Now, over the mainland of Austria, the airspace is not the world of the First Army.

There are powerful flying species among the demons. They are extremely fast. Even at an altitude of 10,000 meters, they can easily find the proximity of the Honeycomb drone. With the existing air power of the First Army, they are not demons. After thinking about it repeatedly, the First Army gave up aerial reconnaissance.

After losing the superiority of aerial reconnaissance, the First Legion completely lost track of the devil.

Information about the devil can only be learned from some news released by the Kingdom of Bliss.

In this more than a month, the demons were not idle. The humans in the Kingdom of Bliss became the targets of their slaughter. Two cities fell one after another, countless agricultural towns were destroyed, and millions of people died in the mouth of the demons.

At this time, the Kingdom of Bliss was already in panic, struggling in despair like a frightened bird.

After losing the two cities, there are only three cities left in the Kingdom of Bliss, and the population has dropped by 50%.

And that 50% of the population has become the nourishment for the growth of the Demon Legion. At this time, the strength of the demon is no longer what it used to be.

Some people like to face off against the devil, slash the horses with a sharp knife, and eliminate the devil in the shortest time, but some people have different opinions.

In the main hall, a sergeant spoke his opinion.

A slightly mechanical voice echoed in the hall: "With the same number of fighting demons, our army is not dominant, or even at a disadvantage. Once a head-on confrontation, even if it wins, it will pay a heavy price. At the price, although our army has more than 500,000 troops on the mainland of Austria, there are only 250,000 troops that can be deployed in the northeast theater. Once these 250,000 troops are all put on the battlefield, this is destined to be one. In a **** battle, tactically speaking, it is a very stupid way to find a confrontation with the devil, and a victory of death is far from a victory. "

"It's really stupid, but it's the only way to win. Fighting with the devil and spreading your forces is even more stupid. This will only be eliminated by the devil one by one."

Opinions are not unified. In the hall, the sergeants are caught in a dispute about the second stage of the battle.

This is a good thing. The best tactics will appear only in disputes.

"Splitting forces is indeed stupid, but the failure of the battle is not absolute. Why do we always think about attacking in the battle with the devil? Since we are at a disadvantage, why not choose defense? There are three more cities in the Kingdom of Bliss that survived. These three cities They are undoubtedly very strong fortresses, and we can rely on these three cities to fight a defensive battle against the demons."

Defensive battle?

This is a good way. If you can take advantage of the fortifications of the Three Cities, the advantage will go to the First Army.

In order to prevent the invasion of polluting beasts in human cities, the city walls are often very tall. Although the existence of the city wall mainly deals with polluting beasts, it is also a natural danger for demons.

Although the tall city wall cannot stop the devil, for the First Legion, the city wall is undoubtedly a good defensive position. Once the First Legion’s army is deployed on the wall, the demon will be at an absolute disadvantage.


Davis reminded: "This is a risk. We cannot fully trust the Kingdom of Bliss. Even if they agree to a total surrender, they cannot be 100% convinced that once the army enters the Kingdom of Bliss, the march of the large troops may be caused. Attention of the Demon Legion, once the army arrives under the city and the Bliss Kingdom suddenly changes its mind, the army will be in a dilemma at that time. In this case, the army will be in danger of destruction."

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