Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1305: The fall of the kingdom

"General, I'm just an intelligent AI. All my data comes from the data terminal. There is no information recorded in the data terminal. I cannot know what the owner is doing in Kyoto. There is no record in the data terminal. As for Nanlin Island, At this time, I am under the jurisdiction of General Sakiya. As General Tanya’s personal assistant "AI", I cannot cross the boundary. I can only know some public information. Now everything is normal on Nanlin Island. General Sakiya is in charge of military supplies. Continuous delivery to the Austrian battlefield."

"In the public information, there is a new strategic policy called "Space Plan". In the next year, the First Army will build a space base on Nanlin Island. Three months later, the first The deep space rocket will be launched, sending 16 "quantum communication satellites" into the geostationary orbit, completing the initial concept of the Earth's "Skynet Project"."

These things are not what Tanya wants to know...

Tan Ya also knows a thing or two about the "Space Program". The First Army has only one purpose, and that is to control the sky, restore the global information network, and allow mankind to re-enter the Internet age.

The red world disappeared, the obstacle to the sky is no longer there, the long dark age has passed, and it is time for mankind to take the first step towards the starry sky again.

The picture flickered and the screen went dark.

Putting the palm computer on the table casually, Tan Ya stood up, and walked to the window with the sound of "Zhengzheng" footsteps.

Standing quietly in front of the window, Tan Ya looked at the dark palace outside.

It was late at night, and the palace was quiet.

In the dim surrounding light, only the outline of some things can be seen.

No words for a night...

In the early morning, when everything was recovering, Creek City also ushered in a new day.

Compared to yesterday, Creek City, which ushered in a new day, seems to have restored order.

The sound of guns and guns yesterday was not fake, and the fighting on the street was not fake. The calm of the night made the civilians hiding in their homes unable to help but walk onto the streets.

After a long night, Creek City has changed a lot.

On the streets, when the convoy of the First Army patrolled by, the beautiful and sturdy vehicles, and the soldiers wearing silver-gray armor in the vehicles, let the civilians of Creek City understand that the city has changed. The master.

For civilians, they don't know much, and they can do not much. The only thing they can do is to watch the changes and adapt to the general trend.

"Boom, boom!"

The long bell rang at some unknown time, and echoed over the city of Creek.

The civilians who have lived in the city for a long time know that the sound of the bell is a reminder of time and a symbol of the royal family's convocation.

When the bell rang, the ministers everywhere in the city had to get up early and rush to the king's hall to participate in the court meeting before the sun shone on the earth.

Today, however, the bell should not have sounded.


Because Creek City has changed its owner, the royal family of the Kingdom of Salter is naturally gone.

Yesterday's battle is still vivid, and the ringing of the bell made the ministers who were huddled in their residences hesitate.

They could not be sure of the situation in the palace, nor whether they should go to the palace at this time.

The First Army did not give them time to hesitate. After the visit of the patrol team, the ministers had to leave the house with a sense of anxiety and boarded the vehicle to the palace.

The meeting lasted for a long time and didn't end until noon.

Regarding the content of the court, no one knows except the First Army and the former ministers of the Salter Kingdom.

This meeting was also the last meeting held by the Kingdom of Salter.

In the next few days, everything was calm. The battles in all parts of the Kingdom of Salter were extremely short-lived, short for only half a day, and long for only one or two days.

Ten days after the First Army stepped into the territory of the Kingdom of Salter, the Kingdom of Salter declared its fall. After all, the kingdom that had been founded for more than a hundred years finally came to an end and disappeared into the long river of history.

So far, the Kingdom of Salter became the third kingdom destroyed by the First Army.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation among the kingdoms of Austria.

Not to mention the Kingdom of Bliss in the Northeast War Zone, this country is being plundered by demons at this time. How can they care about the First Legion? For the Kingdom of Bliss, they may hope that the First Legion can enter their territory at this moment. , In this case, their pressure will be much easier.

For the several kingdoms in the Southwest Theater, the fall of the Kingdom of Salter had undoubtedly a huge impact on them.

How long is this?

It was only a month and a half before the First Army landed on the mainland of Austria. In this month and a half, almost a third of the land of the mainland of Austria fell, which is enough to show the strength of the First Army.

How can they not feel fear?

Compared with the smooth operation of the Northeast Theater, the operations of the First Army in the Southwest Theater are not easy.

Because the terrain in southern Austria is relatively rugged and mountainous, this greatly affected the speed of the army's march.

In the northeast theater, the 250,000 army led by Tan Ya was about to penetrate the entire continent of Austria, while the battlefield of the southwest theater was still on the edge of the southwest.

One and a half months later, in the Southwest Theater, the 150,000 armies of the First Army had hardly any achievements, and only captured three cities and some farm towns.

One hundred and fifty thousand troops were stopped outside the Kubel Mountains.

On the mainland of Austria, a real battle is coming.

Austria, the Kingdom of Sjont, in a forest southeast of Nibal City.

Unconsciously, a month has passed.

Since the Fourth and Fifth Fleet landed from the Arafore Strait, the battle has not been smooth.

At the beginning of the landing, the battle went smoothly. The commander of the Fourth Fleet "Wilson" and the commander of the Fifth Fleet "Warren" respectively led their troops to attack the Kingdom of Sjoont from two directions. They occupied it in less than half a month. Most of the Kingdom of Sjont.

When the victory was in sight, a natural danger stopped in front of the 150,000 army of the First Army, which also caused the first Army's offensive to stop suddenly.

The hot sun shone on the earth, and the space seemed to become a lot hotter.

However, deep in the forest, it was dark and quiet.

With the recovery of the four seasons, the mainland of Ogeria near the equator has also become hotter.

In the gloomy forest, the once hard frozen soil is slowly melting, which makes the ground softer, and the growth of flowers and plants is more luxuriant. Between vines and flowers, there are some muddy water pools. Growth makes the forest look vigorous and beautiful.


Suddenly, the sound of breaking branches and leaves broke the silence in the forest.

In the shade of the tree, the figure was shaking, and some soldiers in silver-gray armor stepped on the dead leaves and walked out of the shadow of the tree.

They are holding large rifles, acting very cautiously and carefully, holding the guns ready for battle at any time.

The number of them is small, about two teams with more than twenty people.

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