Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1306: Blackrock Fortress

At this time, what they were on guard was not the enemy, but the polluting beast hiding in the forest.

In the gloomy forest, some predators are assassins in the shadows. They are good at surprise attacks and are very likely to be attacked if they are not careful. They must be careful.

"Sergeant Chief, we have reached the predetermined location, and we can see the Blackrock Fortress on the mountain range in our sight."

The sound comes from the communicator, and the speaker comes from the treetops above the head.

On a big tree covering the sky, among the thick branches and leaves, a silver-gray figure was raising its eyes and looking towards a huge barren mountain in the distance.

The barren hills are continuous, forming a mountain range formed by rocky mountains. The size of the mountains is like a magnificent Great Wall. It is located in the forest and divides the forest into two.

Looking to the sides, the rolling mountains can hardly be seen to the end.

On the mountainside of the mountain, a blackstone fortress is located here. It is cast from black stone, as if a city wall stands on the mountainside of the mountain. With the naked eye, its length is no less than five kilometers.

Compared with the magnificent mountains, it is somewhat inconspicuous, but its existence blocked the path of the First Army.

At the edge of the forest, a dirt road leads directly to the Blackstone Fortress halfway through the mountain. The place where the Blackstone Fortress is located is also the lowest place in the entire mountain range. After the Blackstone Fortress, it is the shortest shortcut across the Courbet Mountains.

In the forest, a soldier raised his head slightly to look up to the heights, and said: "Can we get closer? We need to investigate the situation in the Blackrock Fortress more carefully."

"This location is the most suitable. You can see the situation on the fortress wall. If you get closer, your sight will be affected. The enemy is located at a high place. Although we are hidden in the forest, we can't completely hide the trace. The closer you are, the greater the risk of exposure. Now we are within the range of the local fortress guns. Once discovered by them, we will be in a very dangerous situation. Sergeant Chief, it is recommended to choose this as a detection outpost. , This big tree is very lush, you can build an observation point on the top of the tree, visual inspection and the assistance of drones, we can more clearly identify the situation in the fortress."

Blair did not object to his subordinate's proposal.

Indeed, the Blackstone Fortress is condescending, and although the forest is a very hidden place, it is not absolute.

The invasion of the First Legion has made the defenders in the fortress look like a bird of fright. At this time, there must be countless pairs of eyes on the city wall looking at the forest below the mountain. Once you get too close, the risk of being discovered is greater.

Around, Blair confirmed the surrounding environment.

The place is not bad, because under the big tree, space can be guaranteed.

Although the roots protruding from the ground make the ground not very flat, there is no problem.

Their task is to investigate the Blackstone Fortress and confirm that the military forces in the fortress are carrying some light equipment, there is no road requirement, and they will not be bothered by certain harsh environments.

After confirming that it was correct, Blair issued the order.

"Everyone is on standby, arranging the defensive front with this big tree as the center, remember, try not to shoot, this will expose our position."

After the order was given, the soldiers dispersed in a rush and placed a cordon around the tree.

Immediately, Blair contacted the rear team.

"Confirm the signal coordinates and bring the equipment up."

The forest is dangerous, Blair is naturally impossible to take two small groups of soldiers.

These two squads are just front-line reconnaissance teams. In the rear, on the road in the forest about 20 kilometers away, a team of 100 non-commissioned officers is standing by, as they prepare to support the front-line reconnaissance team.

And this non-commissioned officer team is Blair's subordinate, he is a first-class non-commissioned officer team.

The forest is gloomy, hiding everything and erasing the presence of soldiers.

Looking up, Blair looked up.

There are dense branches and leaves above, and the sun shines through the gaps, and the faint light beam is slightly dazzling.

"The jet engine is on, the attitude assist system is on."

Blair turned on the jetpack engine.

With the whistling sound of the "buzzing" engine, behind Blair, two small nozzles rotated slightly, emitting blue flames from them.

A strong air flow immediately appeared, pushing Blair to fly, flying into the dense canopy.

Among the branches, Blair's flying posture was fairly dexterous, moving back and forth in search of enough space to pass through.

The roar of the engine is not loud, but rather low, the power is beyond doubt.

On a thick branch, Blair stopped.

On the side, on the slightly higher branch, is the investigator who has already climbed the tree.

The movement below couldn't hide the investigators. Seeing that the person was Blair, he whispered: "Only by visual observation, there is not much to see. The defense on the wall is not strong, there are only a few soldiers and There are some generations of guards, but it is impossible to know what the scene is in the fortress. To know the situation in the fortress, you need the assistance of drones."

Due to the angle problem, it is impossible to see too much visually, and even the situation on the city wall can only be slightly observed. To determine the situation in the fortress, some equipment is needed.

Looking up, Blair looked at the Blackstone Fortress not far away, and said: "The equipment will be shipped later."

It is not far, but there is still a certain distance.

About five kilometers southeast is the Courbet Mountains.

Halfway up the bare mountain is Blackrock Fortress.

The image in the helmet shrinks by focusing, like a magnifying glass, presenting the Blackstone Fortress to Blair's eyes.

Due to the angle, only one side of the city wall can be seen.

As it was approaching noon, the city wall seemed very quiet, and only some patrol teams walking around.

The fortress is still powerful, and there are still many gun towers.

The artillery towers are spread over the entire city wall, one every thirty meters.

In the turret, you can see the gun barrels protruding from the firing hole, the caliber is not small, and the number of guns is also large.

Each turret has three guns of the same size, and depending on the caliber, it will not be less than 150mm.

Compared with the city captured by the First Army before, the defense force of this fortress is undoubtedly much stronger.

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