Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1311: Vinadil


This is a city with a history of more than one hundred years. Under the baptism of the years, although it has developed with the trend, for this new era, the city is backward and it has missed a good era of development. .

This city has tall walls, but its appearance is quite backward. There are no tall buildings or clean streets. Everything is full of decay. Various buildings are piled up in a mess, without any beauty at all. .

The only thing that looks more prosperous and lively is probably the screaming streets of Kangkang.

As the capital of the Kingdom of Sjoonte, there are nearly one million people living in this city. The large population brings a complicated living environment, and the complicated living environment brings an illusion of "prosperity" .

Today is a very important day for the Kingdom of Sjoonte, and it is also a day worthy of serious treatment for the fragile alliance front of the three countries.

The source of all this comes from one person.

Albert Wicks, this is a very common name, but his identity has to be cared about.

At least for the three countries at this time, Albert Wicks was the person they must treat with respect.

When Wicks arrived in the city of Venadir on the transportation convoy of the Sanshen Company, he received a warm welcome from the royal family. Outside the palace, the royal family "King Tansman" of the Kingdom of Sjoonte greeted him personally. The most respected etiquette welcomed the arrival of Wicks.

Without waiting for tomorrow's dynasty meeting, in the bright hall of the king, the impatient King Tansman received Wicks.

Right now, the situation in the Kingdom of Sjoonte is not in seconds. The arrival of Wicks is nothing less than a life-saving straw for the Kingdom of Sjoonte and the Three Kingdoms. For the elderly Tansman, he does not want to wait any longer. Go down.

Upon learning that Wix's car was about to arrive in Wenadir, King Tansman summoned his ministers in advance to wait for Wix's arrival.

Although the time has reached around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, it is very lively in the King's Hall.

The officials of all sizes in the city of Venadir are almost there. They are standing neatly on both sides of the hall, watching the king sit in front of him, and under the stairs, standing in the hall.

His eyes were full of curiosity for this man with strong physique and sturdy expression.

Under the gaze of the ministers, in the hall, Wicks' voice of neither humble nor humble rang.

"Your Majesty! My current status is a "special officer", mainly responsible for matters related to the mainland of Austria. I have only one task, which is to help your country and help the citizens of Austria to repel the invasion of the First Army. In order to better accomplish my task, I need rights, the right to command the army of the three countries. This is my only requirement."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the officials in the hall changed, watching Wicks whispering.

It will be "military power" when it comes up, and it is still the command power of all the armies of the three countries.

Although he is a military observer sent by the donor country, he is an outsider after all. How could the military power of the three countries be given to an outsider?

Not to mention the ministers, even Tansman on the throne was slightly taken aback, and his face was embarrassed.

The reaction of King Tansman and the ministers, Wicks was all in his eyes, and he did not withdraw his request.

For such monarchy countries, Wicks knows what attitude to use.

At this time, for such a country, it cannot be reasonable, and it must be straight to the subject, without giving people any opportunity to refute.

Looking at the hesitant King Tansman on the throne, Wicks said indifferently: "Your Majesty, military power is necessary. If you want to repel the First Army, you can’t rely on the strength of the Kingdom of Stront. The sum of the three countries is needed. Strength, although I am an outsider, it is an important opportunity to command the army of the three countries. At least, in my hands, the army of any country will be treated fairly, and the purpose is equally simple."

"This one……"

Tansman hesitated a little, his old face was embarrassed. He said helplessly: "Mr. Wicks, you should have this request, but even if I agree to you, the other two countries will probably not agree to it. They The territory of China is not close to the Courbet Mountains. I am afraid that I will not be as concerned about this matter as our country."

Wicks had been prepared for a long time, and he said indifferently: "Of course, there is no need for your Majesty to worry about this. Your Majesty only needs to take a head. Leave the rest to me.

Although there are no conditions for the American Federation to assist the three countries, there are no financial benefits in it, and the provision of arms is completely free, but what the federation wants is not these material benefits, but political benefits.

In the current situation of the Three Kingdoms, the Three Kingdoms have no right to choose in certain matters.

The previous enmity made it difficult for them to truly unite together, his existence is necessary.

Because he is an outsider, a federal major, and a purest soldier, he is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate to lead the army of the Three Kingdoms.

Wicks had already said it very clearly. Although he still had some hesitation in his heart, Tansman was not confused. He knew that he had to express his stance on this matter.

Does he still have a choice?

He is old and feels powerless in politics, but he is not confused.

His kingdom has fallen for more than half, now relying on the Courbet Mountains to survive.

This is a dead end, but also the end of the Kingdom of Sjoonte. If you want to change this situation, you must give heavy medicine.

The intervention of the North American Federation is a life-saving straw for Tansman. To save this country, he must rely on the North American Federation, an overseas power.

At some point, the comments of the ministers in the hall disappeared, the hall became silent, and everyone's eyes turned to the king on the throne.

In full view, Tansman did not hesitate anymore. He nodded and said, "Well, I have agreed to Mr. Wicks’ request. From this moment on, Mr. Wicks is our country’s military adviser, with a commander of the national army. Right, I will issue a circular to the whole country later, ordering the local military to obey Mr. Wicks’ orders."

In this matter, Tansman played a trick. Although he was given the right, he only gave a false job.

Tansman's little cleverness, Wicks naturally wouldn't care. All he wanted was the right to command the army, he had no interest in positions, and his mission did not require any position in this kingdom.

With a slight expression, Wicks said: "It should not be too late, I will go to Blackstone Fortress immediately."

With a faint smile, Tansman said: "No hurry, I will hold a banquet tonight to clean up the dust for Mr. Wicks, and it will not be too late to head to the Blackstone Fortress tomorrow."

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