Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1312: foreign aid

Wicks was not moved by the king's invitation, but he didn't understand what these people thought.

When is it now, I still want to hold a banquet.

The country is about to die, isn't this an unacceptable thing for these people?

Although he didn't understand the behavior of these people in his heart, Wicks didn't show his face. He calmly rejected Tansman's kindness.

Calmly said: "There is no need to wash the dust. I received the news from the insider that in Nibal City, the First Army has already started operations. Perhaps, soon, Blackstone Fortress will withstand the test of war."

The first legion began to act?

Although I don't know where Wicks learned this, Tansman didn't doubt what Wicks said.

After all, the intelligence network of the American Federation is not what he can imagine.

Everyone knows that when Nibal City was captured, the First Army stopped its advance. Why did it stop is naturally because of the impenetrable fortress of Blackstone Fortress.

Although everyone in the king's hall did not think that the Blackstone Fortress could scare the First Legion, and thus gave up invading the Kingdom of Sjoonte, the new battle was coming, and everyone in the hall was unexpected.

The information that Wicks uttered undoubtedly caused a sensation among the court officials, and the "humming" discussion sounded again.

In order to defend the Blackstone Fortress, the kingdom tried its best. In the Blackstone Fortress, two-thirds of the entire kingdom’s army was gathered, as many as 120,000, in order to fight to the death and block the first legion. Outside the Courbet Mountains.

When the First Army stopped its attack outside the Courbet Mountains, many people thought that the Blackstone Fortress had done a great job, but now, when a new round of battle is about to begin, everyone in the hall still feels palpitations. .

Can Blackrock Fortress really block the front of the First Army?

In this regard, apart from Wicks, I am afraid that no one has such confidence.

In the north, the First Army has occupied a large area of ​​the mainland of Ogeria. Among the seven kingdoms, three kingdoms have been destroyed by the First Army, and the remaining Kingdom of Bliss is only a matter of time.

When he heard the news, Tansman was also panicked. He immediately dismissed the idea of ​​holding a banquet, and quickly said: "Mr. Wicks, Blackstone Fortress is pleased to you. From this moment on, the kingdom has entered a war story. Please tell me what you need, and if I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy..."

With the arrival of Wicks, some things have changed.

But the general trend is still biased towards the First Army, but how the situation will develop in the future has become blurred.

Are rights really that important?

Not at all, otherwise, there would not be so many royal families surrendering to the First Legion in order to survive. At any time, "life" is the first, at least for humans.

Surrounding the Blackstone Fortress, in the Southwest Theater, a war is about to start.

On the mainland of Austria, although the First Army has divided two theaters, as the top commander, Tan Ya is aware of the situation in the two theaters, and the data terminal is also updated in real time.

Tan Ya naturally knew about the troubles encountered in the Southwest Theater.

But she does not intend to provide assistance to the Southwest Theater. As for the reason, it is very simple. On the mainland of Austria, the demons entrenched in the Kingdom of Bliss are the confidant of the First Army. Other than that, Tanya will not Disperse the forces in the Northeast theater due to any unexpected situation.

As long as it does not affect the situation in the Northeast Theater, even if there is a "stalemate" in the Southwest Theater, this is acceptable.

In Tan Ya's view, as long as the demons are eliminated, it is only a matter of time before the mainland of Austria is unified.

"foreign aid?"

Between the metal and various instruments, Tan Ya sat on the soft seat and looked at the holographic image on the metal platform in front of him.

In the picture, the situation report from the Southwest Theater is displayed.

Although the bloated armored command vehicle has a good cushioning system, it will also produce a very uncomfortable shaking feeling when driving on a muddy road.

In the gloomy forest road, a silver-gray army was galloping, wheels rolled, mud and rocks splashed everywhere it passed, and the forest was filled with the roar of engines.

This army consists entirely of more than a dozen military vehicles, three bloated personnel carriers, five multi-purpose infantry fighting vehicles, four "bull" assault vehicles with grenade launchers, and two Guardian tanks.

Although the scale is small, the momentum is very compelling, and the birds and beasts are scattered everywhere.

Along a mud-rock road in the forest leading to the southeast, the convoy moved slowly and steadily under the clear path of two Guardian tanks.

In the shaking, Tan Ya carefully scanned the news reported from the Southwest Theater.

Tan Ya was a little surprised by this "foreign aid".

If, as Wilson said, there is a large-scale third-generation "guard" in Blackstone Fortress, then the existence of this "foreign aid" may be beyond doubt.

The reason is simple. With the industrial capabilities of the Austrian nations, it is impossible to manufacture such powerful weapons as the third-generation guards. Not to mention manufacturing, I am afraid that they have not even possessed the technology in this area.

There is only one answer. Either it was bought from outside, or a certain force intervened in the war on the mainland of Austria and came to trouble the First Army.

The third-generation guards are very expensive, and countries like the Kingdom of Sjoonte cannot afford it.

So, who will this "foreign aid" be?

While curious, Tan Ya was also very concerned.

If there were foreign aid, the war in Austria might have some unexpected changes.

"Block the eastern seas and catch fish? Um... this is a good note."

The eastern sea area of ​​Austria is indeed a blank area of ​​the First Army. If this "foreign aid" exists, it is necessary to block the eastern sea area, and the identity of this foreign aid can also be known.

Tanya agreed with Wilson and Warren's blockade order.

"The Austrian continent is really getting more and more complicated..." The news from the southwest made Tan Ya feel so sigh.

If possible, Tanya would like to make the situation in Austrian mainland simpler.

But the facts are quite the opposite. Not to mention the local enemies, there is the threat of demons, and now there is an unknown foreign aid. Tan Ya does not understand, when did the mainland of Austria attract such attention?

I don't understand, I don't understand at all.

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