Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1313: Farm town

Right now she can't get out of the Northeast Theater, even if there is foreign aid, she can only be handed over to Wilson and Warren.

"I hope the situation will not be out of the control of the First Army."

In her heart, Tan Ya could only hope so.

"General! We have entered the territory of the Kingdom of Bliss. We are now located on the northern border of Qiulin and are heading southeast."

At this time, a soldier in the car reminded Tan Ya.

This allowed Tan Ya to put away the thoughts in her heart and let go of her worries about the Southwest Theater.

In any case, for Tan Ya, what is right now is the most important thing, and she cannot be distracted.

"Open the map of Bliss Kingdom and confirm the current location."

As Tan Ya's words fell, blue light flickered on the metal plate, and a holographic map appeared.

The map shows in detail the topography of the entire territory of the Kingdom of Bliss.

There is a flashing blue dot in the southwest of the map, which is moving slowly. This is the sign of the convoy, and the small blue dot represents the convoy in motion.

There are two red dots in two different directions in the northeast. The red dots are very large and flashing slightly.

Those were the two cities that were captured by the devil. They were Daran City and Lanzhou City. The distance between Daran City and Lanzhou City was the farthest, about 700 kilometers to the northeast, while Lanzhou City was relatively close, with only a distance from the convoy. A distance of three hundred kilometers.

At a glance, almost all the southern half of the Kingdom of Bliss was included in the red zone.

This shows that in this area, it is a place where demons raid.

Due to the lack of information, the information on the map is still too simple, everything is simulated, and the basis of the information is biased towards prediction, that is, the information on the map is not accurate.

However, for Tan Ya, at least there is a clear direction.

On the holographic map, Tan Ya looked carefully.

This time the task is to search for the existence of the main force of demons. Generally speaking, the greatest possibility is that the demons at this time should be in the north direction of the red zone, because in that direction, they are the only two cities left in the Kingdom of Bliss.

However, Tanya will not go straight to the northern area of ​​the Kingdom of Bliss. Compared to the task of detecting the main force of the devil, Tanya wants to find a way to deal with the devil.

"Go to Lanzhou City!"

Tan Ya gave the order and set a new destination.

Although Lanzhou City was captured by the devil, it has the significance of investigation. This city is not far from the border of the Kingdom of Salter. If possible, this city can be used as a garrison and an outpost.

In some destinations, the speed of the convoy accelerated a little, and when it reached a three-way intersection, it turned into the road to the north.

In the forest, the roar of the engine was "rumbling", blocked by the dense forest, and the sound was well controlled within a certain range.

Although the distance of more than 300 kilometers is not far, due to the extremely poor road conditions, five hours have passed. When the sky was dim, the convoy drove less than half of the distance.

When the polluting beasts were most active in the long dark night, Tan Ya did not take a risk, and stopped the convoy on the mud road, preparing to rest on the spot.

In the entire convoy, there are fifty black iron fighters, in two troop carriers, and among the other armored vehicles are the elite squad that followed Tan Ya this time. There are two squads with 36 people, plus the driving There are more than fifty people in the vehicle and tank team.

Although the Dark Iron Warriors do not need to rest and eat, ordinary elite soldiers do not have such abilities. In order to maintain the best condition, they need to eat and take enough time to rest.

Since this mission has brought them along, Tan Ya will naturally not ignore this.

In a clearing next to the road, the vehicles parked next to each other, surrounded by a circle, forming a protective circle with a steel body, which can well prevent the attack of the polluting beast.

In the middle of the circle, the soldiers began to set up tents. Due to physical reasons, when the soldiers took off their powered combat uniforms, they needed a closed space to avoid contact with the air. The tents with their own air purification devices It has become an important thing for soldiers to survive in this world.

Time is passing, and night is coming soon.

In the temporary camp on the side of the road, after a little chaos, it was completely quiet.

At this time, the Dark Iron Warriors took the initiative to take over the task of guarding the camp.

They don’t need to rest, eat, or a closed environment.

They are scattered in various vehicles and control the weapons on board. Although they have become dead, they have not forgotten their use of weapons. Although their strength is strong, they are cold weapons when faced with a large number of polluting beasts. The efficiency is a little slow, and the thermal weapon can better kill the enemy.

"A small town?"

In the car, Tan Ya was looking at the holographic map of mainland Austria, focusing on the southwestern theater.

Suddenly, a reminder of "Ya" sounded in my ear.

The map changed slightly, expanded rapidly, and was positioned in a small place.

"Yes, a farm town. It is located more than 20 kilometers ahead of the road of the convoy and is the only place for the convoy."

There is nothing to care about a small town. Farm towns like this are all over the territory of the Kingdom of Bliss, not to mention a small town. To reach Lanzhou City, the motorcade has to pass through several similar towns.

Although the convoy did not pass through any small towns on today's itinerary, this is because the current location of the convoy is still in a remote area within the Kingdom of Bliss. Once in the interior, farm towns will appear one by one.

To feed the population of a city, the cultivation of food is very important, and some large cities do not have the ability to grow food, nor do they have available land. If you want to feed millions of people, you must open up outside the city. Farmland, and farm towns developed in this way.

This world, any country, any powerful country, will not lack similar farm towns.

After all, the necessities of human existence are food that can fill the stomach. Only when the most basic food problem is solved can we talk about development.

In a farm town like this, there are not too many residents, about 50,000 to 100,000, which will not be lower than this value, and even if it exceeds, it will not exceed too much.

"This place is located in the border area of ​​the Kingdom of Bliss. This small town has a 60% chance of "surviving". It is recommended that the general go to explore and prepare for tomorrow's itinerary."

Ya means, Tan Ya understands that a small town like this will not deliberately become the target of the devil, as long as it is not on the route of the devil's raids, the town is likely to survive.

In that case, you can go and see...

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