Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1326: End

The battle continued, from day to night, the sound of guns never stopped.

The battlefield is not only limited to the city wall. When the demons swarmed on the city wall, the entire eastern city became a new battlefield.

There are too many demons, it seems endless, no matter how many you kill, the red figure that emerges from the forest will not decrease.

This situation continued until the night before it slowed down.

"High-intensity energy fluctuations detected... Wait, it disappeared."


Davis was puzzled by what the soldier said. He asked suspiciously: "Soldier! Explain."

Soldier: "Yes, just a moment ago, a high-temperature heat source was detected at the edge of the Eastern Forest. It only appeared on the scanning instrument for a moment and then disappeared. It has strong energy fluctuations. Its heat source is the Calamity self-propelled artillery shell. The heat source generated by the explosion is more than ten times."

Is the heat source higher than the explosion of a 150mm caliber shell?

More than ten times?

In other words, a class of weapons appeared on the battlefield, more powerful than those possessed by the First Army.

It was late at night outside, and the battle continued, and the night battle was at a disadvantage for the First Army.

Fortunately, the soldiers of the First Army have night vision capabilities, and their disadvantages have been slightly reduced.

But compared to the daytime, the efficiency of destroying demons is undoubtedly much smaller.

What this meant, Davis didn't know, he could only look back at Tan Ya in the seat beside him.

"General! The situation is fairly stable now. Although some demons have crossed the city wall, the main battlefield of the battle line has always remained on the city wall. After more than ten hours of fighting, the demon's offensive has been reduced a lot. Victory is in sight. I am worried that something will happen. ."

When it was dark, the sound of guns had been reduced a lot. Although demons were still pouring out of the forest, but the number was scattered, the scale of demons was no longer as shocking as it was when the battle began.

On the ground outside the city, layer after layer of red silhouettes were spread, which was the result of the battle. Tens of thousands of demons fell on the way of charging, adding a hideous color to the battlefield.

On the soft seat, Tan Ya sat calmly.

Compared with Davis who relied on instruments to observe the battlefield, Tanya was able to perceive more subtle things.

There is a powerful existence among the demons. Since the demons launched the attack on Sli City, it has been hidden in the forest on the edge of the battlefield. Although its location is not known, Tan Ya has noticed its existence.

The main reason why Tanya didn't take part in the battle was "it".

It is very strong, and it is a "leader" level existence among the demons. Its existence puts a lot of pressure on Tan Ya, which makes Tan Ya have to put his mind on it and keep the strength to deal with it.

Just now, Tan Ya noticed the change of "it", and it seemed to be preparing to launch some kind of extremely powerful attack.

But for some reason, the attack stopped abruptly, and its breath disappeared.

This makes Tan Ya very confused, wondering what happened.

But one thing is clear. Its breath has disappeared. There are two possibilities, either dead or fleeing the battlefield.

Compared with the second possibility, the first possibility is higher. If you escape, the devil’s breath will gradually weaken. Tanya can feel its departure, but its breath suddenly disappears, only death. It was so sudden.

In the hood, Tan Ya spoke slightly and said, "Don't worry, the battle will end soon."

Although I don't know where General Tanya is confident, Davis can only believe it.

Facts proved that Tan Ya was right. After the slight change, the demon's offensive was rapidly weakening in the dark night.

Accompanied by the sound of guns, the victorious Libra has appeared.

Although the forest is still roaring from the devil, the figure rushing out of the forest is very rare.

In the face of failure, the demons are still not afraid of death. Perhaps they don't know what death is, and they step into death without fear.

Using the high walls of Sli City to fight a defensive battle with the demons, this tactic brought an absolute victory to the First Army.

In the mansion of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce in China, Kyoto.

As early as more than a month ago, Li Meng had been discharged from the hospital and returned to his original mansion.

Some things were originally intended to be done, but for various reasons they were temporarily put down.

Compared with the chaotic situation on the mainland of Austria, China's situation has stabilized.

Faced with the strength of the Grand Archon "Wang Yanmei", the twelve golden families have no choice.

Either fight, be punished as treason after defeat, or be attached, and still enjoy the glory and wealth.

How to choose, everything is clear.

When that person lost his patience and planned to do something, the tenacious attitude of the Twelve Golden Clan disappeared in an instant. Within a short day, the twelve acropolises announced their attachment to China.

On June 14th, China was reunified, and the country began to embark on a new journey.

It was late at night, but in a certain room, two figures were still awake.

On the soft bed, the two hugged each other. Chen Yan was wearing a black gauze pajamas, and a large area of ​​snowy white was a feast for the eyes. She lay on the bed, supporting her chin with both hands, and looking curiously at the owner who closed her eyes.

Soon, under Chen Yan's lazy gaze, Li Meng who was lying on the bed moved, and he opened his eyes.

Confused eyes flashed by, Li Meng turned to look at Tan Ya beside him.

"Where did the master go?"

Seeing Li Meng woke up, Chen Yan smiled and asked curiously.

Although the master has always been in her own eyes, Chen Yan knows that the master's consciousness is not in this body.

Seeing the extraordinary and beautiful Chen Yan next to him, Li Meng's mouth was slightly tilted, and his left hand began to become dishonest. He moved gently on the soft and beautiful curve, slowly descending from his grippy waist... …

Chen Yan didn't care about Li Meng's dishonesty. Instead, she moved lazily and assumed a more attractive posture.

Li Meng just smiled at Chen Yan’s move, and when he felt Chen Yan’s beautiful and soft body, he said softly: “The structure of this demon’s body is really peculiar. Say it is a living creature. Their bodies don’t even have a basic digestive system, just like a sophisticated biological machine. Various organs are used to better store energy and better transmit energy."

Chen Yan: "The master went to the mainland of Austria?"

The topic talked about the devil, and Chen Yan could only think of this.

Li Meng did not hide it and replied: "Yes, I have been paying attention to the situation on the mainland of Austria. I am not worried about the battle with humans. Their failure is doomed. Any resistance is futile, but the devil , Can’t be ignored, if it’s an ordinary demon, but a high-level demon, it deserves my attention."

Just now, using the spirit body, Li Meng rushed to the mainland of Austria.

Although the distance was far, at the maximum speed of the spirit body, within a quarter of an hour, Li Meng rushed to the battlefield thousands of miles away, and personally tore the demon that Li Meng had always cared about.

The spirit body is Li Meng's strongest power. Although the demon is strong, he has not survived a round under Li Meng's hands.

It's been nearly a year, although Li Meng really wants to stay in Sri City for a while to meet Tan Ya.

But in the end, Li Meng gave up.

Once the demon is eliminated, the biggest factor hindering the First Army's unification of the mainland of Austria has disappeared. In the subsequent work, Tan Ya must get busy. At this time, Li Meng must not let Tan Ya be distracted.

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