Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1327: only

With a lazy smile, Chen Yan said softly: "Counting days, more than half a year has passed. Austria is not a small place. It is not easy to end the battle. I received news that it is said that the American Federation Involved in this war, if it is true, the master must be prepared to fight hard. The American Federation is no better than other countries. This country has been peaceful for hundreds of years, and has been developing on the side of the country for a century. Its national strength can be said to be The most powerful country of mankind, whether it is population or economic strength, is not comparable to other countries."

American Federation?

Speaking of the American Federation, Li Meng thought of one thing.

That was a report from Tan Ya, about Sanshen Company.

Not long ago, the fleet of the First Army seized five merchant ships belonging to the Sanshin Company in the eastern waters of Ogeria.

The cargo on the merchant ship is very concerned, all of which are arms.

Obviously, Sanshen Company is providing arms support to the three countries in the southeast.

It would be fine if it were an ordinary arms dealer, but the backstage of the Three Gods Company made the First Army have to care.

Sanshen Company is a state-owned enterprise of the American Federation, which is responsible for the global trade of the American Federation. It can be said to be a large private enterprise. Its background makes people have to care about its background.

Obviously, in the case of Austria, the American Federation cannot get away with it.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said indifferently: "It's okay. Now the devil is about to be wiped out. Once Tan Yateng takes action, no matter how the Three Kingdoms in the south are struggling, nothing can be changed. Five merchant ships of 20,000 tons are not one. For small assets, someone will come to you, as long as it is not a direct military intervention, this time, the First Army can be more generous."

"What will the master do?"

Looking at her master softly, Chen Yan didn't care about the caressing hand on her body, and said softly.

How to do it?

Li Mengxie smiled and rolled over and pressed Chen Yan's soft body under him.

Feeling the amazing softness, Li Meng pressed his voice in Chen Yan's ear and said, "Do what you should do."

Such an answer made Chen Yan a helpless smile, and she lazily stretched out her hands, wrapped her neck around the person she was wearing, and looked like she was picking.

Needless to say the next thing, everything will come naturally.

The night is long, and time is passing bit by bit.

Early the next morning, when sunlight came into the house through the curtains, Li Meng, who was sleeping on the bed, opened his eyes.

The confusion in her eyes flashed by, looking to her side, Chen Yan beside her was no longer there, she had quietly left at some unknown time.

Stretching lazily, Li Meng sat up.

This human body is not comparable to the spiritual body, and various needs allow Li Meng to experience the joy of being a "human".

I don't know when, Li Meng's way of thinking has been separated from the "human", and occasionally inadvertently see the world from the perspective of God.

Leaving the bed full of Chen Yan's breath, wearing a black pajamas, Li Meng came to the window.

The curtains were opened, and the soft sunlight immediately penetrated in and hit Li Meng's body.

If it is a "spiritual body", it will not be comfortable to be exposed to sunlight, but the human body is different, and humans cannot do without sunlight. The same is true for Li Meng at this time. The sunlight makes Li Meng feel very warm, and the warm feeling makes people feel It is very comfortable.


With the sound of a door opening, a slender figure entered the room, Long Qiao'er.

Long Qiaoer, who entered the room, walked to Li Meng's side lightly. She lowered her head and said softly: "Master, the eldest lady said, if the master is going today, I will accompany the master."


The words of Long Qiaoer beside him made Li Meng softly replied.

Today, Li Meng has no plans to go out for the time being. Although Li Meng really wants to go to Xiangdu, the timing is wrong.

Not long ago, the Twelve Golden Clan was annexed to Kyoto. For the entire upper class of China, this was a busy time. It was not the time to go to Xiangdu at this time.

If it is a civilian, there is no timing consideration, but now Li Meng is the ambassador of the First Army. This status makes it impossible for Li Meng to act low-key wherever he goes.

It is precisely because of this status that during the chaotic period of Kyoto, Li Meng could not approach the Chen family in Xiangdu willfully.

"Master, Miss Yalan will come to see you today and will be there later."


After Long Qiaoer's reminder, Li Meng remembered one thing, about Yalan.

A few months ago, Arran returned to her home country to realize her wish.

After such a long time, I don't know if her efforts are going well.

Although his support is not empty talk, it is not easy to open up the situation in the chaotic situation.

It is not enough to have financial resources, but also ability and manpower.

Looking back, Li Meng looked at Long Qiao'er beside him.

During this half a year, Long Qiao'er has been by his side and is no stranger to "her" Li Meng.

In terms of appearance, Long Qiao'er is only slightly inferior to Chen Yan. Although the pair of small and exquisite mountains are not as good as Chen Yan, overall, it is more compact and cute. In short, that maid outfit suits her very well.

There is such a beauty by her side, and it stands to reason that in the past six months, there will always be some opportunities to get close to her.

But the fact is that Li Meng has never touched her at all. During this half a year, Long Qiao'er has always existed as Li Meng's handmaid.

This is not what Li Meng thinks of Long Qiao'er, but about "sex". Li Meng has always let the flow go. It feels that everything will come naturally, Li Meng will not care too much.

Surrounded by so many beautiful women, Li Meng has great resistance to beauty.

Li Meng hasn't met a woman who can really make Li Meng's eyes shine for a long time.

To be able to attract Li Meng's eyes, in addition to beauty is not enough, but also a pure soul.

Li Meng prefers pure souls to sensuality.

But the human temperament is complex, and a pure soul is hard to come by.

The women who have a relationship with Li Meng are all Li Meng’s own dependents. One can imagine how high Li Meng’s requirements are.

The only human women who make Li Meng have sexual impulses are probably Gunya, Tyra, and Wang Yanmei.

The first two naturally didn't say much, and there was some warmth with Li Meng. If Li Meng really asked, they would not refuse.

But for the latter, Li Meng is more tacky, and it should be said that he is more like ordinary people.

As a hero of the dark ages, Wang Yanmei is not only beautiful and extraordinary, she is also very comparable in terms of her knowledge. She is always young, and her age of more than two hundred years gives her the maturity that an ordinary woman does not. She is the most beautiful woman in the world , Is also the dream lover of all men, for this one, Li Meng also has the impulse that an ordinary man should have.

Unlike others, Li Meng knows how to control himself.

Men are bothersome, Li Meng does not deny this, because this is the nature of men, but "love" is the only thing.

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