Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1328: Arran's arrival

Next, under Long Qiao'er's service, Li Meng began to put on clothes and wash them daily.

After enjoying a beautiful breakfast, Yalan didn't let Li Meng wait for a long time. She came shortly after eating breakfast.

Outside the mansion, with a rumbling engine roar, a bloated vehicle appeared from the street, and it drove straight into the mansion.

When the car stopped, Yalan, in a long black dress, got out of the car.

Standing by the car, she looked around and looked at the familiar mansion in front of her, her eyes flickering.

At this time, the door of the mansion opened, and Long Qiaoer, dressed in a black and white maid costume, walked out of the mansion.

She came to Yalan's body.

"Miss Yalan! Master is waiting for you, please follow me."

Long Qiao'er's words made Yalan's expression slightly startled, nodded lightly, and walked lightly behind Long Qiao'er.

Yalan is no stranger to this mansion, she has been here many times before returning to China.

In the welcome room, Yalan saw the familiar figure as expected.

He was dressed in black casual clothes and sat at the tea table with a cup of steaming tea in his hand.

Her arrival caused Li Meng to raise her head, and Yalan saw the face that was not unfamiliar.

Without much courtesy, Li Meng just nodded lightly to Yalan's arrival and waved to sit down.

With a slight smile, Yalan sat down opposite Li Meng.

Seeing Yalan sitting down, Li Meng looked back at Long Qiao'er standing aside, and said softly "Qiao'er, go make a cup of tea."


Replied softly, Long Qiaoer turned and left.

After Long Qiao'er left, there were only Li Meng and Yalan in the huge reception room.

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Li Meng's gaze was placed on Yalan, scanning up and down.

Compared with the martial artist's formal dress, the black long skirt gave Yalan the elegance of a mature woman, which was more feminine than ever.

Although Li Meng didn't think much about it, to Arran, Li Meng's gaze seemed a bit aggressive.

This made her a little embarrassed, she didn't know what to say, so she could only keep silent and show the frankness of the martial artist, but fortunately she was generous enough to let Li Meng watch.

For a while, Li Meng realized that his behavior was a little inappropriate, but Li Meng would not apologize or admit it.

Li Meng naturally retracted his gaze from Yalan, and moved his gaze to that beautiful face.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said: "Counting days, it's almost half a year since you returned to China, let me guess, the trip back to China is not very smooth, right?"

Seeing Li Meng finally stopped looking at herself with that aggressive gaze, Yalan was relieved.

She nodded and said softly: "Mr. Li Meng was right. After returning to China, I encountered many things. In the past six months, I only did one thing, and that was to inspect the whole country. It’s not going well, but fortunately, I am a martial artist, and I have avoided many potential risks."

Li Meng: "So, you should have a decision in your heart?"


Speaking of this, Yalan's expression became very determined. She said solemnly: "There is no peaceful solution. If you want to change the national conditions, you must use force to thoroughly cleanse the old diseases. Only in this way can the Sofia Republic start again. Hope."

Li Meng did not understand the national conditions of the Republic of Sofia, but Arran had made such a decision, indicating that Arran did not have much choice.

Leaning back gently, Li Meng leaned back on the sofa and looked at Yalan.

"That said, you came to see me this time to ask for help?"

Although Li Meng had agreed to Arran before, he would support Arran to some extent.

Li Meng did not break his promise, and when Yalan returned to China, he brought a sum of funds provided by the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce.

Now it seems that Arran is no longer satisfied with this level of support.

Yalan knew that in front of this man, it was best not to hide anything.

Only sincerity can bring the greatest return.

Faced with Li Meng’s gaze, Yalan said truthfully: “Yes, I need to maintain closer contact and greater support with Mr. Li Meng.”

Seeing that Yalan was so sincere and did not conceal his ambition in the slightest, Li Meng felt a little in his heart.

This is probably the frankness of the martial artist, if you change to a politician, I don't know how long it will be.

Li Meng did not agree, nor refused, but just said: "You should know that the status of the First Army in the world is not stable, and it is rejected by various countries, although international problems cannot bring about the various behaviors of the First Army. Too big a hindrance, but it will make enemies on all sides. The Republic of Sofia is a landlocked country and a non-peripheral area. Once the First Army intervenes, it will cause turmoil on all sides. You should be aware of the consequences."

To Li Meng's words, Yalan was silent.

How could she not know?

She understood very well, better than anyone else.

Internationally, the reputation of the First Army is not good, and its status is not recognized by countries. It can be said that seeking help from the First Army is the most stupid decision. Seek to survive.

But Yalan had no choice. In this matter, only the First Army could help her, and she only believed in Li Meng.

Only the First Army has this ability.

After a long time, Yalan looked up at Li Meng and said with certainty: "I know! But I believe Mr. Li Meng will help me."

Regarding Yalan's self-confidence, Li Meng laughed dumbly: "Are you so confident?"


Faced with Li Meng's smirking eyes, Yalan hesitated.

Although she is confident, the person who has the final say is Li Meng. No matter how confident she is, she cannot know what Mr. Li Meng's inner thoughts are. Arran is very clear that her self-confidence will not bring her any benefit.

This is her expectation, and she expects someone to help her behind her and become her strong backing.

If there is such a person, she hopes it is Mr. Li Meng.

Seeing Yalan's nervous and cranky appearance, Li Meng smiled and patted the sofa beside her.


Such an invitation made Yalan stunned, and after a little hesitation, she still stood up.

Taking the steps lightly, Yalan sat down unnaturally beside Li Meng.

Although the sofa is very large, the two of them are leaning very tightly, and Li Meng can even smell the body scent from Yalan.

Of course Li Meng was aware of Arran's unnaturalness.

He did not do anything too outrageous, but said indifferently in the nervous mood of Yalan: "I remember the first time I saw you, it was on Nanlin Island. You and Claver, at that time I have no concept of martial artists. Although I know the existence of martial artists, I don’t know much about martial artists. You are also the martial artists I encountered for the second time. Maybe I am curious. You are attracted by the opposite sex. In my eyes, I was thinking at that time that the Heroes' Association is so despicable that it sent two great beauties as messengers."

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