Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1338: Same idea

In the hood, Tan Ya spoke slightly and said: "The two places are far apart, and it is not easy to provide long-distance reinforcements. Since Warren and Wilson have contained the main forces of the Three Kingdoms in the Blackstone Fortress, we can attack directly from the east. Entering the territory of the Three Kingdoms, with one side restrained and two sides offensive, with the national power of the three southern countries, they can only be exhausted and rescue everywhere.

Compared to Davis's suggestion, Tanya's tactic is undoubtedly better.

In front of the First Corps, the Three Kingdoms were already a weak side, and once their forces were dispersed, they would be easily defeated one by one.

The Three Kingdoms chose to fight to the death with the First Army at the Blackstone Fortress, but Tan Ya was not as the Three Kingdoms wished, leaving a part of the army to stand in a stalemate with the enemy in the Blackstone Fortress, and the other army invaded the territory of the Three Kingdoms from the other two passes. .

Once the First Army attacked on three sides, it would be difficult to deal with the existing military forces of the three countries.

The final war against the Three Kingdoms may last a long time, but the final victory belongs to the First Army.

There was a decision in her heart, and Tan Ya looked upright in her hood and gave orders.

"Immediately convey my strategic intent to Warren and Wilson, so that they don't have to rush to attack, and just stalemate with the enemy at Blackstone Fortress. If the enemy forces change, just act by the right eye."

The words paused, and after thinking about it for a moment, Tan Ya said again: "The fighting in the Northeast Theater will end within the next ten days, Davis! After the Kingdom of Bliss is captured, you and I will each rate half of your troops to the White Rock Fortress. The limestone fortress marches forward and attacks the Three Kingdoms with all its strength."


Now that there is a clear order, the only thing Davis has to do is execute the order.

"Is there any news from the Bliss Kingdom?" Tan Ya asked.

Davis replied: "The dispatched messenger has not arrived in "Yelan City". It will take some time. There should be news within two days."

What is the biggest victory?

Of course, the goal of combat is accomplished without blood.

Under the ravages of the demons, the Kingdom of Bliss has fallen into a desperate situation. Although the threat of the demons has been eliminated by the First Legion, the Kingdom of Bliss is not as good as before. It is captured by means of war. The country has no need.

Ever since, the First Army chose a more moderate approach and negotiated to achieve the ultimate goal.

Of course, all the right to choose lies in the Kingdom of Bliss. If the negotiation fails to achieve the result that the First Army wants, it can only use war.

After slightly predicting it in his mind, Tan Ya said, "We still have some time. After the war in the Kingdom of Bliss is over, we can attack the three southern kingdoms. From tomorrow, the army will move towards the territory of the Kingdom of Bliss. Occupy the area ravaged by the devil. With the brutality of the devil, there may be no one surviving in those areas. Many small towns, as well as the two cities of Lanzhou and Daran, need to deal with many corpses. If left alone, it will not take long. I am afraid that this land will be plundered by the plague."

As if thinking of something, Tan Ya reminded him, "By the way, cremation of human corpses is forbidden. Choose a cemetery outside the city and bury them together."

For the First Legion, human bones are very good materials. Whether it is a skeleton warrior or a black warrior, they are all born from human corpses. Although this is a bit of blasphemy against the dead, the First Legion is " Believers of the "dead", and in a way, the First Legion is to give the dead a second chance to be reborn.

But compared to humans, its form is somewhat special.

The demand for "corpse" is stipulated in the territory under the rule of the First Legion.

All the deceased must be buried in the designated cemetery, cremation is prohibited, and all corpses are eliminated.

This demon invasion may have caused millions of casualties in the Kingdom of Bliss. This is a very large number. If these corpses can be used effectively, this will bring intimidation to the Legion of the Dead in the secret manufacturing of the First Legion. The benefits of imagination.

Once the war on the Austrian continent ends, the First Army will be able to utilize the resources of the dead on this continent.

The war on the Austrian continent has lasted for half a century. Countries conquered each other. I don’t know how many bones were buried in the earth. Without the First Legion, these bones could only decay in the earth over time. When an army comes, they will become another life form.

"Yes, subordinates understand!"

Davis replied.

As soon as the words fell, Davis said again: "General, Sanshen Company has been requesting negotiations to discuss matters concerning the seizure of ships. Do we need to make some response?"

Since the First Corps blocked the waters of the eastern part of Austria, Mikami’s assistance to the three southern countries has been completely interrupted. Under the aggressiveness of the First Army’s fleet, Mikami’s merchant ships have no resistance. After being detained five merchant ships, Sanshen Company stopped its assistance to the three southern countries.

During this half a month, Sanshen Company has been seeking opportunities to negotiate with the First Army.

However, the fleet that blocked the eastern waters did not receive the instructions above to contact it, and chose to ignore the request of the Sanshen Company. This made the Sanshen Company very helpless and could only try various ways to contact the First Army.

"Li Meng" in Kyoto also became the target of Sanshen Company in this situation.

In this matter, Tan Ya’s position is very firm, she said coldly: “Ignore it. The American Federation is behind the Sanshen Company. The free assistance to the three southern countries is not something that a private enterprise can decide. Behind it there must be instructions from the American Federation. Even if you want to talk, you must talk to the American Federation, not the Sanshen Company.

Davis was not surprised by General Tanya's decision.

This is expected. A private company is involved in a large-scale war, especially since this private company has the official background of the American Federation. This makes people have to think about it.

Whether it is the American Federation deliberately intervening in the war on the Austrian continent, or the privately instructed by a high-level member of the Sanshen company with an official background, these do not prevent the First Army from including this matter in a political dispute .

Except for the American Federation, the First Army will not have any contact with any other organization on this matter.

This is Tan Ya's decision and the attitude of the entire First Army Corps.

In this matter, Li Meng synchronized with Tan Ya very well. He also did not think that Sanshen Company was qualified to negotiate with the First Army, and he explicitly rejected the request of Qian Yongfu, head of the Kyoto branch of Sanshen Company, to meet.

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