Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1339: condition

With a wave of his hand, Tan Ya said, "Go down and prepare, there is not much time left for us."


Holding a military salute, Davis turned and left the office.


The figure behind the door disappeared, and the door of the office was closed.

Sitting behind the desk, Tan Ya took the palm computer and browsed some information in the data terminal.

After the satellite went online, the data of the data terminal was updated more frequently, new data was input almost every moment, and all kinds of information were classified and planned in an orderly manner.

The data terminal at this time can truly be called the data center of the First Army.

Time was passing, and one day passed quickly. Early the next morning, the army of the First Legion in Sli City began a new journey under orders.

The 200,000 troops were broken into pieces and divided into 200,000 troops. These 20 troops will be scattered into the territory of the Kingdom of Bliss one by one, sweeping the southern border of the Kingdom of Bliss, eliminating all traces left by the devil .

From early morning to afternoon, until the sun went down, the last force left Sli City and entered the forest sea in the east.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

This journey is not a battle, maybe a battle will happen, but it will only be a small-scale conflict.

Although the main force of the demons was wiped out under Sli City, it does not rule out the existence of some scattered demons.

Even if their numbers are very scarce, they are no small threat to the polluting beasts in the forest and humans.

The purpose of the First Legion was to occupy the territory that was ravaged by demons in the southern part of the Bliss Kingdom, but it also had another purpose, which was to clean up the demons remaining in the Bliss Kingdom.

In the following days, in the Northeast Theater, the operations of the First Corps went smoothly.

As expected, many demons were found in the small towns, Lanzhou City, and Daran City. The battle went smoothly. Although the demons are strong, they cannot be formed on a certain scale. It poses too much threat to the army of the First Legion. After a short battle, all the demons that can be seen by the army have been eliminated.

In Lanzhou City and Daran City, the First Army also saw a tragic scene for the first time.

The corpses, the human corpses all over the ground, the human corpses in the mountains, whether it is Daran City or Lanzhou City, all the humans who died under the claws of the devil, the corpses have been deliberately piled together, if you did not see it with your own eyes , I can’t feel the palpitations, fears, and nausea.

The city of Lanzhou is okay. As the humans who were slaughtered by the demons had just been captured by the demons, their corpses had not completely decomposed. Although the scene was a bit hideous, it was acceptable.

But Daran City is different. As early as a few months ago, Daran City was attacked by demons.

There are no humans in the city. Except for a small number of civilians who fled Daran City, most of the civilians were killed by demons. Their souls were used as sacrifices, and their bones were wantonly desecrated by demons.

A few months have passed. The bones piled up in the city have long been rotten, and the whole city is filled with a foul smell, and a terrible plague fills the air.

Due to the regulations that cannot be "cremated", the disposal of these corpses has delayed the First Army a lot of time.

Although time has been delayed, the hard work and effort is worth it.

Just as the First Army was actively engaged in operations in the southern territory of Bliss, in Yeran City, the envoy of the First Army finally arrived at the destination.

As the "capital" of the Kingdom of Bliss, Yeran City is not much bigger than the other two cities captured by the devil. It is also poor and backward, at least from the outside.

There are no tall buildings in the city, only dense and irregularly arranged low buildings, giving people a very backward feeling.

In the whole city, only one castle building in the center of the city can be called "majestic." This castle is also the most eye-catching landmark in the whole city.

Coming to Yeran City, the messenger had only one mission, and that was...

"Conditions? Tell me, what are their requirements!"

In the gloomy forest, under a big tree, a message from the palm computer prompted Tan Ya to pause.

It is a communication request from Davis.

In Davis' report, Tanya learned one thing.

The envoys sent by the First Army have arrived at Yeran City and negotiated with the Kingdom of Bliss.

Regarding the "surrender" request made by the First Army, the Bliss Kingdom did not explicitly reject it, and put forward some conditions.

Davis' voice rang from the palm computer, echoing in the gloomy forest.

"They have four conditions. First, the First Army must guarantee the safety of the royal family, second, the wealth in the treasury must belong to the royal family, third, the freedom of members of the royal family must be guaranteed, and certain privileges must be granted in law. Fourth, if The royal family intends to leave Austria, and the First Army must not hinder it."

"The appetite is not small!"

In the hood, Tan Ya smiled contemptuously, her tone a little cold.

Tan Ya gave Davis clear instructions and said coldly: "Tell them that the First Army will never allow "privileges" to exist in law. Except for the third condition, other conditions can be agreed, if any. If you don’t want to, then you can only use war to end everything."

The surrender of the Bliss Kingdom is not necessary. The reason why the First Army will send envoys to persuade the Bliss Kingdom to surrender to reduce unnecessary casualties is one of the reasons, and the second is a matter of time.

Although the current national power of the Bliss Kingdom has been greatly depleted, it will take a lot of time for the First Army to attack it, and the current First Army does not want to waste time.

Although the First Army gave the Kingdom of Bliss a chance to "surrender" in peace, the First Army would not force it. If necessary, it is also in the plans of the First Army to use war to make a quick decision.

"Yes, I understand, I will tell."

Tan Ya: "That's it, let me know when you have new news."

Davis: "Yes!"

With the silence of the handheld computer, the two broke off contact.

Turning his eyes slightly, Tan Ya looked towards the deep forest not far away.

The shadows overlap in the forest, and a large number of figures are shuttled through the dark forest.

There are no war machines, no light armored units, and only walking soldiers in the forest.

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