Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1341: archeology

At this moment, the front was suddenly bright and cheerful, and a small town was caught in the eyes of five people.

"Go, let's go to the small town to avoid it."

This is a small farm town. In the plantations around the town, it is not wheat but a vine fruit.

At a glance, Tanaka is full of artificial wooden frames, densely packed, it is not spectacular.

Several months have passed since the harvest season, and the vines on the trellis showed a pale yellow color.

On the ground, there are fruits of unknown fist size. They are so large that they almost cover the entire ground. They have rotted and lost their original color. There is also a "stinky" in the air.

Obviously, in the harvest season, the town has been left unattended.

The reason is very obvious, here is still within the ravaged range of the devil.

For the five who fled, although they didn't have any impression of this small town, they were familiar with the aura left in the city, which was the aura of the devil.

At one time, the town was swept by demons.

The town is not peaceful at this time. For some people who arrive here by accident, today is their bad luck day, but also their lucky day.

Night is approaching, and a group of people dressed as travelers came to this town not long ago.

It is located on the fringe of the Kingdom of Bliss.

Although there are no demons, human bones can be seen everywhere.

However, as they entered the small town, they seemed to be used to the bones that can be seen everywhere on the street, and they seemed very casual and indifferent.

Not long ago, they entered through the east gate, and the number was about thirty.

They walked cautiously on the main road, constantly searching the buildings on both sides, seeming to be unusual.

Although these thirty people were dressed like travelers, almost all of them were holding guns. Only a few of them were empty-handed and looked around, seeming to be curious about everything.

Among those holding guns, some people still have melee weapons hanging from their waists, not daggers, but sword-like fighting weapons. Obviously, a small number of people in this group are martial artists.

"Looking at the appearance of this town, it must have been ruined by the devil. It's not a good idea to spend the night here."

While walking, one person in front of the team looked nervously at the buildings on both sides, and whispered in his mouth.

At this, the companion beside him laughed and laughed: "What are you afraid of? Is it a devil? If those things are still there, we might have been attacked when we entered the town. I said, boss Glenn, what You were so timid at that time."

"Shut up, I'm not afraid, but cautious. What's the situation in the Kingdom of Bliss now? What's the situation in the mainland of Austria? In this wartime, even if there are no demons, it is not a wise move to come here."

To Glenn's scolding, his subordinates just laughed, shrugged, and said in a reasonable manner: "Who can't live with money? Although it is dangerous, this risk is worth taking. We are not only those Knowing that the Martial Artists Guild that is observing the rules, we are mercenaries. We are already indifferent to life and death in this business. We live on the knife edge. How can we have a good life without taking risks?

At this time, another human holding a gun said: "I think the boss is right. Those guys who dare to enter the kingdom of Bliss in this special period do not know what their purpose is. It is really curious. The equipment you bring is weird, not the kind of grave digging."

"What is digging a grave? That is archaeology."

The one in the back, who really couldn't listen to the words of the big masters in front, retorted loudly.

This made Glenn startled for a moment, then glanced back at the person who was speaking.

It was an old man who was over half a hundred years old, his hair had turned white, but his spirit was still strong.

The pace was suspended, and the team in front of Glenn left, walking side by side with the old man.

Glenn apologized to the old man: "Dr. Orson, we are all big bosses. If there is anything wrong, don't take it to your heart."

Hehe smiled, Orson said indifferently: "It's okay, it's natural for you to have doubts in your heart. Now Austria is indeed dangerous. You are right."

"Then why did the old man choose at this time?"

Glenn was a little puzzled about this.

Touching the non-existent beard on his chin, Orson squinted slightly and sighed, "I have been studying the origin of "humanity" in my entire life. If I find a little trace, how can I be restrained? A corps launched a war in Austria. It may take several years before the end of the war. I can't wait."

That's it...

Glenn suddenly realized.

For these weird historians, a little new clue is enough to drive them crazy, and even if they sacrifice their lives for this, they cannot prevent them from revealing the true answer.


One thing Glenn was very curious and asked inexplicably: "Dr. Orson, as far as I know, the history of Austria is only a thousand years old. A thousand years ago, during the Middle Ages, the continent was still in a barbaric era. Any civilization did not become a place of exile for criminals until this continent was discovered by travelers. Since then, Austria has gradually developed into a human society. With such a short history, how can Dr. Orson need it? s things."

"Oh? You seem to know the history of mankind well?"

Orson was very surprised that Glenn had this knowledge.

Since mankind has struggled through the dark ages, most of the previous historical documents have been destroyed or lost.

The history of mankind before the Dark Age was a blank for most people.

Orson did not expect that Glenn should be so familiar with the history of Austria.

With a smile, Glenn explained: "I have liked history books since I was a kid. As a martial artist, I sometimes have to give up some fun. Although I can’t be as knowledgeable as Dr. Understand more or less."

"So..." Orson nodded clearly.

Orson didn't hide it. Since the young man beside him was interested in this, he had something in common.

Orson is not stingy, nor does he think Glenn will have other ideas.

In this era, archaeology is not a popular profession, because antiques have no value, no one will spend a lot of money on an antique that has no value. After all, this era is not the era of the Renaissance.

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