Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1342: Mercenary "Glen"

"Well, I have to talk about..."

As soon as he spoke, Orson was interrupted by a cry in front of him.

"Boss Glenn! Boss Glenn!"

Hearing the shouts of his companions in front of him, Glenn had to say: "Wait for the next time. When I have the next opportunity, I will listen to your story again."


In Orson's beard blowing stare, Glen hurried to the front of the team.

"Boss Glenn, it's not early. Let's spend the night in this mansion. It is located in the center of the town. If anything happens, you can evacuate in four directions."

The words of the companion in the ear made Glenn look around and made a general observation of the surrounding environment.

At this time, everyone is in a small square in the center of the town. On one side of the square is a house with relatively good doors and windows. This is the night-time place that the companions have seen.

"Yes, it's a good place."

Glenn affirmed the choice of his partner and agreed.

In the square, a group of people stopped.

Glenn turned around and said to everyone: "Everyone! This house is our overnight place tonight. Let's take a rest and wait for us to clean it up first."

As soon as these words came out, many people heaved a sigh of relief and sat slumped in place.

Among the 30 people, there are 15 mercenaries, and the others are Orson colleagues and hard labor accompanying them.

Compared with a sturdy mercenary, other people do not have this physical fitness.

Many people have reached their limit during the nearly 20-kilometer trek, and their legs are already trembling.

Seeing everyone sitting paralyzed, Glenn didn't say anything. He said to his companions beside him: "Let's go, there must be some dirty things in this room, please clean up for these big masters."

Glenn's words made the mercenaries smile silently.

"somebody is coming!"

The smile froze on his face with a warning.

At this moment, it demonstrated the combat literacy of the mercenaries.

They looked tense, and subconsciously armed with guns.

"On the streets of the West, they are approaching, very fast."

After a warning, the mercenary who discovered the abnormality told his companions the specific directions.

This made the mercenaries all look towards the end of the western streets.

Since they are located in the square in the center of the town, the streets in all four directions can be clearly seen.

They saw five figures running on the street in the west, very fast, quickly approaching their location.

The five people were dressed in black robes, which made it impossible for people to see the appearance under the black robes, but from the physical point of view, they should be very tall and strong.


The well-informed mercenaries, at this moment, reached a common conclusion to the five.

His face changed slightly, Glenn immediately said: "Line up, get ready for battle."

As soon as the words fell, the mercenaries all stepped forward and quickly set up a defensive position in front of the crowd.

They were armed with guns, lying on the ground, or squatting on the ground. Two mercenaries dexterously turned up the roof and pointed their guns at the western streets.

Many more martial artist mercenaries carried their guns on their backs and drew out the weapons hung around their waists.

The five people are approaching. At such a close distance, it is impossible not to see them holding guns in the square.

Seeing that the five people approaching quickly didn't seem to stop in the slightest, Glen raised his gun and pulled the trigger in the direction where the five were.


Two crisp gunfire sounded.

Flame jets and bullets shot out.

The howling bullet cut through the air and "chichi" hit the ground in front of the five.

This caused the five people running on the street to abruptly stop and stop.

At this time, the five people are only one step away from the square and less than a hundred meters away from where everyone is.

This distance is close enough, so close that the mercenaries can see the red hideous face under the black robe.

Looking at the looming face under the black robe, the expressions of the well-informed mercenaries changed.

Glenn looked solemn and uttered a few words: "It's a fallen one!"

When the words were over, Glenn put down his right hand and waved back.

To Glenn's gesture, the two mercenaries behind him hurriedly stepped back and came to the crowd with a blank face.

"Everyone! For your safety, please enter the house immediately to avoid it."

Although I don't know what happened, everyone felt the tension of the mercenaries.

Although Orson was equally puzzled, although he saw the existence of the five people not far away, he didn't know who they were, but the tension of the mercenaries gave Orson a bad feeling.

As the leader, Orson hurriedly said to everyone: "Everyone enter the house immediately, hurry!"

Orson's words are more useful than those of the mercenaries. Although the exhaustion of the body made everyone not want to move, they still dragged their tired body to stand up and walked to the side of the house.

When Orson and his party entered the house, Glenn was relieved.

Without worries, they can devote themselves to the battle.

The five people outside the square didn't move, they just scanned the mercenaries on the square with their blue pupils, seeming to be calculating the current strength.

That's the fallen...

Although in the past, Glenn rarely dealt with the fallen.

But Glenn is no stranger to these devils.

Those who can become demon believers are generally psionics, and they are also strong among psionics.

If he had the right to choose, the last thing Glenn wanted to encounter was this kind of opponent.

Because the Fallen is too dangerous, not only powerful but also unpredictable. Although Glenn believes in his companions, the battle with the Fallen still makes Glenn very jealous.

Their chances of winning are not great. Although they are superior in numbers, they cannot tilt the combat power of both sides to their own.

The lowered hand held the gun again, Glenn whispered: "Don't act rashly."

From the time the Fallen stopped to the present, only a few minutes passed.

The stalemate between the two sides made Glenn believe that the fallen did not want them to conflict.

Maybe they just passed by, and the place where they are undoubtedly blocked the path of the fallen.

But Glenn would never let the way, because it was too risky.

In the unlikely event that the fallen abruptly violent when they pass by, then they have no chance of surviving, and this risk must not be taken.

At this moment, the fallen man suddenly moved.


Just listen to the low, "husky" "go" word.

The fallen all turned around and ran north from the edge of the square.

The panicked figure seemed as if something was chasing behind them.

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