Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1345: The gate of truth

"How long was the recorded history of mankind before the Dark Ages? The oldest historical record was only more than three thousand years ago. For the development of a species, three thousand years are too short. This makes people curious about the history three thousand years ago. What kind of world is the earth like? Was human beings at that time in a barren era or had a highly developed civilization that is unimaginable, and what I have to do is to uncover these secrets and explore the origin of mankind."

Orson sat down on the stone circle under the statue in the center of the square, patted his side with his right hand, and motioned Glenn to sit down.

Glenn didn't refuse Orson's invitation, and sat down beside Orson.

After Glenn sat down, Orson continued: "When I was studying some antiquities in the American Federation more than ten years ago, I found a document that recorded some kind of "antiques" about the "gate of truth". Legend has it that this aroused my interest, and since then, I have focused on the exploration of the "gate of truth"."

The gate of truth?

Glenn said with interest: "Dr. Orson believes that this thing exists in the world? It may just be a legend."

Glenn happens to have some understanding of the legend of the "gate of truth". In the legend, the gate of truth is the only way for mortals to be sanctified. They can see the past and the future and have the only knowledge of truth.

Of course, these are legends, and whether this thing exists has always been a mystery.

For most people, the gate of truth does not exist, it is just a legend.

With a faint smile, Orson said, "Perhaps, but I got a lot of useful things from that document."

The words paused slightly, and in Glenn’s curious gaze, Orson continued: "To open the door of truth, you must gather seven "keys of truth". Of these seven keys, I have found five of them. It took me a full ten years, and the sixth one. Not long ago, I found some "Keys of Truth" in the historical library of the Kingdom of Orleans. Based on some clues, I came here. ."

Is there really a key to truth?

Hearing this, Glenn became more and more interested in the matter.

However, the existence of the Key of Truth does not say anything, this may be a prank of a treasure game.

Throughout history, there are many similar incidents.

After all, the existence of the "Gate of Truth" is so peculiar that it is difficult for people to imagine that it is a real thing.

Glenn asked: "What kind of clue makes Dr. Orson think that the key of truth is in Austria?"

If the key of truth is really the key thing to open the door of truth, then the place where it exists must be very old, and Ogeria...

However, this is not impossible. Austria has always existed. It is not ruled out that in a certain age, certain types of people have arrived in Austria and put the key of truth on the continent of Austria. Somewhere above.

Orson explained: "This has to be said of a legendary figure in the Kingdom of Orleans more than two thousand years ago. She is the legendary queen "Himeihu" who has been in power for more than 70 years. According to legend, this queen has the ability to control life and death. , Can bring destruction to the world, and can also bring rebirth to the world. Among her tombs after death, there is a "key of truth". It takes a key to open the queen's tomb, and this key is In a certain era, it fell into the hands of an officer in Austria. After the officer died, the only key that opened the tomb of the legendary queen "Meihu" became a funerary. I came to Austria this time. The purpose is to find this key."

It turned out to be like this...

This archeology is really not an easy task. If you miss one of the small details, you may lose the opportunity to get the true answer forever.

Glenn said in a puzzled way: "It shouldn't be difficult to open a tomb with the current methods. Why is it so troublesome."

The development of science and technology has made many things easier. In a tomb more than two thousand years ago, Glenn doesn't believe that modern technology can be difficult.

"It's really not difficult!"

Orson does not deny this, but things are not that simple.

Sure enough, Orson said again: "But it is not easy to open the tomb intact. Although the key of truth is still strong, it is not indestructible. I can't risk it."

Unconsciously, the sky gradually darkened, and time passed quickly in the communication.

"Well, let's stop here today."

From the stone circle, Orson stood up, and his words made Orson's heart relieved a lot.

As a doctor of history and a famous archaeologist, what he lacks is a loyal audience like Glenn.

In the eyes of many people, everything that Orson did was in vain. He was just running for something that didn't exist. Many people didn't understand Orson. Even among his peers, many people were quite towards Orson. There are minor words.

Because in the industry, many people do not believe that the "gate of truth" really exists in the world. Even if it exists, it is impossible to have the power in its rumors. It is meaningless to search for it. Maybe it is just an ordinary door.

But for Orson, there is no possibility in his world. Even if the gate of truth does not exist, perhaps it is just an ordinary gate, he still enjoys the fun of searching for the gate of truth.

The completion of the pursuit mission allowed Tan Ya to get a prisoner. The way back was smooth. Shortly after night fell, Tan Ya returned to Lanzhou City.

At this time, Lanzhou City had been wiped out by the First Army, the traces of the devil's existence were wiped out to the greatest extent, and the city had become a new frontline supply point for the First Army.

The concern about the "day of the Great Purge" made Tan Ya, who returned to Lanzhou City, couldn't wait to interrogate the prisoner in person.

In an empty secret room, the only surviving fallen was tied to a wooden bench alone.

The binding was very finished, and a chain of iron chains passed around it, tightly connecting it to the seat.

Its hands were weak, but its hideous face showed a cannibalistic appearance.

The only person in the secret room was staring fiercely at Tan Ya.

"I know that you are the fallen, the most loyal believer of the devil. Your body has been transformed by the spirit. This allows you to withstand the pain that ordinary people can't bear, but I think you will tell me."

The cold voice reverberated in the closed chamber. It was Tan Ya's voice.

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