Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1346: Mission news


The door of the secret room was opened, and a soldier pushing a trolley came in.

The trolley was filled with densely packed utensils and various syringes, which seemed to make people shudder.

Around the seat, Tan Ya walked in a circle and said: "You still have a human body after all. Even if you are completely transformed, some facts cannot be changed. This medicine is a very magical thing. Increase your body's sensitivity in order to get greater pain. It can also make you hallucinate and reproduce the happiest moment in your life. It can dig out the things you least want to remember from the depths of your heart. Things can also make you fascinated by it like a drug addict. Which injection do you want?"

Like the whispers of the devil, Tan Ya muttered to herself in the ears of the fallen,

Some words were spoken to it, but the fallen man remained silent, tugging at the corner of his mouth, and sneered.

Tan Ya's arrogant behavior didn't irritate Tan Ya, and she waved to the soldier pushing the trolley.

Commanded: "Give it a shot of a medicine that increases body sensitivity."

Nodding lightly, the soldier moved in response, picked up a syringe on the trolley, and pierced the fallen man's neck.

The liquid in the syringe was slowly injected into the body of the fallen.

At first, the fallen one was in good condition, and there was not much reaction.

While Tan Ya waited patiently, the effect of the medicine finally came into play. .

On the neck of the fallen man, blue veins bulged slowly, spreading like a spider web, extending to the hideous face.

At this moment, the fallen one seemed to be enduring a great deal of pain, and his pupils became blood-red, it gritted its teeth and stared at Tan Ya firmly.

This medicine not only has the effect of enhancing the body's sensitivity, but also has another thing, a certain neurotoxin.


In the end, the Fallen couldn't bear the pain, and opened his mouth and roared sharply.

It was struggling, and the thick iron chain "creaked" while being pulled by it, and it fell into some kind of madness.

This scene made Tan Ya very satisfied. If necessary, she would apply a more cruel criminal law to the fallen, which is far from enough now.

Looking at the fallen man struggling in the seat, Tan Ya said in a seductive tone: "Do you want to ease the pain? Tell me everything you know, what is the day of the Great Purge? As long as you answer my question, I will give You have an easy way to die, otherwise..."

In the hood, Tan Ya smiled coldly, lowered her head and whispered in the ears of the fallen: "I have time. I won't let you die. I will torture you in your limited life, making you unable to survive. Not to die."

The fallen one was unmoved, only struggling hard, roaring in his mouth.

"You will want to understand."

Tan Ya is not in a hurry, as she said, she has time.

Before leaving, Tan Ya said to the soldiers: "Give it an injection every four hours, and use it with the wakefulness medicine four hours later. It cannot stop its pain or let it fall asleep, and ensure it is always awake. ."


Turning around, Tan Ya left the secret room.

As for the subsequent interrogation, it can only be consumed slowly. The fallen one has a strong will. It is not a simple matter to defeat this will, but Tan Ya believes that it will collapse sooner or later.

It is not a demon, it still has the weaknesses that a human should have in it.

It will collapse, Tan Ya does not doubt this, it will happen sooner or later.

"General! There is news from the "corps."

As soon as he left the secret room, a soldier waiting at the door stopped Tan Ya and reported to him.

It seems that there is news from the Bliss Kingdom.

The only thing Tan Ya can think of about the news related to the "mission mission".


After responding, Tan Ya continued walking.

This is the City Lord's Mansion. It should be said that it is a similar place. It is the office of the Lanzhou City Government.

The Bliss Kingdom is a sub-feudal system, and the one who controls Lanzhou City is a duke. Compared to the city lord's mansion, the duke's mansion is undoubtedly more suitable.

No matter what it is called, this mansion has now become the temporary command post of the First Army.

Back in his office and sitting behind a large desk, Tan Ya took out his handheld computer.

If there is news of the "mission", she can see the relevant information in the data terminal.

Sure enough, as soon as I turned on the computer, a message popped up on the screen.

It's about the news about the mission of the Kingdom of Bliss.

There is a lot of content. The above probably means that the Kingdom of Bliss has agreed to the conditions given by the First Army and "surrendered" to the First Army. It will complete the change of power in the next week.

"Is there a food crisis? It's no wonder." Tan Ya muttered to herself looking at the detailed information on the screen.

The news reported by the mission was not only about the "surrender" of the Bliss Kingdom, but also an analysis of the Bliss Kingdom's situation and understanding of the national conditions.

The current situation in the Kingdom of Bliss is quite bad. The devil has been raiding the territory of Bliss for several months. In these months, it happened to be the harvest season. Due to the raid of the devil, the Kingdom of Bliss There was no harvest in the small and small farms and small towns in the territory, and there was no food delivery from the farms and small towns. The two remaining cities in the Kingdom of Bliss quickly caused famine.

This situation became worse and worse half a month ago. Although the inventory in each city can still support the consumption of the city for two months, two months is undoubtedly not enough. There is still half a year before the next harvest season. If you want to survive, you can only make a limited distribution of food.

But the effective distribution of food has undoubtedly caused dissatisfaction among the people. The worst thing is that the Kingdom of Bliss is a landlocked country. Now the continent of Austria is full of wars, which makes it impossible for the Kingdom of Bliss to buy the food it needs from outside. Let the Kingdom of Bliss fell into an almost unsolvable circle of chaos.

There were demons outside, the threat of the First Legion, and various hidden dangers inside. The royal family of the Kingdom of Bliss was already struggling to deal with it. At this time, the appearance of the First Legion undoubtedly destroyed the last thought of the royal family of Bliss.

In this case, the royal family fortunately agreed to the conditions of the first legion, and enjoyed their life with wealth.

"In this way, the war in the Kingdom of Bliss is over."

After reading the news reported by the mission, Tan Ya muttered to herself.

This is a good thing, to be able to occupy a country without bloodshed, this is something Tan Ya is happy to comment on.

As for the wealth of the Kingdom of Bliss, how much wealth does a small country have?

If that little wealth can avoid a war, Tanya is still very happy to accept it.

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