Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1347: Sudden order

The war in the Kingdom of Bliss is now over. The next step is the war aimed at the three southern countries.

Since the First Army landed on the Austrian mainland, the general strategy has been smooth. The Seven Kingdoms quickly collapsed, and now only the Three Kingdoms remain.

The final victor will only be the First Army, and Tan Ya never doubted this.

Today's problems are also clear. Thanks to the intervention of the American Federation, these last three countries have become a hard bone.

Although the First Army blocked the seas and cut off the routes of the American Federation to assist the three southern countries, it was still a little late. Before the first Army blocked the seas, a large amount of arms had been transported to the three countries, and the three countries were strengthened in armaments. From the previous sheep to a lion.

Although wanting to resist the offensive of the First Army is also idiotic, but at least it can bring a lot of trouble to the First Army, and the time will be infinitely delayed.

However, this situation will soon change.

The war in the Kingdom of Bliss has ended. Once the First Army vacates its hands, it will besiege the three southern countries.

Once the First Army fully attacked the three southern countries, with the current strength of the three countries, it would be difficult to confront the First Army head-on.

It was late at night, and time passed quickly.

In the next few days, the situation in the mainland of Austria fell into a strange calm.

In the forest outside the Blackstone Fortress, the First Legion was stationed here, a large area of ​​forest was opened up, and the camp tent stretched to the end of sight.

Under the aggressive Chen Bing city of the First Army, how could the three southern kingdoms know.

The Blackstone Fortress served as the last barrier against the First Legion. Here, the Three Kingdoms made a desperate move and sent a full 300,000 troops to garrison this last line of defense.

An army of 300,000 people is not a small number. Although it contains logistics personnel, nearly 200,000 soldiers are packed in a fortress. The density of personnel is very concentrated.

The size of the army has increased, and the defensive power of the fortress has increased, but it has also brought another flaw.

Due to the concentration of personnel, once a battle occurs, any shell of the enemy falling into the city will cause a large number of casualties.

Some people will not ignore this situation.

Not long ago, the defensive line of Blackrock Fortress was not limited to the fortress.

Outside the Blackstone Fortress, just under the nose of the First Legion, the army in the city began to build a defensive line in the Courbet Mountains, but within half a month, a line connecting the Blackstone Fortress with a length of no less than ten kilometers was completed.

When the defenders in the Blackstone Fortress built their positions, the First Army also thought about launching a certain bombardment against the enemy.

But in the end, after some discussion, Wilson and Warren gave up their plans to bomb the enemy.

There are two reasons. One is that the enemy is very cautious. When building a defensive front, it is dug up from the trenches. This can well defend against long-range artillery bombardment. The aimless bombing is purely a waste of ammunition. Considering the logistical tension, no It is worth consuming a lot of shells at this time. Secondly, it is necessary. The enemy's expansion of the front line is nothing more than sparse the density of the fortress, and achieve this goal with a longer front line. The line is longer and the range of the firepower net also increases. The firepower has also increased to a certain extent.

This seems to increase the advantage of the defender, but it is not, on the contrary.

The terrain of the Courbet Mountains is not steep, and the **** is very gentle, which is very suitable for heavy units to charge.

In the Blackstone Fortress, the enemy relied on the strong walls, and the armored torrent of the First Army did not have much advantage, but outside the Blackstone Fortress, the relatively gentle **** of the Yimapingchuan River could not stop the steel torrent of the First Army.

In addition, the Three Kingdoms did not have excellent anti-armor heavy weapons, no matter how well the positions outside the fortress were built, they would be useless to face the steel torrent of the First Army.

However, everything has two sides. Compared to the plan of expanding the position with the entire military force in the city, the advantage of the defender is slightly greater.

Although the Blackstone Fortress is not small, it is still somewhat reluctant to accommodate 300,000 troops.

Once the battle started, the First Corps tilted its shells toward the city with all its strength, causing unimaginable casualties.

Although the expansion of the position also has disadvantages, this disadvantage can be smoothed out by the third-generation guards provided by the American Federation.

The weapons of the third-generation guards are strong enough. Although they are not used to counter heavy armored vehicles, they can also cause certain damage to heavy units. On the defense line of Blackstone Fortress, the enemy has more than one hundred third-generation guards. If these guards are used as a fort, the deterrent effect on the First Army is still relatively large.

"Colonel Wicks! This is an order, you must obey it. I know it is difficult for you to understand it, but the situation in the world has changed right now. The country believes that it is not suitable for conflict with the First Army. You are a colonel of the American Federation It’s no longer suitable to stay here."

In Blackstone Fortress, early in the morning, Wicks received an order that he couldn't understand.

Although he is a military adviser in the Blackstone Fortress, he has actually taken over the command of the Blackstone Fortress.

In this nearly a month, he worked hard to do everything well, and now he is waiting for the final duel with the First Army.

At this critical juncture, he actually got the order to evacuate.

In the room, Wicks walked back and forth with a sad expression on his face.

It took a long time before he accepted his fate, took a deep breath, and finally calmed down.

He looked at the other person in the room and said solemnly, "Can you tell me the reason?"

Compared with Wicks in a military uniform, the other man's attire is much more casual, all in black casual clothes.

He knew that Wicks was very unwilling. For soldiers, it would be the glory of a lifetime to command an army to win.

He smiled slightly and said: "I am not surprised that there is such a decision in China. In the past, the American Federation was not familiar with the First Army, but now, I think some people in the country already recognize the First Army. I see, not long ago, an aviation rocket took off on Nanlin Island, the base camp of the First Corps. Now, satellites belonging to the First Corps should be in orbit on the earth."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly and said with a rather disdainful expression: "You should know that China has always believed that the technology possessed by the American Federation is leading the world, but now it seems that this view is a bit ridiculous. Satellites, this is something that the country has been focusing on in recent years. However, the First Army has come to the front of the American Federation. What does this mean? Colonel Wicks should understand."

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