Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1348: Full evacuation

Explain what, Wicks naturally knows.

This shows that the technology possessed by the First Army is far more advanced than that of the American Federation. This fact has forced the American Federation to reconsider whether it is worthwhile to conflict with the First Army.

Thinking of this, Wicks thoughtfully said: "Nock! Do you mean that the country wants to improve relations with the First Army?"

When asked by Wicks, Knocker smiled unchallengedly: "This is a natural thing. Now the First Army is fighting with Huaxia, and it has provided technical assistance to China. Everyone can see the results. If we say that in the past, the First Army was just an explosion of wealth in the eyes of all countries, but now, this explosion of wealth has changed and has become the target of all countries. Yelang arrogance is not a good thing. This is not necessarily a problem for the American Federation. bad thing."

Things changed so fast that Wicks shook his head helplessly.

Now Wicks already knows that his mission here this time may be futile. Compared with the interests of the country, his personal thoughts are not important.

"Actually, you should feel lucky. This is destined to be a lost battle. Even if you get a fluke, the final result will not change."

Nock's words made Wicks a little puzzled.

Wicks naturally knew that it was difficult to contend with the First Army with the military power of the Three Kingdoms. He did not dare to hope for victory, but there was no problem maintaining the status quo. It is not impossible to rely on the Courbet Mountains to divide the world with the First Army. .

Wicks asked puzzledly: "Could it be that what happened to the Kingdom of Bliss?"

The Kingdom of Bliss is the key to all this. Only the Kingdom of Bliss can buy more time for the three southern countries.

As long as there is sufficient time, the Courbet Mountains, the natural defense line of the Three Kingdoms, can be completely sealed.

Nodded, Nok said: "Not long ago, the First Legion fought a battle with the demons. The demons were defeated, and the First Legion won. Although the demons in the territory were destroyed by the First Legion, the Kingdom of Bliss has no longer competed with the First Legion. The ability of World War I is now in place. Just a few days ago, the Bliss Kingdom had "surrendered" to the First Army."


Wicks was taken aback for a moment, then sighed deeply.

Sure enough, the general trend cannot be violated. If there were no demons, the Bliss Kingdom might be able to entangle with the First Legion for several rounds, but the appearance of the demons disrupted everything.

"This is a good thing. You should be fortunate that the First Legion is very sensible in dealing with the devil. It will eliminate the biggest threat in the first time. Otherwise, how can the countries on the Austrian continent be demons? Opponents, if the demons are allowed to continue to plunder, the Austrian continent will probably follow the footsteps of the southern continent. By then, it will be a disaster for the entire mankind."

Although the words are reasonable, there are still some regrets in Wicks' heart.

Although he is a colonel, he has never commanded an army of 300,000 people.

Although a little cheesy, Wicks enjoyed the feeling of pointing the country.

Being able to command 300,000 troops in an orderly manner also proves their ability.

It is regrettable, but he has no choice in this matter.


He took a deep breath and calmed the depressed mood in his heart.

Looking back at Knok, Wicks said: "I have received the order. I will return to China as soon as possible. Before leaving, I have something to confess to the officers in the fortress. This is okay."

Nodded slightly, and Nok said calmly: "No problem, but you must leave here with me tomorrow. Now the waters around the mainland of Austria are blocked by the First Army. If you want to leave, you can’t use your official status. A civilian long-distance merchant ship has left Kenlin Port, which means we must get there within three days."

Three days?

Although Blackstone Fortress is a certain distance from Kenlin Harbor, as long as it does not appear, three days are enough.

"Okay, I'll explain it now and get ready to go as soon as possible."

After speaking, Wicks turned and walked out the door. The time left for him was running out. He must cherish every minute and every second. In a place as large as Blackstone Fortress, with an army of 300,000 people, There are a lot of things to explain, and it takes a lot of time.

Although Wicks was only a military commissioner of the American Federation, his departure represented the attitude of the American Federation on this matter.

The withdrawal of the American Federation was of course the three southern countries most affected, which caught the three countries by surprise.

For the three southern countries, their confidence in resisting the First Army came entirely from the American Federation. For this reason, they lost a lot of things in exchange for the "aid" of the American Federation.

Now, the American Federation suddenly withdrew and abandoned them. How could the three southern countries not be angry?

But they had no choice. The American Federation chose to withdraw at this critical juncture. In other words, the American Federation gave up all its benefits, and the three southern countries benefited.

The withdrawal of the American Confederation allowed the three southern countries to receive the aid of the American Confederation without compensation.

But what use is this?

The arms aided by the American Federation did increase the military power of the three countries, but it is also unrealistic to use it to fight the First Army.

For a while, Wicks left, and before the First Army launched a general offensive, the three southern countries themselves became chaotic.

The Kingdom of Sjoonte, the capital "Nibal".

The military commissioner sent by the American Federation has already left. Just yesterday, the military commissioner left the Austrian mainland on a civilian merchant ship.

Shortly after the military commissioner left, the Sanshen company began a full evacuation.

All this, the three southern countries can only watch. They have worked hard and pleaded, but they can't stop everything from happening.

Today, in the palace of Nibal city, a parliament concerning the survival of the Three Kingdoms is being held.

In the huge hall, the crowd was full, and rows of hearing seats were almost full.

On the rostrum are the representatives of the three countries and the most important officials of the Kingdom of Sjoonte.

There is another person who is the most important, he is the center of this meeting.

He is a businessman and manager of the Sanshen Company, responsible for assistance to the three southern countries.

Now that the Sanshen Company is about to withdraw from the Three Kingdoms, as the principal of the Sanshen Company, he naturally has the responsibility to stand up and make a statement.

"You can’t understand it, of course I understand, but this is an order. Sanshen Company is just a branch of Angel International, and behind Angel International is the American Federation. It’s not a domestic order that my little manager can Left and right, besides, the seas around Austria are now blocked by the First Army, and the aid has actually ended."

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