Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1353: Change of situation

Seeing Gunia's face finally recovered, Olianna smiled secretly in her heart, and then returned the topic to the right track.

Speaking slightly, Oriana said: "A few days later, the three southern congresses sent envoys to Darwin City to discuss "surrender". Although it has not yet been determined, the envoys from the Kingdom of Sjoon have arrived in Darwin City. The country’s messenger should be coming soon. You are usually in contact with the First Army. Tell the First Army about this. We need to seek the opinions of the First Army."

It turned out to be the good news...

At this point, Gunia finally knew the reason why Princess Oriana was so happy.

The three countries south of Courbet are the last countries not captured by the First Army. If the three countries surrender, then the war on the mainland of Ogeria can be over.

This is certainly a pleasant thing.

Gunia quickly said: "I will contact the First Army. This is good news. I believe that the First Army is also happy to see the surrender of the Three Kingdoms. Anyone will be happy with a bloodless victory."

"Don't be too happy too soon."

Oriana was not as optimistic as Gunia.

In Gunia’s puzzled gaze, Oriana explained: "The reason why the Kingdom of Sjoonte chose to surrender to the Kingdom of Austria is probably to "negotiate" in order to obtain more favorable conditions for them. Knowing that if they surrender to the First Army, they are not eligible to negotiate terms, and surrendering to the Kingdom of Austria is completely different."

Kuniya asked in a puzzled way: "Why? If their conditions are too harsh, we don't accept it. They ask for surrender, not for us. The initiative should be on us."

With a slight sigh, Oriana said softly: "That's how it is said, but the surrender of the Three Kingdoms to the Kingdom of Austria is also of great benefit to our country. At least it will allow our country to gain great prestige on the entire continent. This is of great benefit to future rule. In this matter, we had better end the war on the Austrian continent as much as possible."

This explanation could not satisfy Gu Niya.

She shook her head and said: "I don't think so. Based on my understanding of the First Army, if we are too weak in this matter, I am afraid that we will be very disappointed by the strong methods of the First Army. In this matter, we cannot make concessions. If the First Legion agrees to leave the matter to us, we can refer to what the First Legion did when it accepted the surrender of the Kingdom of Bliss."

To say who knows the first legion best, this person can only be Gunia, and Oriana knows it is not as good.

Oriana did not ignore what Gunia had said, and took her seriously.

After thinking about it for a while, Olianna groaned: "Perhaps you are right. We can't regress in this matter. Let's talk about it. Let's see what conditions are put forward by the three congresses. No decision will be made at that time. late."

For the Kingdom of Austria, the surrender of the three southern countries is a good thing and a very embarrassing thing for them.

Because in this matter, the reason why the three southern countries surrendered to the Kingdom of Austria, instead of the First Army, put yourself in the position and think about it, of course, it has a purpose.

And what the purpose is, it is not difficult to imagine.

With a cautious attitude, before accepting the surrender of the Three Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Austria informed the First Army of the matter.

The former Kingdom of Bliss, Daran City.

Regarding the situation outside these days, Tan Ya temporarily put aside. Under the established strategy, the army is constantly gathering in front of the Courbet Mountains. The dispatching of the army does not need her to direct her personally, she pays attention to it. On the fallen man who was captured.

In the enclosed secret room, outside a mirror wall, Tan Ya looked at the fallen person in the secret room who was being injected with medicine.

Three days have passed, and the will of the fallen is unexpectedly strong.

After three days of torture and three days of sleeplessness, it still hasn't collapsed.

"It has yelled for two days, and has stopped screaming since yesterday. To ensure that it is always awake, it will be injected with nutrient solution and adrenaline every day, but this is not a long-term solution. It may not last five days. General! Will the penalty be reduced? If it dies..."

Tan Ya interrupted the soldier's words before he finished speaking.

Tan Ya said coldly: "I don't care about its small life. If it dies, cut its head off. I remember that there is a device that can obtain memory from the brain's neurons, which can also get what we want. "

Soldier: "General, this kind of attention is not good. This kind of medical equipment has not been put into use. It is still unknown whether it can acquire memory. We want to know what it doesn’t want to tell us, and we have to let it live. ."

Tan Ya: "Then try to do it, and try to pry its mouth open in its last days."

Soldier: "Yes, General, I will."


At this moment, the prompt of the handheld computer rang.

This caused Tan Ya to withdraw his sight from the secret room, and took out the palm computer from every place around his waist.

As soon as it was opened, a message jumped to the silver screen.

It is a report from the Darwin City Port Fleet.

Looking at the content of the message, Tan Ya frowned slightly in his hood, turned and left.

Leaving the dungeon of the City Lord's Mansion, Tan Ya returned to her office.

Tan Ya sat down in the chair behind the table, and looked at the events happening outside the past few days.

No, there is nothing to say about Gunya.

In this way, for the First Army, what happened on the other side of the Courbet Mountains is still a secret, something that the First Army did not know.

The three southern countries actually planned to surrender to the Kingdom of Austria. This was something Tan Ya had never thought of.

In this war, the Kingdom of Austria has always been on the edge of the battlefield. It stands to reason that it is not qualified to accept the surrender of the Three Kingdoms. However, whether it is qualified to leave aside, Tan Ya cares about this matter first. Is it necessary for the Legion to agree?

To be able to win the Three Kingdoms without bloodshed, this is of course something Tan Yalle has suggested.

But the Kingdom of Austria is not the First Army. Once negotiated, it is very likely to make concessions.

Once a concession is made, let alone the number of concessions, if it involves the unification of the regime, this is not the situation the First Army wants to see.

There can only be one regime in Austria, one unified regime, and any risky factors should be absolutely eliminated.

If you do not agree, then you can only end everything by means of war.

Although it would take more time and cause greater casualties, the results afterwards were the most satisfactory to the First Army.

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