Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1354: Angry Oriana

In the end, Tan Ya agreed.

There is nothing to think about. If the Kingdom of Austria really has the courage to rule the continent of Austria, then in this matter, the First Army can just determine whether the Kingdom of Austria has a dominance of the continent of Austria. qualifications.

If the things done by the Kingdom of Austria cross the bottom line of the First Legion, even if this is the owner's will, Tan Ya will not give the continent to the hands of the Kingdom of Austria.

Not qualified is not qualified. If you reluctantly take responsibility, you will eventually collapse one day.

When that day comes, Austria will fall apart again.

"Respond to this message and ask them to pass on Gunya. The First Army has agreed to the request of the Kingdom of Austria. The First Army will temporarily suspend its troops and wait for the outcome of the negotiation."

After finishing speaking, Tan Ya said again: "Notify the whole army of this news. Before the end of the negotiation, stop all military activities. In addition, order Wilson and Warren not to withdraw their troops and do so at any time. To prepare for the attack on the Blackstone Fortress, order Davis and the army to continue to mobilize to the Courbet Mountains. Once there is a need for war, the battle must start within one day."

Regardless of the outcome of the negotiation, this does not prevent Tan Ya from preparing with both hands.

If the First Army is satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations, the war will naturally end.

If you are not satisfied, or the negotiations between the Kingdom of Austria and the three countries collapse, the First Army can also launch an offensive against the three southern countries in the first time.

"Yes, the order has been delivered!"

In the handheld computer, "Ya" responded in time.

The news of a truce could catch the commanders of the First Army by surprise.

Although confused and puzzled, no one opposed this order, so the offensive could only be suspended.

In Darwin City, as Olianna expected, in the next two days, the envoys from the other two countries of the three southern countries also arrived in Darwin City.

Early in the morning, when everything recovers.

Outside the city, mist enveloped the forest. The fog is very beautiful, especially the fog in the forest.

If it were not blocked by the city wall, Darwin would also become a fairyland of fog.

Today, on this unusual day, everything is business as usual in Darwin.

Earlier, the silence in the city was no longer there. The people in Ye Luo's home began to leave their homes one after another, and the whole city gradually moved away from the silence at night, slowly becoming lively.

A new day has begun, and the Kingdom of Austria has entered a new history.

In the palace, in the huge hall of the king, in formal etiquette, as the first princess, in the court meeting, Oriana met with the three kingdoms to discuss matters concerning "surrender".

At the meeting, a fact was officially announced by Oriana.

For most people, this fact has been tacitly understood. For the messengers of the Three Kingdoms, although they were unexpected, they were also expected.

However, the negotiations did not go smoothly. Only at the beginning, the North Korean meeting fell into a stalemate regarding the conditions proposed by the three countries.

On the huge throne, Oriana sat high up, looking lazily at the three envoys in the hall.

Facing the gaze of all eyes, Oriana seemed very indifferent. In this position, she had been sitting for a long time, managing the entire country as a female stream, and she had seen every look.

She smiled faintly, and said softly: "One is to maintain the integrity of the territory and only belong to the Kingdom of Austria in name. Marry a daughter, and on this condition make the Kingdom of Morbun a subject of the Kingdom of Austria."

Speaking of this, Oriana's face changed slightly, and she sneered: "This is your sincerity?"

With a wave of her hand, Oriana looked at the three envoys in the hall looking at each other coldly, and said coldly: "Go away, go back and tell you the so-called "king", unconditionally surrender, I will ensure that they have nothing to worry about for the rest of their lives. , To pardon him for treason and bear the resistance, I will personally send him to the gallows, and the meeting will adjourn!"

During this meeting, Oriana's mood was extremely bad, and her face was quite gloomy when she left.

"The princess! Please stay, princess, since it's a discussion, there is room for everything."

Seeing Oriana had just left, the messenger in the hall was anxious and hurriedly said.

But Olianna did not stop, and left the king's hall from the king's dedicated passage under the watchful eyes of the ministers. This made the ministers look at each other. It was obvious that the first princess was angry.

Indeed, the conditions put forward by the three countries are really...

This is not a negotiation, it is simply a charity to the Kingdom of Austria, and it is a charity from above.

This made the ministers wonder, what on earth did these three countries think, and how arrogant in this situation?

Even the Three Elders were taken aback by the conditions put forward by the Three Kingdoms.

When Oriana left in anger, the three old men had to smile wryly and shook their heads.

What's the matter with this, this negotiation may not exist at all.

"Well, everyone! This is the end of today's pilgrimage, let's go away."

The three elders made their voices and finally brought the meeting to an official end. The ministers dispersed and rushed to their respective positions.

But the three messengers still stood stupidly in place, they hadn't expected this situation.

Although they had thought that the Kingdom of Austria would really agree to the conditions put forward by the king, they did not expect that the princess had such a fierce reaction.

After seeing the ministers leaving, the three old men came to the messenger.

An old man said to the messengers: "Now the Kingdom of Austria is no longer the Kingdom of Austria. One day, the glory of the Kingdom of Austria will reappear in this generation of royal families. Go back. Tell your king, the current situation is not to be violated, and resistance to defeat will only be a dead end. What the princess said is not empty words. The First Legion will not give you too many choices."

The negotiation has failed. The old man's words silenced the messengers. Now they can only choose to leave and send the news back to China as soon as possible.

In this way, this major negotiation ended before it even started.

This was something that no one thought of, the messenger of the Three Kingdoms did not expect, nor did Oriana.

Not only did she not expect that, Olianna still had great anger.

"It's ridiculous, what kind of negotiation is this? It's simply to make a request. Up to now, they are so high, do you really think their lives are worth more than anyone else?"

Oriana returned to the court, her anger kept diminishing.

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