Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1366: Threat from the stars

In the office, Tan Ya sits behind her desk, looking at the handheld computer on the desk very intently.

There is an avatar on the small screen, and the owner of the avatar is Li Meng.

At this time, Tan Ya had taken off the hood on her head and was reporting to Li Meng.

Tan Ya informed Li Meng of everything, and in this matter, Tan Ya was very cautious.

"That's the way it is. I can't confirm whether what it says is credible, but in this matter I think I would rather believe it if it is not credible, and it must be treated with caution."

In the silver screen, Li Meng fell silent, his expression seemed to be lost in thought.

After a long time, Li Meng said, "You did a good job. This matter really needs to be treated with caution."

Tan Ya asked: "Master! How to deal with the sentry? According to "Ra", it is just a signal launching device, and it does not have much ability. It should not be difficult to destroy it."

"Then destroy it, we can't risk it."

Li Meng's attitude is very clear when it comes to dealing with sentinels.

Nodding slightly, Tan Ya said softly: "Understood, I will deal with it later."

On the screen, Li Meng looked solemn and said solemnly: "It seems that I must leave Kyoto as soon as possible, so that the demons know a lot of things we don't know, and it is necessary to understand clearly."

With a slight change in expression, Tan Ya quickly asked: "Does the master want to contact those demons?"

Li Meng did not deny, and nodded: "If it says it is true, then they are not demons. Now that we know the existence of the Kraken clan, we must figure out what is going on, and know the truth so that we can Know how to prepare."

When he learned that the master was going to meet the envoys, Tan Ya said with some anxiety: "This is very dangerous. Even if they are not demons, there is a great danger. Contact with them is too risky."

On the screen, Li Meng smiled slightly and said calmly: "They are not humans. In that case, there is no need to treat them in a human way. Don't worry, I know this in my mind."

Although I don't know what the owner will do, Tan Ya is still a little worried.

But she also knew that no one could change what the owner decided.

And in this matter, as the master said, the truth is very important.

Only by knowing everything can we formulate a countermeasure.

A little knowledge will only make people feel uneasy and live in fear.

Although Tanya will not be afraid to face any enemy, but only by knowing enough can he defeat the enemy better.

As if aware of the change in Tan Ya’s expression, Li Meng comforted him: "Don’t worry, don’t think too much. Your task now is to end the war on the Austrian continent as soon as possible. Only completing this task will be the greatest to me. s help."

Nodded lightly, Tan Ya's expression was slight, and she confidently said: "Don't worry, master! The war on the Austrian continent will be over in at most one month, and the master will not wait for long."

"Then I will wait for your good news!"

The screen flickers, and the person in the picture is no longer there.

Withdrawing his gaze from the screen of the palm computer, sitting on the soft sofa, Li Meng fell into thinking alone.

The report by Tan Ya just now caught Li Meng by surprise.

What Tan Ya said is really incredible. The enemy from the starry sky, the "Kraken Clan" of the Great Purge, if you say it, I am afraid no one will believe it.

But Li Meng is not an ordinary person, and Li Meng does not think that the degenerate man named "La" is telling lies.

Because this is not necessary, this false news will not bring it any benefit, but will only make the situation of the demons more dangerous.

"Mastermind! You should know the Krakens well, right?"

When something tricky comes up, Li Meng's first thought is the mastermind.

In Li Meng's mind, the mastermind is omnipotent, and there is nothing it does not know.

But this time, Li Meng was destined to be disappointed.

To Li Meng's call, the main brain responded immediately.

"Recently, I combed through the broken memory data and got many new conclusions. In my age, ancient humans were the greatest civilization in the galaxy. In that era, although ancient humans discovered subspace, The space is still very calm, there are no demons, and no evil gods. If my calculations are not biased, about 600,000 years have passed since ancient humans disappeared in the Milky Way."

Six hundred thousand years?

For human life, six hundred thousand years is too long, and that is a number that is simply unimaginable.

Li Meng thoughtfully said, "That is to say, the evil gods and demons were born in a certain era among these 600,000?"

Mastermind: "Yes, I know enough about subspace, but I know only a little bit about demons. In these 600,000 years, I awakened several times. When I awakened for the third time, 300,000 years ago, The evil gods and demons in the subspace existed. During the second awakening and the third awakening, something should have happened to the galaxy that led to the appearance of strange psionic creatures in the subspace."

In this way, if you want to understand the truth from the main mind, this road will not work.

There is very little information available now. One is the Kraken family, a civilization that believes in the evil gods, and is the tool for the evil gods to harvest life in the galaxy. The other is the demons. Judging from the information now available, the demons are related to The devil has a great relationship, but it is not in the same camp with the devil. Otherwise, the envoy called "Ra" would not want to destroy the "Kraken Sentry".

A new threat, an unknown and powerful threat, does not come from the earth, but from the stars.

In the face of an alien civilization, human beings who have not yet entered the astronautical age are too weak. If the Krakens descend on Earth now, humans will have no room for resistance, even if there is the First Legion, even if there is Li Meng, the result will be There will be no changes.

For the current First Legion, Li Meng has self-awareness. On Earth, the First Legion may be invincible, but when faced with an alien civilization that can roam in star space, there is also no room for resistance. This is a technological level. The gap is not the will, nor is it something that God can change.

At this moment, Li Meng felt a sense of crisis that he had never had before.

At this moment, Li Meng never thought that time was so important.

Human beings need time, and he also needs time. Now, time is running out.

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