Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1367: Uniform form

"Master! Don't worry too much. Although 600,000 years have passed, the descendants of ancient humans still exist, all over the galaxy. Even if the humans on Earth cannot survive this round of cleansing, the master will still be alive. , As long as you are alive, there is hope for everything. The Kraken clan may be very powerful, but in the end it is no match for the time possessed by the master. In the subspace, the four evil gods are the only gods, but finally one day, the master will become the material world "God", the only god."


Waiting in a dark corner for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years?

This is not what is wanted inside.

In his heart, Li Meng said solemnly: "This is not my character. Time may be running out, but humans on Earth still have a chance to survive. If you don't work hard, who knows the final result will not change?"

Mastermind: "The development of science and technology does not happen overnight. Even if the master hands over the basic science and technology that can enter the aerospace civilization to mankind, with the science and technology foundation that mankind now possesses, he wants to digest the science and technology that he has never contacted. In half a century, fifty years may not be long, but in this era, humans on Earth may not have fifty years to use."

With a slight sigh, Li Meng said in his heart: "Perhaps, but how can you know that the final result will not change if you don’t try? Don’t forget that there are still us on the earth. With our help, fifty years of Time can be reduced by at least half."

The main brain is not as open as Li Meng thought. It unceremoniously attacked: "The premise is that the earth must be unified, and only by using global resources can it be possible for mankind to enter the basic aerospace civilization in a short time, the current earth. Not to mention the threat of polluting beasts in the forest, the human forces are even more complicated. Under such circumstances, even if the First Army can fully utilize the resources of the "Ayre" world, it will not be possible to unify the world in a short time."

Indeed, as the main brain said, the human society on earth is indeed chaotic, and the polluting beasts in the forest are also a big threat. Under such circumstances, it is indeed not easy to unify the world.

However, Li Meng was not hit by the mastermind.

In his mind, Li Meng said calmly: "There are many forms of unification, and conquest by force is only one of them. I believe that force is not the only way."

"……how do you want to do it?"

With a faint smile, Li Meng joked in his heart: "Can't you know what I think? Why do you ask me knowingly?"

Because of Li Meng's words, the main brain was silent for a long time.

Seeing that the main brain fell silent, Li Meng didn't need to ask any more.

Compared with the past, Li Meng has a clear understanding of the existence of the main brain.

Perhaps it was because of this that it became more silent, not as active as before, and from time to time it came out to communicate with Li Meng like a friend.

Li Meng was more or less aware of its changes, but Li Meng did not want to change.

"Master! What are you thinking?"

At this time, Chen Yan came over.

She held a plate of unknown fruits in her hand. It was light green. Although not big, only the size of a fingertip, it looked crystal clear and very delicious.

The owner's preoccupied appearance made Chen Yan very curious.

Gently put the fruit plate on the tea table in front of the owner, and asked softly in his mouth.

When the words fell, Chen Yan sat beside Li Meng with a smile on her face.

"It's nothing!"

Chen Yan's arrival made Li Meng put away his thoughts.

Reaching out, Li Meng grabbed a few crystal clear fruits on the plate and put them into his mouth.

The sweet and sour fruit pulp and juice immediately filled his mouth, which shocked Li Meng.

When the throat squirmed, all the delicious food was lost.


With a sigh of relief, Li Meng lazily walked back, almost rubbing his entire body into the sofa.

In his mind, Li Meng remembered it unconsciously, thinking about the way forward.

The master's appearance made Chen Yan very puzzled. She didn't know what happened, so she could only quietly accompany her.

a long time……

Li Meng suddenly sat upright, turned his head and asked Chen Yan beside him: "Can the merchant ship return to Nanlin Island recently?"

Although the owner suddenly asked about this, Chen Yan didn't think much about it, and replied: "There should be a merchant ship arriving in Kyoto in three days. If it leaves, it should be a week later. This time, the merchant ship carried a lot of cargo, all of which were unloaded. need some time."

Is it a week?

Enough time...

Holding Chen Yan's little hand, Li Meng stood up, took Chen Yan and walked to the second floor.

Chen Yan originally thought that there was something wrong with the master, but when Li Meng pulled her into the bedroom, Chen Yan's face turned red.

"Master! Now in broad daylight, you are..."

Looking at Chen Yan with a shy face, how could Li Meng know what Chen Yan was thinking.

Reaching out and tapping on Chen Yan's white forehead, Li Meng smiled and said, "If I want to, let alone daytime, anytime is fine, would you refuse?"

No, she certainly won't.

With Chen Yan's sad gaze, Li Meng stretched out his hand and patted Chen Yan's round buttocks, and said, "Okay, find me a dress that can go out. Don't be too gorgeous, just be casual."


After being attacked on the hip, Chen Yan gave her master a shy look and walked to the closet with a puzzled expression.

Master, is this going to travel far?

But this is in Kyoto, where can the owner go?

Opening the closet, Chen Yan selected it carefully.

During this half a year, she has been living with her master, sharing the bed with her every day. The clothes are naturally put together. In terms of dressing, the master doesn’t care, so she will take care of life. Up.

In the past six months, Chen Yanke has collected a lot of clothes that Li Meng can wear.

After a while, Chen Yan took out a set of light gray clothes from the closet.

"Master! Is this all right?"

In front of the closet, Chen Yan turned around and asked Li Meng with her clothes in her hand.

"Well... it's better to be black."

Although light gray is also good, Li Meng still likes black.


Turning around, Chen Yan removed another set of clothes from the closet.

"What about this one?" Chen Yan asked.

What Chen Yan held in her hand was a black casual suit, the style was fairly simple, a bit like a traveler's outfit.

"Just it!"

Li Meng was very satisfied with the clothes in Chen Yan's hands.

Seeing that the master had chosen this one, Chen Yan took the clothes and left the closet, and came to Li Meng.

After some cleaning up, Li Meng can be said to have a completely new look, and finally took off his black single shirt.

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