Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1368: Unexpected visitors

Looking at Chen Yan, who was buttoning his buttons in front of him, Li Meng smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to embrace Chen Yan's slender waist.

Today's Chen Yan still wears a black short skirt, elegant and beautiful.

Chen Yan has long been used to the owner's hug, she just raised her head and smiled, and then continued to button the last few buttons that had not yet been buttoned.

Chen Yan's appearance of a good wife and mother made Li Meng very useful, and the hands on her waist began to become dishonest, and she slowly slipped down.

How could Chen Yan not notice this little movement of the master.

Raising her head and looking at her master anger, Chen Yan lowered her head and continued to button her buttons.

Chen Yan's small white eyes could not stop Li Meng, it was a silent temptation.

The hand continued to slide, sliding past the round buttocks and down the thigh.


The scorching heat on her thigh made Chen Yan let out a low snort, her hand stopped, and she looked at Li Meng with a vague expression.

Facing Chen Yan's gaze, Li Meng just smiled, and boldly bowed his head and clicked on the ruddy lips.

In Chen Yan's shy eyes, Li Meng whispered to Chen Yan's ear and didn't know what he said.

When Li Meng left Chen Yan's ear, Chen Yan was already winking like silk.

With his hand under the skirt retracted, Li Meng smiled faintly and said: "Okay, I should set off too."

In Li Meng's arms, Chen Yan said softly: "Master! Have you forgotten something?"

Although I don't know where the host is going, Chen Yan will not forget what should be reminded of the host.

"You mean meeting this with the Ambassador of the American Federation?"

Li Meng certainly did not forget this. The ambassador of the American Federation has been in Kyoto for many days. Not long ago, that ambassador made a request to meet Li Meng.

As for the purpose, it is nothing more than the several merchant ships seized by the First Army in Austria. The Three Gods Company belongs to Angel International, and behind Angel International is the American Federation. There is something wrong with the Three Gods Company. Of course, the American Federation will not remain silent.

Chen Yan said softly: "The master agreed to meet him, and the time is set for tomorrow."

Li Meng refused to admit Chen Yan's remarks, and denied: "I didn't promise him. The person who arranged the meeting was a Huaxia official, and the other party did not say that he has to see me. All he needs is someone who can represent the First Army. , Let your father do this."


Although this matter is left to my father, it is not impossible. The relationship between the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce and the First Legion has long been known. At this time, my father's appearance will not cause too much criticism.


Chen Yan asked: "What is the owner's request? The meeting with the American ambassador should not only discuss the issues of the merchant ships. If there are other discussions..."

Li Meng naturally understood what Chen Yan was worried about.

In terms of politics, the First Army is really not good at it. It appears more casual when it comes to contact with other countries. It does not go around or think too much. It is relatively straight and goes straight to the goal.

This makes many countries feel very uncomfortable when they come into contact with the First Army, because the First Army’s style of behavior does not abide by political unwritten rules.

The one that sounds better is "straight", and the one that sounds bad is "two stupid sons." To achieve the goal entirely by military means, even if it gets to the negotiating table, it is only an exchange of terms between the two sides.


Without much thought, Li Meng said casually: "There is no requirement. Now the war in Austria has stabilized. It will be a matter of time before the war ends. Since the American Federation has withdrawn from this war wisely, then There is no need for a few merchant ships to stay, just give them back. As for other things, there is nothing to discuss between the First Army and the American Federation."

The owner's meaning is already very clear.

Nodding lightly, Chen Yan said: "I know what to do, and I will tell my father."

Everything that should be explained has already been explained. In Kyoto, there is no more Li Meng.

Now in China, Li Meng has only one thing that has not been resolved, and this matter is what Li Meng has always cared about.

Originally, this matter should have been resolved long ago, but no matter what people want, it will always be disturbed by some unexpected events.

Procrastinated like this, unconsciously, more than half a year has passed.

Now, it's time to end.

Li Meng let go of the hand that was holding Chen Yan's waist, and Li Meng let out a sigh of relief.

Already decided, let's go...

Looking at Chen Yan in front of him, Li Meng said: "I left Kyoto this time to go to Xiangdu. The time... can't be determined. Although my purpose of going to Xiangdu is very simple, it cannot be ruled out that something unexpected will happen. It may be back in a few days, or it may take a few months, anyway..."

Before he finished speaking, slight footsteps sounded, and Long Qiao'er dressed as a maid entered the room.

Long Qiao'er who entered the room said to Li Meng: "Master! Miss Tyra is here."


Li Meng was slightly taken aback when he heard this long-lost name.

Calculating the time, Li Meng has not seen her for half a year since Tyra sent Luo Luoxin to leave.

As for the hiring mission, Li Meng had already sent someone to the Silver Wings Guild and changed the mission to "completed" status.

Without thinking about it, Li Meng said to Chen Yan next to him: "Let's go and meet her."


Chen Yan answered softly.

Chen Yan knew Tyra naturally, although she was not familiar with it, but she was not unfamiliar.

After such a long time, Chen Yan was also curious about Tyra's purpose in coming to find the owner at this time.

She is just a martial artist. The owner who is protected by employment goes to Kyoto. Her mission has been completed. It can be said that she has no relationship with the owner. Since the employment relationship has ended, why bother to find the owner?

After that, Li Meng took Chen Yan out of the room and went to the first floor meeting room.

Walking into the hall, Li Meng saw a familiar slim figure in the meeting room.

She is dressed in a white-collar dress, a shirt, and a short skirt that is knee-high. She has a completely different temperament, just like a strong woman in the workplace. This image is completely unexpected that she is a martial artist.

The sound of footsteps caught her attention, and when she turned her head, she saw Li Meng and Chen Yan entering the hall.

This made her eyes shimmer, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng who was approaching.

"Tara! I haven't seen you for many days, you are..."

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