Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1369: Tyra's purpose

When he came to Tyra's body, Li Meng scanned Tyra's whole body and asked curiously.

This dress is not like the Tyra Li Meng knew before, and it has completely become two people.

Tyra smiled at Li Meng's aggressive gaze and didn't care.

Looking at Li Meng, she whispered: "People always have to change. As you can see, I changed myself."

It has indeed changed, but this change is too great, it has become so that Li Meng does not believe that this person is Tyra.

Although the changes have changed a little, people still know Tyra before, and Li Meng is sure of this.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "Sit down and talk!"

On the soft sofa, the two sat down, sitting opposite each other.

Looking at Tyra on the opposite side, Li Meng said: "Counting the time, more than half a year has passed, and in one month, you will be able to make up for a year. During this year, it seems that a lot of things have happened to you."

Tyra agrees with Li Meng's words.

Who said no, even she had never thought that in this year, she would have undergone such a big change.

With a slight sigh, Tyra said softly: "Yes, a lot of things have indeed happened."

Looking at the beautiful face of Tyra across, Li Meng thoughtfully.

Although it was just a sentence, only she knew what happened.

This is her personal business, and Li Meng is not going to get to the bottom of it.

Seeing Mr. Li Meng's eyes staring at him, Tyra's heart beat faster.

This reminded her of what happened on the floating boat, a warm scene between her and Mr. Li Meng one night.

During this year, she has been dreaming of that scene, this is not a nightmare, but a shy dream.

Sometimes when waking up from a dream, Tyra would also think of someone in her heart, wondering if she was wrong.

But dreams are dreams, which will not affect reality or change her.


With a sigh of relief, Tyra pressed down the beating heart, the expression on his face did not change much.

She sighed slightly, her expression became very heavy, and she whispered: "I came to see Mr. Li Meng this time because I have something to ask, and I also ask Mr. Li Meng to help me and my teacher."

Want something?

In this regard, Li Meng has been mentally prepared.

Tyra will not come to see him for no reason, there must be a reason to see him.

Without expressly rejecting, Li Meng said calmly: "What do you want me to help you with?"

With a worried expression on her face, Tyra whispered: "In a battle, my teacher was injured, and the injury has not improved. She has persisted until now that she has fallen. An unknown force is eroding her body. And her injuries are getting worse, even the best doctors in Kyoto can't do anything about it."

Beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng tightly, and Tyra said: "Mr. Li Meng is not an ordinary person, and even my teacher is not as powerful as your own. In this world, if there is someone who can save my teacher. People, this person can only be you, Mr. Li Meng!"

Speaking of this, Tyra couldn't help but think of the scenes on the floating boat.

Especially everything she did when the floater encountered a "cold current".

Thinking about it now, even Tyra, who had already lost her girl's heart, felt quite ashamed.

That's true honesty. No matter how she thinks about it, as a woman, she will show the shyness that a woman should have.

What was in her mind caused Tyra to lower her head unconsciously, with a trace of flushing on her face.

The girl's shyness flashed past, and soon, Tyra's face returned to normal.

Although the change was in a flash, there was no way to hide Li Meng who had been staring at Tyra.

Although he didn't understand why Tyra had such an interesting reaction, Li Meng didn't think much about it.

Li Meng asked, "Your teacher? Who is she?"

It seems that in Tyra's eyes, her teacher is very strong, and Li Meng can hear this from Tyra's words.

In Li Meng's gaze, Tyra said: "China's Grand Archon "Wang Yanmei", she is my teacher."

Wang Yanmei?

Hearing the name from Tyra, Li Meng was shocked.

Li Meng, the chief consul of Kyoto, "Wang Yanmei" is no stranger, but Li Meng didn't expect Wang Yanmei to be Tyra's teacher.

Frowning slightly, Li Meng said in a puzzled way: "You teacher is no stranger to me. She was not all right before, how could she..."

The words did not finish, because Li Meng realized a little.

Because of the respect for Wang Yanmei, Li Meng has always been very disciplined in front of her. This rule made Li Meng unable to detect that Wang Yanmei was injured. Otherwise, in the frequent contact before, if Wang Yanmei was injured, how could Li Meng be? Not noticeable.

With a slight sigh, Tyra said softly: "Mr. Li Meng knows about the previous demon invasion. Before Mr. Li Meng repelled the devil, the teacher had fought with it. During the battle, the teacher was injured by it. This has been more than half a year. Many things have happened in Kyoto. Political demands forced the teacher to conceal the truth of his injury. As the injury got worse, the teacher eventually fell."

It turned out to be like this...

Li Meng understood why he had not seen Wang Yanmei in the past month.

On the last side, it was the day when Yalan left, and it was more than a month.

This may be God's will...

In his heart, Li Meng sighed slightly. In this way, the matter of going to Xiangdu can only be put down temporarily.

There must be a sequence between the importance of the matter. Undoubtedly, in the two matters, Wang Yanmei’s life is more important. The trip to Xiangdu is just Li Meng’s guilt, a responsibility, Xiangdu can go anytime. There won't be any problems for a few months at night, but Wang Yanmei's situation is different and cannot be delayed.

Although Li Meng and Wang Yanmei did not have much personal relations, and the previous contacts had political factors, but the feelings between people were obtained through contact, at least in Li Meng’s heart, she did not want Wang Yanmei to be here. Die at this moment.

It's not just unwillingness in the heart, but also the current situation.

Today's Huaxia has just stabilized, and the cooperation between the First Army and Huaxia has just begun. If there is any accident in Wang Yanmei at this time, China will definitely have another dispute. This is not what Li Meng wants to see.

Li Meng understood very well that the reason why China was able to reunify peacefully was not the force of Kyoto, but Wang Yanmei, a "hero" who emerged from the Dark Ages, and her prestige made China unified.

Once she passes away, China, which has not passed the buffer period, will definitely fall apart.

Li Meng couldn't let her leave her alone.

Without hesitation, Li Meng got up from the sofa and said to Tyra, "Go, take me to see your teacher."

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