Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1370: palace

Li Meng said so, of course he agreed, and Tyra stood up with joy.

Although Li Meng did not say whether Wang Yanmei's injury could be cured, Tyra had almost blind confidence in Li Meng.

It's not just her, anyone will feel the same as her.

Last time he fought with the devil, Li Meng has become a celebrity and is recognized as the strongest in the world.

Before leaving, Li Meng said to Chen Yan: "Yan'er, since I'm not going to Xiangdu anymore, leave it to me to meet with the American Federation Ambassador."

After speaking, Li Meng and Tyra hurriedly left, leaving only Chen Yan standing in the reception room.

Seeing her master leaving behind, Chen Yan was silent.

It wasn't until Li Meng and Tyra disappeared in the living room that Chen Yan silently sat down on the sofa, sat where Li Meng had been sitting before, and felt the remaining warmth on the sofa.

Leaving the mansion, outside the courtyard, Li Meng and Tyra got in the same vehicle that Tyra took when they came.

This is a "Olei" brand sedan, one of the most expensive models sold by the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce, and like its price, it has the most comfortable configuration and the strongest power.

In Kyoto, and the entire China, some wealthy businessmen can afford it.

Amid the low roar of the engine, the black car galloped on the street like a cheetah at the start, steady and fast.

In the car, in the comfortable back seat, Li Meng sat side by side with Tyra.

Compared with the previous honest and "bloated" vehicles, the Ole car is undoubtedly much more comfortable. Sitting in it, you can only feel a slight shaking. Even if there is shaking, it is very gentle and does not give people a kind of "hardness". "a feeling of.

Withdrawing his gaze from the window, looking back at Tyra next to him, Li Meng asked: "You look a bit like a civil servant in officialdom. I'm very curious about your current status."

Wang Yanmei is her teacher, but the answer is not hard to guess.

Sure enough, Tyra replied: "I am the executive secretary, and I am responsible for assisting the chief executive with government affairs."

Shaking his head slightly, Li Meng said incrediblely: "It's not like you..."

It’s not like it. When I first saw Tyra, although Tyra was the receptionist of the Silver Wings Guild, it was also a blooming flower in the Silver Wings Guild. When I first saw her, I couldn’t see her. To the weak, there is only the heroic spirit that beautiful and female martial artists should have.

In Li Meng's heart, Tyra belongs to the kind of gentle female martial artist, and there is also the temperament that a martial artist should have in her gentleness.

But now, from Tyra, the heroic spirit of female martial artist is no longer visible, and she has completely become a strong woman in officialdom. Although her gentleness is still the same, the feeling that she had given before is no longer there.

Looking sideways at Li Meng beside him, Tyra sighed lightly: "This kind of life is not what I want, but the teacher has the kindness to nurture me. At least now I can't leave her, maybe in the future, I will return. My life before."


If you only look at her appearance, Wang Yanmei is much younger than Tyra. Tyra is in her forties, and Wang Yanmei has been in her thirties. It is impossible to imagine Wang Yanmei who looks younger. Have a nurturing grace for Tyra.

But in terms of actual age, this is a matter of course. After all, Wang Yanmei’s true age is much larger than that of Tyra. Although no one knows Wang Yanmei’s true age, if Wang Yanmei has really experienced the dark age, then She is at least two hundred years old.

The arrival of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce has changed a lot of things. Looking out the window, the city’s appearance is very different from before. In the past, although Kyoto was busy, it couldn’t give people the feeling of an “advanced” city, but now, With the arrival of the soul language car trade, the change of models on the road has given the city a new look.

Although the old ones still account for the majority of vehicles on the road, this status quo is slowly changing and the times are changing. When new things appear, a process is required.

The destination of the two was the palace in Yihuan City, which was an old building.

It is not a high-rise building, nor a western castle, but a group of retro palaces.

China now implements a pseudo-representative democracy, and the chief consul still stands in the House.

When the governor of this generation "Wang Yanmei" abdicates, perhaps the post of chief consul will truly disappear.

As the chief consul, Wang Yanmei still has the same rights as before, like ancient kings, she has absolute rights and her own palace.

When the vehicle drove into a 20-meter-high city wall, everything outside the window changed.

The dense buildings on the roadside are gone, replaced by a square, outside the square is a group of magnificent palaces.

Officials in Kyoto call it "Miyagi".

Having been in Kyoto for so long, only this Miyagi Li Meng has never been in the future.

Somewhat deserted...

Since the vehicle drove into Miyagi, it was very cold outside, except for the soldiers stationed at the gate of the palace, Li Meng did not see anyone else.

How could the huge Miyagi be so uninhabited?

In front of a palace, the vehicle stopped.

"We have arrived!"

Said Tyra in the car.

Opening the car door, the two got out of the car.

Li Meng outside the car looked around and observed this palace for the first time.

Later, Tyra took Li Meng into the palace.

After entering the gate, there is a long corridor. Li Meng doesn't know where it leads, but with Tyra as the guide, Li Meng only needs to follow.

In the corridor, Tyra said as he walked: "The teacher likes to be quiet. Except for a small number of maids, there are only a few students of the teacher in Miyagi. Those little guys are on the side of the martial hall. You can't see them here. "

"Little guy?" Li Meng was a little confused, puzzled.

Terra explained: "Since the teacher moved to Miyagi, this place has become the second martial artist academy. During this century, the teacher will often adopt some orphans and children with martial artist talents. When they were adults, they would leave Miyagi and choose their own path in life in the outside world, and this kind of reciprocation continues today."

Speaking of this, Tyra sighed slightly and said softly: "Sometimes a long life span is not necessarily a good thing. I remember the teacher said that she watched the growth of the students with her own eyes, and then sent away old people. The student of, sometimes in front of those old students, she is a child, helpless and helpless, maybe this is the price."

Time will kill everything, Li Meng understands what kind of mood it is.

When the relatives around me left one after another, but I was still alive until finally alone.

People yearn for endless life, but when they really have eternal life, it is a kind of torture.

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