Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1371: Sudden hostility


A soft voice suddenly sounded.

In the crack of the door on the side of the corridor, a small head stretched out, staring at Tyra and Li Meng in the corridor.

"It's you?"

When she looked at Li Meng beside Tyra, she frowned slightly and opened the door.

She left the room blocking their way.

When she came to Li Meng, she said proudly: "I know who you are, why are you here?"

Her appearance made Tyra on the side a little helpless, smiled apologetically to Li Meng, and quickly stepped forward to push her into the room.

This made her very angry and yelled softly.

"Tara, what are you doing, let me go!"

Resistance is useless, and in her protest, Tyra pushes her back to the room.

"Okay, just stay quiet and don't mess with me."

In her awkward gaze, Tyra closed the door without hesitation.

After doing all this, Tyra turned to Li Meng and smiled apologetically, and said, "Let's go!"

In the corridor...

"Who is she?"

The scene just now made Li Meng very concerned, and that little bit seemed to be hostile to him.

And this hostility came a little inexplicably, Li Meng didn't know her, she was still a child, and even if she knew it, it was impossible for her to have hatred.

Li Meng’s words in the ear made Tyra smile helplessly, and said softly: “Her, her name is Xiaoqi, don’t you think she is a minor, but she’s over thirty years old, she has an almost blind worship of her teacher, probably In her heart, the teacher is the strongest person in the world."

It turned out to be like this...

No wonder he is obviously hostile to him, it is really a child's temperament.

She is indeed a small person, not only is she petite and exquisite, she is like a teenage child, and her accent is very naive, which can be said to be a true childlike voice.

Li Meng asked curiously: "Her body does not match her age, is it a congenital defect, or is there other reasons?"

Tyra couldn't answer this question.

She shook her head and said, "I don't know about that. I only know that Xiaoqi stopped growing when she was twelve years old. After so many years, she has remained the same as she was when she was twelve. I also asked I have passed the teacher, but the teacher did not give a clear answer."

It seems that there is a story...

The palace is still very big, and it took a long time to reach the destination.

In front of a gate, Tyra stopped.

"Here we are, this is where the teacher usually lives."

While speaking, Tyra pushed open the door and walked in, while Li Meng followed closely behind.

This is a room, a big bedroom.

The space in the room is large, divided into an outer hall and an inner room.

The decoration in the room is not luxurious, but rather simple, it looks rather simple, the general color is white.

When Tyra entered the inner room, Li Meng saw a big bed and a thin figure on the bed.

She was lying on the bed with only a blanket on her body. The arrival of the two did not wake her up, she seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

"Tara? Why are you here? Didn't you let you handle government affairs? Leave me alone, I'm fine."

When the two were close enough to the bed, she was still awake.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Tyra.

Standing by the bed, looking at Wang Yanmei on the bed, Tyra said softly: "Teacher, please rest assured, Tyra will not let go of government affairs. Look, who did I bring here?"

"who is it?"

Her voice was a little hoarse, and Wang Yanmei's pale face turned to the other side of the bed.

When she looked over, on the other side of the bed, Wang Yanmei saw a familiar figure.

Her pale face was taken aback for a moment, and she was surprised and smiled bitterly: "Why are you here?"

Why are you here?

Looking at the sickly Wang Yanmei on the bed, Li Meng said irritably, "Of course I came to see you, the sleeping beauty. You, I really don’t know what to say. If it weren’t for Tyra to tell me, I would I don’t know how you fell ill."

When he said this, Li Meng's tone was obviously blamed.

Looking at Li Meng with an apologetic look, Wang Yanmei said softly: "I don't want to trouble you."

To Wang Yanmei's words, Li Meng said calmly: "You should understand that I will not sit back and watch."

"I know!"

Wang Yanmei never doubted this.

Wang Yanmei knows Li Meng’s personality best, but because she is clear, she doesn’t want Li Meng to know about her illness. In her life, she has never owed favors to others, and the thing she does not want to owe is favors of Li Meng. .

With a sigh of relief, Li Meng stopped talking to Wang Yan.

"Okay, let me see your injury. I'm here today. I have to show it anyway. I know that you, a strong woman, don't want to owe me favors. Since this favor is owed, I am thinking about Come on."

He has come, does she still have a choice?

Wang Yanmei did not blame Tyra, but turned back to say to Tyra: "You go out first, I want to chat with Li Meng alone."

With a hint of doubt in her heart, Tyra left the inner room.

The conversation between the teacher and Mr. Li Meng was somewhat...

The relationship between the two seems very familiar. Is Mr. Li Meng a friend of the teacher?

As Tyra's figure disappeared into the inner room, only Li Meng and Wang Yanmei were left in the room.

"Okay, don't move, just lie down!"

Seeing Wang Yanmei wanted to sit up, Li Meng quickly stopped.

This made Wang Yanmei calm down, lying on the bed quietly, looking at Li Meng beside the bed.

Speaking slightly, she whispered: "Am I ugly?"

Regarding this question, Li Meng replied without even thinking: "Yes, it's ugly. If you were the number one beauty in the world before, then you are completely ugly because you have nothing to do with "beauty"."

To Li Meng's honest answer, she chuckled and said weakly: "The truth is not good."

"It does not sound good!"

Li Meng sat down by the bed.

If it is someone else, this is a very rude thing, but Li Meng doesn't know what rudeness is, and Wang Yanmei doesn't care too much about Li Meng.

In age, Li Meng seemed to her to be a child, and on the other hand, Li Meng was her predecessor.

With two identities and two concepts, Wang Yanmei has no idea how to get along with Li Meng, and can only minimize the contradiction between the two.

Looking down at Wang Yanmei who was lying on the bed next to him, Li Meng asked, "Where is the wound?"

Looking at Li Meng in a daze, he hesitated. In the end, Wang Yanmei still spit out two words truthfully: "Chest!"


Looking at the towering place under the blanket, Li Meng hesitated.

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