Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1373: Past sins

"Do not!"

Wang Yanmei shook her head. .

Looking at Li Meng with a calm gaze, she whispered: "There is not no one who is stronger than me. He is by my side now."

Because of Wang Yanmei's words, Li Meng was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed dumbly.

Looking at Wang Yanmei, Li Meng quipped: "In your eyes, I am afraid I am still a child, so naturally it will not be the best choice for your partner."

Li Meng didn't care about Wang Yanmei's words, but Wang Yanmei said casually.

No longer chatting with Wang Yanmei, Li Meng started to do business.

The right hand stretched out again and gently pressed against Wang Yanmei's bandaged twin peaks.

This time Li Meng had enough news, and Wang Yanmei did not feel any pain.

With his eyes closed, Li Meng entered a deep mind drive.

The power of the mind is amazing. Li Meng drove the powerful mental power, like a storm, swept through the residual psychic energy in Wang Yanmei's wound, and instantly uprooted the psychic energy.

Outside, a blue energy rose from the peak of Wang Yanmei's chest and slowly disappeared into the air.

After doing all this, Li Meng let out a sigh of relief.

"The corrosive substances in the wound have been removed. The next step is your own healing ability. Just in case, I will stay and observe for a few days to see how the wound is healing."

While talking, Li Meng pulled up a dress for Wang Yanmei, covering the towering place.

Until the button on his chest was buttoned, Li Meng gave up and looked at Wang Yanmei's pale face quietly.

The removal of psychic energy seemed to relieve her a lot of pain, and her pale face also recovered some blood.

After the peculiar blue ability dissipated from her wound, Wang Yanmei clearly felt the change.

The tearing pain disappeared all the time, which made her a lot easier.

Looking at Li Meng gratefully, she whispered: "Thank you!"

With a slight smile, Li Meng said casually: "I remember that when I was in the hospital, you often came to see me. Although there are political factors, it is not all true. You are the chief consul of China, and I am the number one. Ambassador of the First Legion, aside from the political hierarchy, I don’t want to see you just pass away."

After the words paused, Li Meng said softly: "Recover your wounds with peace of mind. You need to rest, don't think about anything, don't do anything, just lie on the bed and let your wound heal."


The exhaustion of her body caused Wang Yanmei to reply weakly, her beautiful eyes slowly closed, her expression very peaceful.

Li Meng knew that the pain of tearing in the wound had kept Wang Yanmei from having a good night's sleep for more than half a year.

She needs to rest and get enough sleep.

Without interruption, Li Meng got up and walked lightly into the outer hall.

When Li Meng left the inner room and came to the outer room, Tyra, who had been waiting, hurriedly greeted him.

With a worried look, Tyra asked urgently: "How is she, teacher?"

Seeing Tyra's urgent appearance, Li Meng smiled secretly, pretending to be heavy, and silently sat on the sofa in the hall.

Li Meng's reaction gave Tyra some bad feelings.

Her face changed slightly and she was about to walk to the inner room.

At this moment, Li Meng on the sofa spoke.

"Don't disturb her, let her sleep, she needs a rest."

Li Meng's words stopped Tyra, her face was slightly taken aback, and then she shook her head with a wry smile.

Looking back at Li Meng with a bitter expression on his face, Tyra complained: "Mr. Li Meng, you are still teasing me at this time."

With a slight smile, Li Meng shook his head and said, "This is not a trick. You are too nervous. Your teacher needs to rest. The same is true for you. Too much stuff in your mind will lead to schizophrenia."

Patting the sofa next to him, Li Meng said, "Come and sit down, I have something to tell you."

Without thinking, when he came to Li Meng's side, Tyra sat down, and the two leaned very close.

At such a close distance, Tyra could smell the masculinity of Li Meng, which made Tyra very unnatural.

Li Meng didn’t notice Tyra’s reaction. He said: “Your teacher’s injury should be no more serious now. The only way to let her wound heal slowly. In order to prevent uncontrollable changes, I will stay. Come down and observe for a few days."

When he heard the real answer from Li Meng, Tyra finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she didn't know how Li Meng did it, if the man beside her said so, the teacher's injury would definitely heal.

Tyra said immediately: "I will go to prepare a room for Mr. Li Meng."

"Not urgent!"

Li Meng prevented Tyra from getting up.

With a hesitant expression, Li Meng said embarrassedly: "I have no problem staying, but..."

"But what? Don't worry, Mr. Li Meng, you have any requests."

Not to mention other things, just for the teacher, Tyra also wants Mr. Li Meng to stay.

He smiled secretly in his heart and looked at Tyra beside him. Li Meng said seriously: "I am a man, I have a habit of sleeping alone at night. I need someone to accompany me. This is where I live. Naturally it is not a problem, but here..., or else, will you come with me?"

Li Meng's words made Tyra stunned, even if she had been alive for decades, her face couldn't help but become ruddy.

She was a little at a loss and didn't know what to say.

After a long time, she stood up in a panic and stammered: "I...I have something to do. I'll leave first. I will let Xiaoqi come to you."

After that, Tyra ran away in a panic, and quickly, her legs seemed to be shaking.

Seeing Tyra escaping from the back, Li Meng smiled faintly and stretched lazily.

It's been a long time since I saw Tyra, which made Li Meng a little bit of teasing.

Although the relationship between the two is not very close, there is no stranger to talk about, and there is also some warmth between the two experienced on the floating boat.

Li Meng is very open to women. If he likes it, Li Meng will never suppress himself.

Although a dedicated person is worthy of admiration, he will leave too many regrets. In his position, he will no longer be constrained by the commonplace.

For Li Meng, who has a long life, women are the spice of life and are indispensable.

And loneliness, Li Meng has had enough. In the memory of Blue Star, he has been alone. In order to get revenge, he gave up everything. Even his beloved sister was ruthlessly abandoned by him. When he finally learned to let go , It was too late, he had lost everything, in remorse, ended his sinful life.

Li Meng rarely remembers the memory of Blue Star, but he never forgets it.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the unpleasant memory of Blue Star that completely changed Li Meng’s temperament. He is no longer cold and ruthless, but to guard the best things in the world. Even if he became the **** of death on the dark side, he never changed this. a little.

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