Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1374: Xiaoqi

In the inner room, Wang Yanmei is asleep, while in the outer room, Li Meng is waiting for someone.

Li Meng is naturally unfamiliar with this palace, and as an outsider, it is not easy for him to wander around.

Now that Tyra ran away irresponsibly and shyly, Li Meng could only wait in the outer hall.

All of this is Li Meng's own work, otherwise, how could Tyra leave him.

Sitting on the sofa, Li Meng was lost in thought.

Where you are, you can certainly think of people and things around you.

Li Meng thought of Wang Yanmei, thinking of Wang Yanmei's injuries.

Although the martial artist has a strong self-healing ability, many injuries can be completely restored as before, but this requires careful training and the location of the wound.

Wang Yanmei's wound is in the most sensitive place for women. Once this place is injured, it can be said that it is impossible to recover as before. It will leave a very hideous wound.

Although it is a blessing to be alive, there are some things that cannot be forced, but Li Meng is a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Since she has brought Wang Yanmei back from the brink of death, she must of course do her best.

Just as Li Meng was sitting on the sofa and meditating, a small figure sneaked into the room.

She first opened the door to a small slit, and then stretched out the little head to look into the room.

When she saw Li Meng sitting on the sofa, her eyes lit up slightly and she slipped into the room through the open door.

When she thought Li Meng had not found her, Li Meng suddenly turned to look at her.

This shocked her, and her sneaky steps froze in place.

The stupefaction on her face only lasted for a moment. Seeing Li Meng found her, she simply let go, and came to Li Meng generously.

Looking at Li Meng, her little face was full of impatience, and she said unceremoniously: "Huh! If it weren't for Tyra to beg me, I wouldn't come, come with me."

After that, ignoring Li Meng's reaction, she turned around proudly and walked outside.

Seeing her as a child, Li Meng didn't feel much about her attitude.

From her words and various behaviors, it can be seen that not only has her body stopped growing, but she has also stayed at the age of twelve mentally.

No matter how small Li Meng's mind is, he will not be as familiar with a child.

Standing up wisely, Li Meng followed the small figure in front of him.

The two walked in the corridor one after the other, the small family in front had been walking silently, and Li Meng followed silently.

Li Meng in the rear, while following silently, his eyes were also looking at her.

Her body did stop at the age of twelve, but some parts were still developing.

Although the twin peaks on her chest are not as magnificent as Wang Yanmei, they appear to be full on her body. The size of her body is somewhat inconsistent with her posture, which makes her look a little...

How to say it, this is not awkward, but a kind of petite beauty.

So far, Li Meng doesn't know her name, only that Tyra calls her Xiaoqi.

"where is this place?"

Unconsciously, the two came to a green world.

On the side of the corridor is no longer a bare wall, but a courtyard, a courtyard with various green vegetation.

The courtyard is very large and is divided into many gardens, each of which contains different vegetation.

When asked about Li Meng behind her, she raised her brows and said proudly: "These are some rare plants that the teacher collected during the dark ages. They are extremely cold-resistant and can survive even in the ice and snow. The soil is not They are necessary for survival, and their roots can even plunge into the ice cube to absorb the moisture needed by the body."

It turned out to be like this...

It seems that this courtyard is Wang Yanmei's plant collection.

Also, I'm afraid that only Wang Yanmei, who has experienced the dark age firsthand, has this leisurely mind.

Looking back at Li Meng, she gave Li Meng a fierce look, like a cat protecting her food. She warned: "Don't pay attention to them. These plants are the teacher's treasure."

Li Meng just smiled slightly at the gaze of the demonstration, "I really have this plan. When your teacher wakes up, I will ask her for a few plants."

"Dare you! The teacher won't give it to you."

Like a little tiger showing offense, she stopped and turned to look at Li Meng viciously.

Li Meng chose to ignore the angry little bit in front of her, and walked past her with a smile.

This made her gritted her teeth and quickly followed up with angrily.

"You hate me?"

Li Meng asked softly as he watched the little dog who was following him.

On this question, she rolled her eyes and said without hesitation: "Of course!"

Such an answer made him smile, not paying attention, but sighed thoughtfully: "You really are a child."

Li Meng’s words made her dissatisfied. She grabbed Li Meng’s sleeve and asked: "Why do you say that? I am not a child. I am 32 years old and 41 days old today. How can I be so old? child."

With their left hand tied, the two stopped in the corridor.

Looking down at the cannibal kid around him, Li Meng said calmly: "Wang Yanmei raised you. In your eyes, she is both a teacher and a mother. In the eyes of children, mothers are always the greatest. Your teacher is A hero, a hero that has existed for more than two hundred years, in China, she is a dazzling pearl, and now, the brilliance of this pearl is blocked by me, a sudden outsider. This is why you hate me Reason."

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly and said unceremoniously: "I am inferior to your teacher in terms of prestige, but in terms of my own strength, your teacher is my junior."

Reaching out a little bit on the little forehead, Li Meng said softly: "Little guy, this world is too big. I don't know how many people are better than your teacher. If you want to hate it, then there are many people you need to hate. ."

The forehead was attacked, which made her stay for a while. At this time, she did not hear what Li Meng said.


After a while, she reacted, snorted coldly, and continued walking.

Seeing the little guy who was leaving, Li Meng smiled slightly and followed.

Even if the body stops growing, the growth of the mind has nothing to do with the body, it is related to life experience.

Although Li Meng called her a little guy, she never really regarded her as a child.

Her actual age is already 32 years old. In these thirty-two years, how can her mind remain at twelve years old?

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